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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Jerry, It's good to hear that you feel the way you do, means that all feel welcome no matter what they ride. I know that we, as a group try, to make folks feel like they belong. We appreciate you being here, and letting us know that how much you enjoy what happens here....ride safe
  2. Todd, Thanks for letting us know, never easy to see a brother leave us, but his roads will always be clear and the sun is always shining on his face...god speed to him.
  3. Welcome to our world ....now mulitiply by 6 months
  4. I have been waiting Soooo long to see that!!!! That is great
  5. Thats good info to have Rick, I know that I wasn't real impressed with the front brakes on the G2. Seems the front are a weak as the back is agressive:confused24:
  6. He can't be a member here...there are still the Bridgestone tires on the front of that bike. He would have known to change them out a long time ago
  7. I agree with Dan, check your oil level and if it's more than half way in the window take a little out
  8. You folks have a great time and be careful, sure wish I was in 80 degrees right now
  9. I think we all have fit into that scenario once or twice I know the day of our accident it was getting colder the more east we went. It was 45 degrees when we had the accident and I was hauling tail to get to our rendezvous with Kbran. Glad you 2 didn't come back into FC snowman/woman
  10. Got plenty to go around, I'll have a set ready to go when you are
  11. Cool Beans! The MPG isn't too awful bad considering your pulling a sign behind a smaller truck. I'm sure your going to love the new toy
  12. I had a silverstar also in my '99, for me I wont do another one as it didn't illuminate enough for my liking. The next bulb I will try on the next scoot will be a PIAA.
  13. He wouldn't be the only one They look fantastic
  14. Nice Job....you wont have any problems with that one now, I did the same to my 1st gens...real clean install
  15. Looks good there JB I have purchased a set of those light for one of the Canadian members that I'm going to see this weekend. I'm still looking for a set that is of the 3 1/2" diameter in chrome, but the smaller ones look good. I know that I wouldn't want to ride any 1st gen around releying on just the stock headlight.
  16. Nah, no screw up, I have seen the helo and GW before and really looked it over. It took me a while to pic it apart...still a neat photo. Now those lightning bolts are cool
  17. Cool Pics 1st one is a Dolphin, 2nd one is photoshopped...still pretty cool
  18. We have to have some dream to hang onto with the RSV....I would buy a new one with that powerplant
  19. Very nice...I like it!
  20. You know better Charlie, the bikes are only part of the deal here. You stick around, you might take a few ribbings, but you can still show up in a cage to local M&E's.
  21. Stew, Barnett is a great clutch, but an expensive changeover on the G2. PCW racing out of Schenctady NY has a kit that will eliminate the slippage problem for less than $100 http://www.pcwracing.net/ They sell a kit that adds 1 full friction plate and a heavier diaphram spring. It takes about 45 minutes to install and works fantastic. I know others will chime in, but I have personally done 3 of these kits on the G2's and you can get any better
  22. Squidley

    New Ride

    Nice looking scoot(er) I'm sure you'll have lots of fun with it
  23. Those Crazy New Yawkers
  24. Well you know that every ship has rats on board....and then you piped up Touche' you OLD fart
  25. Perhaps it was just the angle of the pic that was taken on the site, but I didn't really care for that kit. I sort of seemed like a stretch limo type bike, probably just me but I like Jerry M's, it looks like the bike should be as a trike.
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