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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. The RSV's and for that matter 1st gens I have found to be cold blooded. I always put on full choke start them up and let them run for a couple of minutes. Once riding I take the choke off accordingly and have never had any real issues with them. Running the seafoam through it wont hurt a bit, and make sure that your carb sync is good.
  2. Rich, Thats a tough question as it really depends on what kind of job you want. I would say for a real nice job where you took the panels to someone about $1500 + This is purely an guess on my behalf, but I'm sure some folks will chime in and set me strait if I'm way off.
  3. I dont think I have ever seen any aftermarket wheels that will fit the RSTD or the RSV, I think the stock ones are just butt ugly
  4. Jack & Bev, I never like seeing those titles, but am very relieved to hear that you folks aren't any worse than you are. It seemed like yesterday that Lonna and I had our accident in Baton Rouge. I too had never had such a bad wreck in better than 100000 miles riding scoots. Heal up well and take the time to get it done right, get everything that your entitled to from the other party. Were thinking of you folks and wish a speedy recovery to you both.
  5. TJ, Some of us use Speedbleeders, http://www.speedbleeder.com/ install them on the bike and you wouldn't believe how easy it is to completely replace the Brake Fluids on all the parts that use it. If you want a hand with it I would be happy to assist you.
  6. Leadwolf56 is outside of Elkhart...and he loves to ride
  7. Ebay or fabricate your own, like mentioned it's a 20+ year old bike. Just to play devils advocate here quickly, folks think that parts go high on ebay, and some of them do. But if you think about how much you would pay for chrome parts on say a new RSV...they really aren't as high as you might think.
  8. Jerry, There is a definitely a different feel when you swap the PCW kit in. I too noticed it when I did mine, but like mentioned you get used to it very quickly. Give it a few rides and I believe you'll forget about, it's not going to hurt anything.
  9. Jay, Your in our thoughts bro, as mentioned it's not a death warrant, Lonna has been a type 1 diabetic for almost 13 years. She does amazingly well in controlling it, it will take some time to get used to. If you do have it, sounds like it will be type 2 and could be controlled with diet and a possible prescription. It's scary because it's you and I can imagine the feeling, but it will all work out my friend...the phone is always on and your welcome to talk to us anytime you want.
  10. Gene, Your fabrication skills are great, I could only imagine the trouble you and I could get into if we got to make something together Very cool idea and looks terrific
  11. Hey look at that...you still look the same
  12. We have a winner! DOT 3 & 4 Ok together, DOT 5 no good for us
  13. Here's pics from last years Maintenance day http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Maintenance%20Day%2007/
  14. Check all the battery connectins 1st and make sure they are all clean and tight. Especially check the negative down on the engine on the right side and make sure it's clean. The 1st gen Ventures are finecky with electrical and dont have much tolerance for loose connections. After you have checked the batter connections then possible trouble shoot the other systems, were here for you so keep asking questions if you dont get it figured out.
  15. Mike, Maintenance day is at Freebirds house in Oberlin Ohio on June 7th. Deepending upon where your at, it would be a nice ride to get there and LOTS of us are staying at the Oberlin Inn Friday and Saturday night. Here is a few of the posts on it http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=16914&highlight=Freebirds+Maintenance http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=21116&highlight=Maintenance
  16. Up in the upper right hand area of the forum page is the search key, type into it what your looking for and it will bring up all the posta and thread related to that subject. Sometimes you may have to search out several key words to get what you looking for.
  17. Thank you Mister Tuckett, it might have been mentioned, but I could have forgot. Sorry fellas...all the tires are now accounted for
  18. Thats why were here Buddy
  19. Good luck with it, I do hope you can get it cheap. Just make sure that all the paperwork is in order and if you have questions...just ask them Welcome to the site
  20. Squidley

    RK woes

    Rich, Dont worry about removing them, they arent going to restrict any real amount of exhaust flow through them. As long as you have the small baffle plates drilled out it will flow nice.
  21. Your a fast learner, I knew you were smarter than you looked when you decided to take on a Moderating job here
  22. Steve, Get ahold of Beer30, he has been making bra's for both gens. Here is a post about what he makes http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=15636
  23. Yeah they are both WWW and if nobody claims it in a week and I can't find out who ordered it.... it's all yours
  24. Thanks Hal....I know there are many of us that are excitied about getting over the border
  25. Not meaning to Hijack this...but I just want to tell all our LEO's here, that thank you for what all of you do and have done. I have never got a ticket that I truly didn't deserve and I know why we pay you. I couldn't do what you all do....I'd shoot as many stupid people as I could before I was removed
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