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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Lonna and I know how that feels with a loud thud at the end, Glad you were able to keep it up, we didn't fare so well ourselves
  2. Wish we were able to make it to see you boys again JT...we'll get back down there
  3. A relay is the only way to go, thats how I do all the ones I install
  4. I knew there was going to be a bunch of commotion, and I did relish the thought of it when I bought this bike. It's always good to keep things stirred up at VR.org every now and then There will be another G2 in the stable as soon as Lonna is comfortable being back on a bike. Until then the 1st gen is a close runner up for touring machines for us...gotta have a scoot for the summer whatever it takes Alan, Thanks for the words my friend, I agree that we need to get together again. I had a great time at Russ's last year and looking forward to seeing the crew again
  5. Skid is one of a kind, were very happy to have him as one of our own. Good On You Jeff!!
  6. I knew you would like them, I wouldn't ride without a set on the scoot
  7. Charlie, I hate to tell you this, but as soon as we figure out if Lonna is going to be comfortable being back on a bike, we'll be getting another G2. But stir it up as I know you will, because by next year there will be a newer bike in the garage, be it a 2nd gen again or an ST1300
  8. I believe he's at home as I got a call from him yesterday too
  9. Hey all, I'm in need of a rear proportioning valve for the rear master cylinder. If anyone could help me out I would appreciate it, I'd like to avoid spending $75 for one....Thanks
  10. I had a Brown '86 before I started into the G2's, it was a great bike and we put a lot of miles on it. I know I'll like this one too, just want to be sure that Lonna is still cool with riding before we go out and drop another $12K on another G2. Randy.....you didn't loose the side panels, I have them...no sweat my friend
  11. Not to take away anything from Sleeperhawk or Buckeye Performance, but there is a cheaper easier way. http://www.pcwracing.net/featured.htm PCW racing makes a kit for the RSV that replaces the last half friction disc and the pressure spring with a stronger one. I have done 3 of these in RSV's and they work great for under $100. You dont even have to drain the oil as you can remove the clutch cover with the bike on it's side stand and only a few drops might come out. It's very easy and can be done in an hour or less.
  12. Good on Ya Bobbie!! There is no feeling like being on the open road with the wind in your hair...your gonna love it. Were all real proud of you kiddo
  13. I'm busy with my new one...soon my friend...soon
  14. Nice work, comes in hand for small errands I'm sure
  15. Forrest is right on the money, call John Ganey at PCW and order the kit. It's inexpensive and works great, I have replaced 3, 2nd gen clutches with this kit and they work perfectly!
  16. Yeah it looks like you did...here are some pics
  17. I have used MAW several times and was happy with the results. I bought 2 sets of progressive springs for 1st gens from them. http://www.mawonline.com/newsite/MFGNO11.HTM The part # for your '88 VR is 111112 they are $55 + shipping....good luck in your search
  18. Randy, Your a true brother in every sence of the word....but the side panels didn't fly off....I took them off I have towed too many bikes with side panels and always take them off when on an open bed trailer. I suppoose what I'm saying is, I'm good and I have both the side panels. Your 1 in a million brother and I appreciate all that you have done for me and for the site Thank you my friend
  19. I used it on my 2nd '99 and I purposely ran a screw into the tire before I was going to change it out. Kept the correct air for 3 weeks I would put it in my tires again.
  20. WOW! That is beautiful, I can't wait to see it Bud
  21. I would have probably asked if the had it under control. Like Sledge, I wouldn't be bringing them to my house more than likely. Now some of you have seen me, I'm not the smallest guy on the planet and dressed in leather with a full beard I suppose I could be viewed upon as mean looking person. Looks are decieving, and you never know about folks by their looks. There are many times that I have passed a broken down vehicle and kept driving until that voice has told me to turn around. I have done that a few times to find that a young girl with a little one didn't have a phone. The maker does work in mysterious ways
  22. I have had 2 of them on 2 different RSV's and love them. The wider taller combo cuts the wind dramatically for my wife and the vent is a must for hot weather riding. I'll be getting one for the 1st gen I picked up and will go with the tint
  23. Yeah it did seem like it was missing something Thank you again Mike, I'm getting ancy to get her all cleaned up and rolling. I wasn't disappointed at all, she has a lot of potential and the next time you see her you wont recognise it. I appreciate all your paitence and help with getting it. Be safe and remember that your always welcome here and at any of the rallys or M&E with or without a bike. Take care of yourself
  24. Jason, I just took some pics of how they are on my '86. The D washer goes between the frame and the rubber portion of the motor mount with the flat part of the washer facing downward....hope these help.
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