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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Good post, glad that you got it figured out and I'm sure this will help someone down the line
  2. Very Trick Keith! I'll bet you got some strange looks riding that around, very cool idea
  3. Good on Ya Steve....I'm only dreaming right now of a nice long bike trip like that. Congrats on the new inlaw too...many happy returns to both of them
  4. It's somewhat of a crap shoot as I have had a short shield on my bikes. Wife didn't like the buffeting that she got, so I went with a taller wider one and she was happy. I suppose it all depends on how and how long you ride. We do a lot of long distance rides, with a lot of intersatate speeds. Basically your just going to have to put one on and find out if momma can live with it. I would suggest that even if you go shorter that you go with a wider model as that will help with the buffeting on your passenger.
  5. I know that Mark did the St. Judes run with Dragonrider last year. I know he was fond of the program, perhaps we can approach St. Judes on a memorial in his honor?? And Black Owl is sending flowers, thank you for thinking about it
  6. I wanted to post this up for all our members. I just got off the phone with Nancy Stills (Mean Dogs wife) and she wanted this info to be posted up. They are having a memorial service for Mark at his home in Madden MS. on Saturday March 22nd @ 2pm. If the weather turns bad then it will be held @ the Madden Baptist Church. If anyone would like Marks addy, PM me and I'll send you the info, I dont want to post it here on the site. I know that the family would appreciate any friends of Marks to attend if possible. I just want to mention that I have changed the time. It will start at 2 PM and not 4 like was mentioned, getting old is hard sometimes!
  7. Just to play devil advocate, you did bleed the up on the dash area where the triple trees are correct. There is a bleed screw there that goes down to the left front caliper and can be overlooked. Other than that everything else has been mentioned that I can think of right now
  8. Amazing the reflections that life affords us, hopefully to carry us onward to be better people. As much as I wanted a miracle to happen, there were others that had different plans. I feel very fortunate to have been able to spend time with Mark and Nancy. Those memories are some of the best that I have, I'm just upset that I have to wait to see my brother again. But rest assured, the 1st thing that I will want when I am able to embrace you again my friend....is the ride that we never got to have on this planet. Mark and Nancy....Lonna and I love you, that will never change Kbran....we love you too my friend, God will smile upon you for being as good a friend to Mark as you have been.
  9. I hear you on the nice weather...it's 56 here in the SW part of Michigan...sure do wish I had a bike Were all pulling for Mark, a nicer fella you wont find, I sure do hope that we get a miracle here.
  10. Those will work fine, there are several dealers that are in our preferred vendors list that you can order a gasket from if you like
  11. Good to see you back here Brandi, it's been a long time. Sounds like some doors closed and new ones opened, enjoy your new direction
  12. As soon as I get one....I'll be on it
  13. He's on the move....that can only mean 1 thing....spring is close
  14. Mark and Nancy, It's incredible the fight in humans, going far beyond what some would think humanly possible. Lonna and I think about you folks daily and the time we have been able to spend together. We are longing for more time to spend with you, we love you folks and are talking with the Man for your recovery....god bless you all. Kenny....you are truly a SAINT, people can only hope to have a friend as good as you are....thanks brother for all you do.
  15. Kit, I like your post, no truer words could be spoken. I like to follow all of the pointers that you mention when I host the M&E's. Group rides can be enjoyable and safe, like you mentioned...a little fore planning will go a long way. I do hope that all of our members take the time to read this. You have brought up a great conversation piece that will do nothing less than make up think a bit more PS.....we still love you....even if your on a Wing
  16. Squidley

    New Ride

    You have seen the light Craig! Great bike and a great color...Momma is gonna be very glad that she has lots more room in the back
  17. Thanks Russell...I know that I'll be looking into getting some sort of coverage for the next scoot.
  18. Weeeelllllll
  19. Rick, It's removeable and hooks through where you would put a center stand. Once your done using it you simply pull the rod out and it drops down. You wont find an easier or better made product to use anywhere
  20. Good to hear my friend, I would also like to offer my assistance in helping you spend money with adding chrome
  21. Squidley

    con't pics

    Your making a snowed in brother cry Great trip, looks like you had a good time
  22. You'll be fine, it's not going to hurt anything
  23. I'm 99% sure that they will, look on the rotor face and if it's solid with no heat dissapation slots in the face then they will work. The 1200 cc Ventures had single piston calipers, and they upgraded the braking on the 1300's
  24. Let us know what you need bro and we'll make it happen....you and Eileen are in our thoughts.
  25. They will get a bit throatier after some of the baffling wears out, but the only other option would be a different set of mufflers. The Sampsons are a definite difference, and can be a bit loud, but not terrible.
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