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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. We'll miss you and the wife down at Dons' but your heart is in the right spot...all the best to your Mom and your family.
  2. Or use some underarm deodorant :rotf:
  3. Your in Ohio, close enough for some of the Michigan members to come down to your place and give a hand with the forks. There will be lots of info too, it's going to be a great day but it will go by FAST! Dan, I know what a PIA the valve covers are to get off in the bike, not a fun job at all and pretty time consuming. I know many appreciate the effort of it and thank you for wanting to help the members out
  4. Dons house is in Oberlin Ohio SW of Cleveland, 16898 Hawley rd. Stop in if you can, you might not want to leave.
  5. Get with me Saturday Jay and we'll put it on, wont take any time at all.
  6. It was 90 degrees last year and it just about killed me! It will be a great day no matter what the weather, I guarantee it
  7. Folks, Not wanting to rain on anyones parade here, but some of the things that I have been reading are VERY involved projects. I would have to say that some reconsideration might be in order. Fork seals are time consuming and having a clean area to work is a must. The same with adjusting valves, The reason I mention this is I know how these things turn out and the day will fly by so fast and we will all be BSing that we should really think about performing simple maintenance tasks. I'm not saying this to let anyone down, but we have to be practical and Don has been gracious enough to open up his home to us for this, and we dont want to destroy his garage ans urroundings with grease and grime. A good rule of thumb is to keep the repairs you have in mind to a 60 to 90 minute max. There are many members that will come to folks houses and help with larger maintenance needs....just something to keep in mind
  8. The RPM need to be up more, about 1000 rpm's, the charging systems on these Ventures is less than desireable. As as it dying, if you have taken care of the fuel delivery system it shouldn't be that system. But it doesn't make any sense as the problem would seem to lend itself to a fuel problem. Get the RPM's up and see if that doesn't take of the problem, BTW did you do a complete tune up with wires caps and plugs also?
  9. ...for the '86, I just bought a right side Markland floorboard off ebay and now I need a left....anyone have just a left they want to part with??
  10. Looking forward to seeing you and George also Bobbie....it's been way too long!
  11. I'll be bringing my jack and hopefully a lift adapter, my electrical box and tools to drill R/K mufflers.
  12. Were leaving Thursday night and help Don set up on Friday so we'll see you folks down there
  13. Thats what I did on my old '86 and I'm doing the same with this new '86 I just got. The Class system on the 1st gen bikes sucks! way too finecky
  14. I will add some fuel to the fire and say that we had 1 of the mentioned cheesecakes tonight with my Dad when he came over for supper....and it tasted really good
  15. It will interchange besides the rotors like Rocket mentioned
  16. I'm gonna keep this one up top so everyone can see it, I hope for many of you to be able to attend
  17. Sounds like a good ride, we'll have to see whats happening the closer we get
  18. Wish it was us....then we could do another Texas M&E
  19. Sorry about not seeing this one sooner Joe, Keep at it as we will get together soon. I am going to plan one after Freebirds maintenance day.
  20. Mike, The offer is still open for you to head out to my place and we can fix it here in my garage. If your going to come down to Freebirds for maintenance day, we can do it there.
  21. I recommend the Haulbikes that Eck posted up, I had a guy use them to ship a bike he bought from me. I was VERY impressed with the rig and the professionalism in which they straped the bike down. I wouldn't hesitate a second to use them if I was shipping a bike. http://www.haulbikes.com/haulbikes.html
  22. JB...... You are the definition of a brother my friend, I too dont have much to say...God bless you man Semper Fi
  23. JT, We have followed your trials with this since the beginning, and I am saddened that the outlook is less than desired. Life is short, and any of us can be taken in a moments notice. I pray that your days remaining with your wife are as fulfilling as they can be, we love you both my friend and will continue to talk with God...
  24. Your all cynics, get on the bikes and ride
  25. It'll be good to see it in Ohio, good on ya buddy!
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