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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Lee, That is a common problem when a tire is run under inflated, but it's not always the case. I'm anal on tire pressures and some tires and the way the tread is designed causes them to cup after a certain amount of mileage. There are other variables like solo riding vs 2 up and loaded vs unloaded, but some times it's just the way that the tires deteriorates over time. Cupping will also give you the feeling like your steering head bearings are loose.
  2. Great job Boe
  3. Thanks Buddy, I kinda figured it would be you or Yammer Dan that were gonna come up with them. Thank you to everyone else for posting up, I really appreciate it and hopefully I'll have the bike back together by this weekend. I am having serious withdrawls since I had to give Muffin his bike
  4. ....for my '86, the headlight plug and the handlebar nut that holds it to the triple tree. I would gladly pay to get me hands on these
  5. Rooster, How much more do we need to secure the trailer?
  6. Thanks Jeremy....carbs are not my specialty, but I have a feeling that I'll be fully schooled with this set
  7. I'm getting better at fixing these antiques But I believe that I will bench test it like Gearhead mentioned. I just got all my parts in and now I can really kick it in to high gear and hopefully assemble it by the weekend
  8. I hate to see your bike like that Randy, I wont even go off on a tirate as I would like to. I hope you can hang this puke and his girlfriend High
  9. Everytime you change the rear tire grease the rear end components, or once a year, you'll never have problems that way.
  10. Todd, Quit screwing around and just buy a FJR, when will you and Swifty learn
  11. Thanks fellas for all your responces, I have set them at what I saw in the posting that MM482 put up from the Vmax forum. I'll just have to put them on and see what comes of it, do appreciate all the input
  12. Monies sent rooster....thanks again for all your efforts
  13. Looks like Skids is going to be the smokey mountain maintenance day....that works too
  14. Hey Folks, I have my '86 down and apart and decided since it's this far down I would take the carbs off and check the float levels to be sure they were in specs. This is where my problem lies, the manual doesn't give a measurement at where the float should be set at statically, it shows how you can check if they are high from the outside and together, but not a measurement internally. Does anyone know the measurment that they should be set at and where the measurment is taken from. I am glad I did this as someone has been into these carbs before and I had a screw fall out that wasn't installed properly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  15. Another thing is to check all your vaccume lines and caps, I had a pop on decel and it turned out to be a line I missed while taking off the AIS.
  16. They are interesting looking thats for sure.
  17. LOL now thats funny
  18. Not that I'm stirring the pot here, but I dont believe that loud pipes will make a cager hear you any better. If your on a freeway doing 70 mph there is a lot going on, semi trucks and whatnot. Many cars that I have ridden in these days are very soundproof, and even with the radio inside them at a reasonable volume a set of loud pipes doesn't really make a big difference in the passenger area. Now I really dont like them in a group as I have been stuck behind some bikes with loud pipes and it's annoying. I guess it's all in what sound you find appealing but loud obnoxious is just that. I usually tell guys if they have strait pipes or whatnot to ride in the back of the pack, it's a courtesy thing for the other riders. I believe that additional lighting up front is a much bigger safety feature myself, but I'm no expert at anything
  19. I have had no problems with them on wet roads....and I have traveled a few in my time. I always slow down in the rain anyhow, but the tires always seemed sure footed to me.
  20. Ron.....you actually looked good with all them womens surrounding you...whoda thunk'd it
  21. Well we survived so it must have worked of course it's somewhere west of Baton Rouge off I 10
  22. Thanks for the update JT, never easy to see a friend go through the treatment, he'll be in our thoughts
  23. Lowest most forward part of the bike is where it should be
  24. Very nice...a story with a happy ending
  25. I think thats it too....just doin' it's job
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