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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. HA!!! I knew you folks would get addicted, way to go Kreg and even if this one doesn't pan out all the way, keep doing them. I just wish we had the money to ride around the country to attend every M&E that was thrown
  2. There you go GW....now your trying to wreck the website
  3. After the cruise of '08
  4. FM, You can send Paul a Private Message (PM) and let him know your interested. Here is the ad in the classifieds http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/973/cat/6/limit/recent/date/1156391368 If you have any difficulties let me know and we'll get it squared away
  5. Thank you for all your replies, Bongobob came through for me and is shipping me one that he has. Can't thank you all enough for helping out
  6. Beautiful little horse, I have always liked horses, just never been able to get much riding time on any of them.
  7. The CLASS system can be a PIA, there are a few areas that it could be leaking from. Fill a bottle with soapy water and spray it around the fittings and see what you come up with. It's going to be a bunch of trouble shooting, but take your time and ask questions when you get stuck...we'll be here.
  8. I can see one of the things that I'll be doing to you in Ohio
  9. Easy Father time
  10. I use 87 octane all the time, I have never had any problems using it. I have heard that some use premium grades if they have the Dana 3000 ignition on their bike to limit the spark knock. Other than that...I'll keep using the cheap stuff
  11. We'll make it happen and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing you at Freebirds for Maintenance Day
  12. Ben, I dont think so, this is one that hooks into the factory wiring harness, but thank you for offering, I really appreciate it
  13. I laugh everytime I see that...and your right Scott Charlie is 2 servings
  14. I wont have time to do anything on mine...so it looks like I'll be doing basic stuff again. I just hope it's not a darn hot as it was last year
  15. This is just a guess....Mustang?
  16. Things are good my friend, looking forward to getting back in the saddle again. We definitely have to get another M&E going up here and get you folks out. May is gonna be busy for me with the power plant going down. But once thats done....LOOKOUT!!!
  17. Long before I had a bike with a windshield on it, you know back when I was cool I was stationed down in Mayport Florida, and got hit by quite a few of the "June Bugs" actually had one break my faceshield in half on a full faced helmet...so I too know bug guts
  18. Tony you old so and so.... The narrower Avon Venom is 130/90-16 or MT90 -16 The vendors are in the forum down almost to the bottom of the page, you should be able to find whatever your looking for there. Diamond R or Utopia are the ones most use for their backrests, Diamond R has been very good to us here. Ohio, you might be thinking of Buckeye performance, Rick H owns it and has quite a few different items for the Ventures. Hope to catch up with you soon...be safe you nut!
  19. That might be able to be arrainged, I know that I have a few others that would like me to build them one also. What would you be looking for as far as size and money spent. Steel would be cheapest and would obviously need painting. Aluminum would be a bit pricey but would be nice and light and could be polished.....the sky is the limit with me spending your money
  20. Shell Rotella T 15W 40 Thats all I use in my bikes and have for years....but you'll get other answers for sure
  21. You never know Ruffy....I have gone and done stranger things with no warning
  22. Steve, I can appreciate where your coming from, but it seems that there are so many "NEW" gadgets that come out that it's hard to follow many of them. I fell into the Irridium plugs gimmick and spent $35 on spark plugs that just made me $35 more broke. I suppose I am a doubting Thomas in the fact that many new ideas dont seem to be worth a darn. I know progress isn't made that was, but there are lots of unscroupulous p[eople that care nothing more than to part you from your money. BTW....I did like the Empirical line too
  23. I agree Don, and I dont have any room to talk as I haven't signed up yet. I think you will find that there will be a lot of last minute procrastination, but there will be a rally and it will be great. Colorado shouldn't be the benchmark, it's really about just getting together, as many as we can and share our lives with eachother for a few days. Some folks are a bit on the fence about going into Canada as they have never been there and dont know what to expect at the border. It's not a big deal, Lonna and I are over in Canada at least 10 times a year and usually more. It will happen, it will be great fun and folks will get signed up and come....I have a hunch on this.
  24. Hugs and kisses buddy
  25. Nope not me....but it does look pretty clean and with extra goodies like driver floorboards and heel toe shifter. I wonder what it will end up going for
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