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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. TJ, If you would like I could stop over after work tonight and give you a hand and we can knock it out. My cell # is in my profile, give a call if you would like a hand.
  2. Thanks for all the feedback fellas, I looked at the website Carl posted up and do believe that I found what I'm looking for. Did I mention that I love this place
  3. JT, Talking to the man as I type, as always, the phone is on and should you want to talk with a Yankee I'm here to listen my friend. God Bless your wife, let us know if we can do anything else besides pray.
  4. I just bought a set at a local Walmart by me here in Michigan not too long ago, cost $15.67 + tax. I'll try to stop in and see if they have anymore.
  5. My nieces and nephews love the bike, it stirs the soul even at a young age
  6. Your best bet for right now is to split the fairing and clean the connections, make sure to grease them up with some dilectric grease before you put them back together. I know that folks have had a similar problem and that took care of it, let us know how you do.
  7. any information about LED's that can be used to replace "peanut bulbs" for some of the aftermarket 1st gen lights. I dont know that I have ever seen anything like what I'm describing. I have to ease the power consumption that the bulbs take and I'm curious to know if there are direct replacements that will fit into the exsisting bulb receptacles.....Thanks for any guidance
  8. Can't get Geico cycle insurance in Michigan, not available here from what the website said when I was looking to insure my '86. Serves the little green lizard right
  9. JB, Anything you want to offer up as far as a writeup is cool, we dont want this to be a partime job for you. It seems like it would be pretty strait forward, My biggest question is about the led strips, the rest I can muddle through. Whatever additional info you can give us is greatly appreciated....thanks again
  10. Around here in Michigan our gas has 10% ethanol added, I personally have never had an issue with it, but that doesn't mean that you aren't. I would suggest the 1st thing you do is runa can of seafoam through it and see what happens. I'm not saying it's in your head but for the few dollars that can will cost it might be a thought.
  11. It's all in fun, I have many friends who ride Harleys and they are great machines. They have a lot more up to date amenities that the RSV should have. I wont get one because of the seating position, I can honestly say that I feel better on an RSV as far as footing position than a Harley....but I really like the looks of the Nightrod
  12. Good to see your back home in 1 piece Erich The more you get into the site, the more you'll see it is like a family, perhaps a dysfuntional one, but one none the less As the rides and miles on your new bike goes on you'll find even more to love about the Venture. It's a great machine and I think you'll find yourself wanting to attend some Meets & Eats. Be safe on it and here's hoping we catch up with you soon.
  13. Thanks for the update Roy and all your hospitality, this is why I love being in this site....the people make this place what it is
  14. Thanks for the update Todd Glad to hear that Dad is getting better, I wont even go on the hospital tangent, but glad it turned out for the best. Still thinking of you folks...be safe my friend
  15. MMMMM Crawfish....I'll tell you, when we were down in Boglusa at Kbrans this past christmas, Beth made us some good ole Cajun food....this fat guy was in heaven!!!!
  16. I too would look into the fuel system as it runs so your getting spark. Perhaps the fuel filter is plugging up and starving it for fuel, also check your petcock and make sure it's on the reserve setting, it's located at the lower right hand portion of the bike just at the bottom of the side cover. Keep us updated on your progress and we'll get it figured out.
  17. Thanks for the pics Roy, His posts can hardly contain his enthusiasm. I'm sure he'll get wet a bit, but you can't claim to be a biker if you haven't ridden in the rain
  18. We have 10% ethanol here in Michigan, anything higher than that could give you problems. There is regular gas in Illinois with a small mixture of ethanol...you should be just fine.
  19. Hate to say it, but I dont think that riding is a good choice for this fella
  20. Joe, Your more than welcome to swing by the house here and we can put some of the items on. I have a garage full of tools and only 1 bike tore down
  21. Roy, You have been on here long enough to know that it's not about what ride you have, just that you do. It's a good feeling when you do have to sell something and know that the fella getting it is really looking forward to it. Please stick around, I know you dont post often but that doesn't make you any less of a member than anyone else. Take care of yourself and hope we get to meet up with you in the future
  22. JB, Where did you buy the LED's from, I have wanted to do that and now your spurring me on to do it faster
  23. He must really be having fun because he is repeating the same thing again It will be good to hear how it's going for him once he gets on a computer....be safe Erich
  24. Here is a link to dealers that were within a 50 mile radius of 48066 which is Roseville if I'm not mistaken. http://www.amsoil.com/dealerlocatorresults/dealerlocator.aspx
  25. Thats something I want to do on this '86 I just picked up. Very nice jod JB, I like it a lot! BTW where did you pick up the LED's?
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