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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. I second that, have had them on my last 2 RSV's and loved the sound. A nice bark when you get on it and mellow enough while cruising at speed. I dont think you'll be disappointed, and if you are, you can sell them on the site for what you have into them I'm sure.
  2. Yep...just as I thought, big ears and limited hair. I do agree with Don in that it took years off you, must seem to agree with you
  3. Jack, How many people do you have on the order so far?
  4. Here is a thread about a group buy for the fork brace http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=21285 and Jacks responce of what it does "Just to make it short and sweet I gleaned this off the Super Brace site. reduces speed wobbles, fork flex, front tire wear and rain groove sensitivity while dramatically improving overall handling and front-end stability."
  5. Good on you folks Kreg, I always loved when ours were little
  6. Nice stalking Bud
  7. I like the black one, if it's not an imposition I would want a black one. If it's a PIA then I'll just go with what is easier. Thanks Jack for stepping up to the plate on this, I know I appreciate all you go through to make this happen for us
  8. Kurt, Sounds like the clutch is slipping and the mileage isn't uncommon for that to happen. I had the same thing happen on my '99 at about 30K. What I recommend is going here to PCW racing http://www.pcwracing.net/catalog.htm Get the heavy duty clutch spring kit and your problem will go away. I have done 4 of the upgrades on G2's and for the price you can't beat it. The process is less than an hour if your mechanically inclined and 2 if your not. You dont have to drain the oil out of it, just set it on the sidestand and pull the cover off the opposite side and swap it out.
  9. If I could only have 2 items to add on, well maybe 3 they would be a backrest (Diamond R or Utopia) some sore of highway pegs and additional lights in the front. $2K is a good amount to be able to put lots of goodies on the bike, like was mentioned it's all up to you.
  10. $600 is a bit high for a parts bike that has been mistreated and left in the elements. Optimumly you would want to be able to sell some plastic to recoup some of your monies. I would have to hear it run and see it roll before I would shell out that kind of money. There are deals to be found and I would either low ball it or let it pass.
  11. You know the rules...we need pics
  12. I think you would probably destroy the pipes if you actually tried to remove the baffle material out, then it would just be obnoxiously loud What we call "removing the baffles" is just removing the quarter sized baffle plates that direct the exhaust flow through the baffles. It makes it sound a bit throatier on hard accelleration, but stays reasonably quiet while cruising
  13. I would never advise that anyone ride with a known problem, that being said, I dont believe that 2 weeks will do it depremental damage. Some have ridden for a lot longer until they actually found out what the problem actually was...you should be OK.
  14. Damn! You beat me to that punchline JT
  15. Jack, Seeing I'm back into the antiques I was looking at getting a superbrace for the '86 that I picked up. Not that it has anything to do with this post, but wasn't there a member that was making these, from Canada I think Yes my hand is raised BTW
  16. Well Said my friend...until we meet again
  17. Nice job Honey...poor biker must have thought you were stalking him
  18. I have built trailers with both sizes, it's all about how often you'll be doing maintenance. 12" tires will spin slower @ hwy speeds so will require less maintenance. You wont even recognise the weight rating on either tire as the bike would be so grossly overrated. I have pulled a trailer I built with 8" tires over 20000 miles with zero problems. That being said as long as you keep them greased regularly either will work fine. I prefer the look of the 12" over the 8" so thats what I build them with now.
  19. There were 2 styles of choke levers on the 1st gens. 1 was around the handlebar and you twisted it to engage it. The 2nd was under the the left handlebar assy that you slid right or left. As far as I can remember the Ventures that I had were the button push style for the signals.
  20. Have fun and be safe fellas
  21. Squidley

    On tour

    One of these days Steve, I still want to get over there and go down under. Looks like you had some good weather in that shot
  22. Mike, Ride over to my house and we'll drill them out right on the bike....doesn't get any easier than that
  23. Al, Just FWIW I would use an 1 1/8" holesaw as the 1 1/4" might be a bit too large. The baffles will fall right out, and if the pipes are on the bike and you drill them start it up with a rag behind the exhaust and they will pop right out.
  24. I thought you fell off the edge of the earth Chuck I hear you on just taking it in, the aggrivation factor can outweigh the money. Get it rolling and lets do another ride, but hopefully without all the rain
  25. Very nice, I like that idea, I'm sure there will be many more folks that will follow your lead
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