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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Nothing like a well motivated Trooper....Semper Fi
  2. Squidley


    Couldn't have said it better myself, I treat everthing with a healthy does of skeptisizm. It would be great if it infact was the truth....but I dont plan on being shot at on my bike
  3. Your Famous!!!!
  4. Ray, The rear are as you think, strait forward. The front you have to remove the engine braces to access them. Taking the tank off will give you more room to move around and it will make getting the braces off easier. As far as the torque, I have always just torqued by feel as I've been doing it for 30 years. The torque is 13 lbs on the plugs here is other torque specs that are on the site. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=514&highlight=torque+specifications
  5. It can be done, but it would take a lot of fabrication to make brackets that would make it work. I might be trying to come up with a bracket that can do this for adapting the H/D mufflers onto the 1st gens (which some members have done already). It would take a lot of work for whomever to swap it over I would imagine.
  6. Looks like fun....just remember dont drink the water
  7. I'm looking forward to it Curt, now just need to get my scoot on the road
  8. Thanks for thinking of me Dan, but there will be no projects this year. That one there is just like they said...a parts bike. I do appreciate you thinking of me though buddy
  9. Nice pics Diane, good to see you had a good turn out...and that the Ambassador made it
  10. Never a bore to see pics of a beautiful scoot, good to hear that the site is helping you out. The more money you save with good advise, the more chrome or fuel you get to put in the bike
  11. Don and Linda are great folks, we had a wonderful time with them at the surprise M&E when we were in Texas. It's always fun to hook up with other folks here, I have never had a bad time with any of our members...glad Y'all had a good time
  12. We'll help it along Mike...thats why were here You mentioned being able to look into the pipes and see through them? If this is the case then the baffles have already been removed as the baffles would block your sight when looking through them. As far as comapring the sound, we'll have to get with another of the Michigan members as my '99 was totalled in January We'll make it happen one way or another
  13. Bob, I'm with the others, dont wait for riding season to finish as I believe your just asking for trouble. Get it done as soon as you can and get the healing done, Diabetes is nothing to screw with. I have gone through a lot with Lonna being one....take care of your health my friend.
  14. Dry splines....I have done many of them on lots of G2's. Good on Brakepad to help you along, thats what makes this place the best
  15. Mike, If you want, I have the holesaw and everything to open the HD pipes up. You could shoot out to the house and we could do it in my garage when the pipes are on the bike. I have done this to both of my G2's and love the sound, not obnoxious but rumble very nicely
  16. Done Boss
  17. If I'm not mistaken the holes are there so that condensation can be released so the pipes dont rust out from the inside out...no worries.
  18. You wont regret the Avons, I have run them and the Michelin Commanders, both are great tires.
  19. Good to see you poking your melon in here Tate, it's been a while. Sure do hope on that road trip to Ma's that we'll be able to catch up with you, it would be good to see you and Mom again...be safe and try to stay out of trouble
  20. See there you go Charlie, not reading the whole thing. I would never leave my wife behind. But I do appreciate you steeping up to the plate and busting my gonads....seems like old times (BTW the OLd comment was just for you)
  21. Your being Ornery
  22. If it has doors....it's a cage.
  23. I knew I could continue to count on you Charlie The ST would be if Lonna is not able to ride with me again, I would be solo and it would be what I wanted, and not what fit us both. Before my Ventures I was VERY Honda loyal, they are great machines and I have always wanted an ST....and yes my feet will touch the ground, sat on a new '08 about 3 weeks ago
  24. Dont he look cute on that :rotf:
  25. Thanks Rick, Thom had the valve, but if I find that I need additional items, I'll keep this in mind...Thank you again my friend Lowell....a boat
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