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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Yeah your one of the ones that I know of...but I got 2 of those Dunlops, unless SWmoto screwed up and sent me 2 tires for you
  2. Hey All, Lately here I have been over run by tires from SW Moto, today I just recieved a front Avon Venom for a 1st gen. Yeaterday it was another Dunlop 404 white wall, and the day before another Dunlop white wall (I know who this one is for) Could some of you help me incase my darn rememberer has un remembered what someone might have told me
  3. Y'all did....but some actually tried to help me figger it out
  4. Muffin, Thanks for the call and it is appearing to be just that, emissions control for California....Thank you to everyone that posted. OK now you can totally Hijack the thread if it pleases y'all
  5. Here is an option that you can put on top of your brake and clutch reservior and they are a preferred dealer to us. http://www.hoonhardware.com/
  6. I'm not even sure that it was connected to anything. It is the same style as the speaker connection, but the pigtail is so short and next to the wire harness that it doesn't reach anything in that area. I thought it might be to the noise suppressor for the sterio, but it's really too short to reach anything that makes any amount of sense. I'll give it a bit longer, and thank you for living up to the smart asses that I expect you to be. This place is like an old shoe...sometimes smelly, but is a good fit. Thanks all for trying to help me out, specially you Owl, it's not often I get a serious answer out of you Thanks too Carlos for your offer to check yours out, I'll let you know
  7. I dont usually get stumped on the 1st gen....but I am on this one. This plug was located behind the left side inner/upper faring. It has 2 wires one black and one brown with faint white dash marks....any ideas on what it is
  8. When I put mine all back together after that Electrosport disaster, I didn't get but 13.8 on the charge. I would have liked to see 14.2 but that didn't happen, this is after I soldered the stator wires together and had a new Factory Yamaha regulator installed. So I said to hell with it, threw caution into the wind and rode it like I hated it (at the time I did) BTW...you could have said that it was Hal and I would have called him
  9. Thats an understatement! hard to believe that are good folks, but they are. Wish we could have been down there with y'all, I'm looking forward to the next Texas M&E we can make
  10. Excellent pictures Good to fimally put faces to a few of the members like Vance and Big Shell. You'll do more of these M&E's....I'm sure of it. JT.....the image of you tring to put any kind of a dent in Big Shell just makes me sit and laugh. You want to talk about a futile effort
  11. It's funny that you have been mentioned Falko, I too had wondered what had happened. Very good to see you with your light back on. As far as your now Diabetes...I understand your plight, My wife (sweetnothing) has been a diabetic for almost 13 years. Take care of it and watch your foods and you'll be fine. I hope we will see more of your on here, take care of yourself
  12. Sounds like the Regulator Rectifier to me, but there is a way that you can check the stator on the bike. The disconnect plug is right in by the battery and fuel filter, in that jumbled wire mess behind the center cover that the side battery covers hook to. You can disconnect it there and check the ohms if I'm not mistaken. The regulator is down under the radiator behind the right lower fairing. Plug is on the bottom of the unit, disconnect it and check it with a different one. I'd be will ing to bet that it's the regulator....I'm pretty familiar with that charging system
  13. Alex, As mentioned the tire size is narrower, so it does assist in helping the bike turn quicker. Depending on your size (height wise) you may want to install Leveling links and keep the stock 150 tire. The level links will achieve what the narrow tire does and reduce the rake of the front forks, which will make the bike feel lighter to turn. The one thing I noticed when I had the narrow front Avon on my '99 was in a strong cross wind the bike didn't seem as stable. I went back to the 150 on the next set of tires and put the links on and it was better. The links are an option if you have a decent inseam, I'm almost 32" and it was just fine. If your a bit more height challenged then the 130 would probably be a good way to go...hope this helps.
  14. Joe, Send me your addy, I have what your looking for and we can get it to you.
  15. Rick, I dont want to change your mind on the reverese bleed, but there is an easier way....Speedbleeders. I have had a set on my last bike and I can tell you that I changed out the entire fluid in all of the hydraulic systems in less than 20 minutes. I have removed lines and cleaned them out and installed with nothing in the system. Put the speedbleeders on fill the reservors and it was so fast and easy that I wont do it any other way. Just a thought to poder on....here's the site http://www.speedbleeder.com/
  16. Chris, Is your bike a standard or does it have the CLASS system on it. If your not seeing it leak with the soapy water trick on the fork tubes then I would start looking at the tops of the forks behind the fairing. Like Bob mentioned there are 4 orings at the top of the forks, I would check there too. If it has the class system....then you have some other fittings to check
  17. Mind you this is just MY opinion, buy factory Yamaha fork seals, as far as a kit....I have never heard of a complete kit. Also if your going to remove the forks from the bike, and you haven't really attemped replacing fork seals, let a dealer do it. The reason I say this is that they have all the nice little tools to do it and are skilled at getting it done without problems. I know there are many of you yelling at the computer that it's not that hard. But the last thing you would want is to make a mistake, and have a leak after you have done it all.
  18. Both of the backrests are good ones, I personally would go with Diamond R as they have done a LOT for this site and offer us a great discount. Their customer service is great and their product is top notch. Albiet little the Diamond R is easier to put on in my estimation, you wont go wrong with either product.
  19. Hey.... There are some faces there that I recognise Great to see and hear y'all had a good time....I love the sign Lonna and I are going to try to get down there again this year, probably wont be on the bike, but thats ok. I've always said that once you folks started to do these M&E's you would be addicted....looks like your proving that point Thanks for the pics Ponch, it was great seeing them when I woke up
  20. My Friend, I read of your daily trials and look up to you, even though you will never admit it, your one of the strongest people I know. As much as it hurts me, being your friend and seeing you in pain, I know that your working through this as exactly you should be. There are many of us that think of you on a daily basis, I being one of them. It's great when you share your thoughts, and pain with us. I know for me it makes me happy to be alive and slow down a bit to smell the roses. I have said it before and will again, the phone is always on, and were always here to chat....the good days will continue Buddy
  21. I have a set ready to go, shoot me your addy and we'll make it happen
  22. Jonas, As I remember they only had about half a dozen rigs that all they did was transport bikes. Not to seem redundant, but I was VERY impressed with the one that came and picked up my bike. The truck and trailer were immaculant, dual levels with a hydraulic lift gate...top notch gear. I seriously wouldn't think twice to use them if I needed to.
  23. Gineau Pigs dont oink...they squeak...silly Floridian
  24. It's cool Boss....you be the trail blazer and I'll be the anchor/rope man, you know I always have your back
  25. Now Ladies, regardless of if you like mexican or not, the fact that your husbands joined this site is a reason for you all to be grateful. Now would any of you ever met eachother if we weren't so involved with the site....I think not .....and your welcome!
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