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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Joe, Thats a little shorter of a ride for you for sure I had been talking to Larry and he mentioned workiong on your bike this weekend. Never a problem with the offer, it always stands if you need a hand with something, have fun at Larry's
  2. I love to see posts like this
  3. Sorry to hear your giving it up Steve, it was a great time meeting you and the boys in Niagra Falls. Good luck on selling the bike and your new recreation
  4. Your really leaving us kinda blind here GW Is she a high maintenance type that expects roses and a fancy dinner, or can you pawn the kids off and perhaps take her out for a picnic on the bike...just the 2 of you
  5. I saw the responce before it disappeared
  6. Didn't see this responce when it was made, I run the max pressure in the rear and you can shave a bit off the front. The reason that I say to keep them up at the top pressure is your load capacity is rated at MAX inflation pressure. The less pressure you have in them, the less load capacity you have with the tire. It's easier to keep them at just about max then forget and run an overloaded under inflated tire.
  7. Yep! I was hit by one of those going south on A1A in Florida on my Interceptor. I had a full faced helmet on with the shield down doing about 70 mph. Broke the faceshield in half and damn near broke my neck it felt like. Almost like I was shot by a gun
  8. It's only 1000 miles from me Wish I could be there, but alas the powerplant needs to be put back together....Y'all have fun
  9. Happy Anniversary Don and Linda
  10. Stupid is as stupid does....too bad he didn't remove himself from the gene pool
  11. Very well said Tom, and I couldn't agree with you more. There are some folks that dont know Don personally, I am fortunate that I get to see him several times a year and call him my friend. Don is a very modest man and he hates it when folks have to donate. We actually made him put the donation button on the site as he is dead set on keeping this site free to all. There are a lot of folks that are having tough financial times, and that is to be understood. I do alright and donate what I can when I can. To me this place is worth a minimum of $100 a year as I have made so many good long lasting friendships. Don may come out and tell us not to worry about it, but I say that we do worry about it and send monies if you can. Again that is if you can and you believe this place is worth some money. I know that I send money in all during the year, 20 here 10 there, there are always costs that pop up and then the OPE fund for sending flowers to members funerals and whatnot. I appreciate all of you that have made donations and those that are going to. This place is a happy place to come to because of Dons tireless work and the memebers that help this place run.
  12. Folks.... I wanted to bring this back up to the top and perhaps shed a little light on this. The Ontario group has worked very hard to get this rally going, I know exactly what they are going through as I have done this. There doesn't seem to be a lot of interest in this for whatever reason. Perhaps it's the location and some folks are apprehensive of going into another country, it's not rocket science, and Canada ins't Siberia. Perhaps it's the money aspect of it, you feel that $90 per person is a lot to ask. I can assure you that the Rally in Colorado was right on par with the money # that Rooster has put up. We have a central location with all the amenities, a place to have a central breakfast, and a place to come back to in the evenings. This includes a T shirt (colorado price was 10 to 13 dollars ea.) Breakfast (Colorado was $5 per person at the Moose Lodge) and the ending supper That was $12 in Colorado and not worth that much money. The Moose Lodge was $600 to rent for the 4 days and I pulled my hair out asking for donations due to me not having a registration fee up front. I will say something here at the cost of ticking some folks off and hopefully getting them off the fence. There is a good possibility that this event could be cancelled due to lack of interest or scaled way back. To me that is a huge slap in the face for all the Ontario members that have busted their butts to make this happen. It's a given that I am going to be there with Lonna, but Rooster needs solid #'s and in a few days. If you have concerns or issues COME ON AND SPEAK YOUR MIND nobody knows what everyone else is thinking. Nobody is going to persecute anyone else for stating concerns about this rally. The time to act is right now, we are at the 11th hour with the registration and I know that Rooster has some of his own money wrapped up in this. I have gone into Canada hundreds of times and I always end up back across the border. Please dont let this rally not happen because of fear of crossing a border. If anyone wants to talk about anything pertaining to this in private, my PM box is always on. Lets get behind our Canadaian members and make this happen, there are many great roads in Ontario and I know that everyone that crosses the border will have a vacation to remember.
  13. Always good to save money, means more fuel for the scoot
  14. I think you misquoted that, you are the best friend any of us could have. I'm sure there were folks huddled in the corner like a dope addict coming down from a trip....you amaze me buddy....now get in the shower...stinky!
  15. Brother....I dont know how you do it, but you NEVER cease to amaze me or let any of us down. I figured it was going to be way more of a train wreck and you performed another hail mary. I just sit here and scratch my head
  16. It is very different looking, I like it from a fabrication stand point, but I don't think I would buy it even if I could afford it.
  17. Man you folks are hard on a brother...even my damn wife is throwing me under the bus
  18. 2 words Tate BITE ME! In all seriousness, very cool my friend, what a dream job to have
  19. Stock size front tire and leveling links, if your inseamed challenged, then forgo the level links and go with the narrower front tire
  20. Don, As it's been mentioned on the other post about a dedicated server, Let's see how feasable a change is. I'm sure that the donation button has been hit more than once, and I'm all for getting us to a better place with the members we now have. Let us know what you want us to do and how we can help and we'll just make it happen.
  21. I knew you would like it...you must have rode to work today
  22. Theres some sort of practical joke in this I'm sure
  23. TJ, It was my pleasure to be able to help you, like we talked about last night, my knowledge on the bikes is due to the MANY times I screwed something up and learned the hard way. BTW thanks for the directions on getting home, the ride was awsome and nothing better than I could have asked for....see you soon bud
  24. I have done several of the swaps and never had an exhaust leak. I clean the header pipe on the bike with some emory cloth before I install the pipes onto them and it's a tight fit. The clamps I use are spesifically made for mounting Harley pipes on metric cruisers. They can be purchased from V twin mfg and are part # 31-9920 Here's a set on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=350055072927&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:PIC&ih=022
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