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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Mini, Thats all I know of right now, just the handlebar nut and the headlight plug. Yep....thats the one, you wouldn't hardly recognise her, BTW thanks again for all your help in getting it here to me
  2. I finally got to take MY bike out for a ride of about 1 mile tonight I have been working on it since I got the parts in mid week and tire mounted and such. Coughs a little and it was kinda tough to see without the windshield on....but I came home with a smile on my face. I'll try to work out any bugs before we head to Skids this weekend, but it sure will be nice to get the wind back in my hair
  3. Bob, Not adviseable, I know the bike will not handle the tounge weight, and you would have to have electric brakes on the trailer. I"ll say it right out, your out of your mind if you attempt it, get a truck and trailer to get it.
  4. I'm trying to keep you folks into good items a a good price so I will put both the 1st gen Driving light brackets aaaaand the 2nd gen H/D muffler brackets back on sale. The Driving light brackets will be $25 shipped to your door http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/835/cat/6/date/1156391368 The H/D muffler brackets will be $35 shipped to your door http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/288/cat/7 If you have been looking to get these items...heres a chance to get them on sale
  5. Well you just told 5000 people how bad they are. I just dont understand how a dealership can stay afloat when they pull stuff like that
  6. Congrats to her Brad, your gonna have to keep an eye on her, she's sprouting up fast
  7. Great job GW! nice pics and I see that Bvinson was there with his camera, so he'll have some interesting shots too I'm sure. Good to see some of the familiar faces like Gunboat, Ponch, Goose and Lowell (who rode his Venture for a change ) I know your hooked now!
  8. See GW....I told you it was going to be a great time.....NOW WHERE ARE THE PICS!!!! OK I stand corrected with the pics, saw them in the other thread
  9. Same thing here, they have it in a spreay can at any autoparts store.
  10. Not really, it is a PIA where they put it and when I changed the one on my '99 I installed an aftermarket inline with a replaceable filter so it was easy to get at and quick to change. I bought the filter at Autozone in their performance section and it worked slick, never got to change it as the bike was totalled 4 months later. You have to remove the middle cover behind the engine and just move things out of the way. Just be paitent and take a break if your blood pressure starts to go up.
  11. Great work as usual Gene I like the beer tossing fridge too there Greg
  12. Vin, If we can get hooked up later this summer we could do the brakes in no time. I did front and rear on Joe's (Star 4772) in about 25 minutes, it's really very easy.
  13. You should be fine with 4 straps, I just like the added insurance of the other 2. If you have any more questions feel free to ask, there are no dumb questions here.
  14. Good to hear you got it straitened out...BTW are you 2 going to be at Skids this weekend coming up?
  15. Steve....dont worry about pressure on him, were always bustin' his chops every chance we can get
  16. I believe that I would like to have that car too
  17. When I have to trailer my bike I use 6 straps to lock her down. 2 in the front on the triple trees pulling the front tire into the chock, 2 in the back pulling backwards on the rear peg framework, and 2 on either side pulling to the sides. Some will say this is overkill, and it could be, but I had a bike go over 1 time....and it will never happen again. I have no knowledge on your trailer, but it should work out just fine as most are designed to do whatever you ask of them. Here are a few pics of how I trailered my '86 from Kentucky to Michigan.
  18. I see that you have some time on your hands
  19. They are fun aren't they
  20. A good friend of mine owns a Honda dealership and sells the Reflex and the Ruckus. He rarely works on them as they are super reliable. I wouldn't waste my time with a chinese crap one, get a Honda and forget about it. I have sat on the Reflex and it is a great machine, even for my big ass
  21. I bought the winning ticket for Clay 18 last year when we presented him his bike when he returned home from the middle east. Told him to pick one and I'd buy it for him.....hows that for luck
  22. I would check the intake boots on the engine where the carbs actually hook onto, make sure they are tight. Perhaps there is a problem there however slim that may be. The only other thing I can think of off my head is a sticky float in the carb. But if it's not leaking that makes it harder to detect. I would tap on the float bowls with the handle end of a screwdriver and see what comes of it, also try running a can or Seafoam throught it incase there is something stuck in the carbs.
  23. Hate to say it, but ebay is going to be your only option more than likely....and hang onto your wallet, they dont go cheap!
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