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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. It's fun to meet members, especially now when they make a post you'll always here their voice when you read what they have to say. Haven't had the pleasure of meeting DNboll, but I have spent many hours with the ambassador....he's a hoot!
  2. Thats the 3rd time it's been up on ebay, seems strange, but if I had the money.....I would buy it
  3. WOW!!!! Delicate and sweet, perhaps Mini, but surely not Jeff!
  4. Hey All, I wanted to take a minute and let you folks know of a memorial ceremony that will be held for Mark Still (AKA Mean Dog) in New Manchester WV on June 29th. This will be held at the New Manchester Volunteer Fire Dept. between 12 noon and 2 pm. I have talked with Nancy and Lonna has also talked with Marks daughter, Missy. They would love for as many of you that can attend to come over and spend the afternoon with them. This will be the Sunday that Skid's ride in ends, so it would be real nice if folks that were already in the area could stop in. I am planning on being there after the Skid in and if anyone would be interested in a group ride heading north from Jeff's place in Gassaway. It's about 175 miles from Jeff's place up in the north handle of the state, this is where Marks family is located. Looking forward to seeing as many VR members as I can, Nancy and the family would greatly appreciate it also. Here's the complete address to the Fire station... New Manchester Volunteer Fire Dept. 193 High Street New Manchester WV. 26056 http://www.nmvfd.org/default.asp I am having a bit of problems mapquesting it out, but will contact the fire dept for more precice directions.
  5. VR has always 29
  6. 1st time I have ever seen whitewalls on a 1st gen
  7. Very nice Kreg! It looks like all you folks had a good time
  8. :banana::banana:Woooo Hoooo!!!:banana:
  9. Looks like I have to work ...so it really doesn't matter to me. But I hope that all you folks get to go out for a ride
  10. You folks are still in our thoughts my friend, glad to hear there is improvement and hope.
  11. Perhaps for an old style gun a pancake might not be adequate, but most of the guns sold now are HVLP High Volume Low Pressure. You could be correct, but how I paint is triggering the gun often so I dont think it would be an issue. But I have been wrong before, and will continue to be in the future
  12. I was hoping that some of the pep talks would spur things on...I was mistaken. It is a shame as I truly believe that folks are afraid to cross the border...which is a huge misconception. We will be there regardless and I know it will be great time, Rooster....do we have artwork for the Tshirts? If so let me know and I could see about having the guy that did the shirts for Colorado take a peek and see the price for that. I would certainly hate to not be able to get a Tshirt due to this.
  13. GW, I didn't realise that you needed the brackets also I'd still be willing to send you the plastic wing and all you would have to find is the bracket
  14. Come on Carlos....I need a paint project to see if I still have it
  15. Nathan, Your pancake compressor will do the job of running a spray gun. Like you mentioned your not knowledgeable with painting like that so I can understand it. Carls write up was very good and the most important thing about a nice paint job is to prep it right and keep the area dust free while your painting. If you have other questions ask them or feel free to PM me
  16. Jackie, I am in the minority here as I can't stand the CLASS system on the 1st gens. I had my '86 almost leave me stranded pulling a trailer loded in Georgia as I couldn't fill the rear shock over 45 lbs. I am changing my '86 I just bought over to the standard setup. If you can make it to the Texas Maintenance day that would be a great idea. Great folks and you'll learn a ton of stuff, best of luck in whatever path you choose.
  17. Holy Crap!! That reflection in the nameplate scared the Hell out of me!!!:shock3:
  18. GW I have a Venture one that you can have, I'll be making a set out of polished diamond plate...PM me your addy.
  19. Just saw the post Lewis, we will be at Dons and we can cut the windshield. I'll bring a cutoff tool with me home and we can hook it up to Dons compressor and make it happen
  20. Glad to hear it worked out for you Dick, I know many folks that are happy with the progressives on both ends of the bike.
  21. Nathan, Painting can be tricky when you are trying to do it with spray bombs. If you dont have any other means to paint it, meaning a quart or pint sized air sprayer, then I wouyld look for a good quality enamel paint. Make sure that you get one with a very good spray cap that will fan the paint well. getting a cheap can with a cheap spray cap will 99% of the time look...cheap. Wish I was closer to you, I have all the spray equipment and I love to paint, did it for 6 1/2 years in the service. Let us know if you have any other questions.
  22. Cool...glad to hear that you got it like you wanted. I just went over to TJ's house and we bled his clutch as he was having problems. 30 minutes later it was in great shape
  23. Check the fuses first, always keep it simple and then proceed once you have the basics covered. The RSV is notorious for the key switches going bad, that is another place to look if you find all the fuses are good. Make sure your battery connections are all tight and clean, it's probably something simple, dont pull your hair out....we'll get you through it
  24. That was easy....your welcome
  25. Ken, I took them off my '99 as I liked the look better, I never had any issues or noises. What seems strange to me is that only 1 of them has this on it
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