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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Pinch me!!! What did I do Now
  2. I'll bet there is a HOT Red bike just waiting there for you
  3. Dont sweat it, mine is due for the 600 mile change too, but it will have more like 1200 on it when I finally can take it in Tuesday. I will do this just because of the warranty and not so much that I trust the dealer.
  4. I bought the Morgan Carbtune and can have a bike synced in less than 30 minutes. I just did my '08 the other day and it took me 5 minutes....it's that easy to use once you know how.
  5. Set a date and we'll do our best to be down there
  6. Thats what I would do also, let your insurance company handle it. Dont mention anything about sueing or such, if the time comes, hit them without notice. Also made damn sure that your son is thoroughly checked out medically. Problems arise years after accidents, so don't settle on anything yet.
  7. Thats what they all are like, it's a mass produced item done by robots. Yamaha chrome items have never been very good at finish quality. I have been using the ones from JC whitney that are a bit different configuration. They are priced out at about $80 + shipping, your rack there is no different than any other Star accessory item.
  8. Gary, Where abouts in Michigan are you? I'm SE area and could stop over if you want a hand with it. The brakes can be a bear to bleed and it can be tedious to say the least. My cell # is in my profile, give a call if you need or would like a hand.
  9. It was great to have you there, people showing up is what makes these rallys. Glad that you had a good time, I know the wife and I did
  10. Also make sure that the connector to the unit is tight on the post of the sender. It's on the right side of the bike on the upper frame tube top of the radiator.
  11. The Green one is for a California emissions hook up....and now you know of the other 2 grounds
  12. Nice looking truck....you'll pass everything besides a gas station Just razzing you, it is a nice looking truck, enjoy it as much as you can
  13. I love a happy ending I had one pull out in front of me while I was headed to work this morning at about 60 mph. I didn't even have time to get on the horn as I was swerving to avoid him. I let him know he was # 1 and he stayed WAY behind me.
  14. Many different views on the 880's I had a set on my 1st '99 without a problem until the bike was totalled (not by the tires). But I personally know of 5 people who have had problems with the 880's and 2 weren't on a Venture. Obviously buy what you want, but I will never buy a set of the 880's or reccommend them to anyone....0.98 less than a buck worth.
  15. Very cool....now your celebreties
  16. At over $4 a gallon for gas EVERYDAY is ride to work day for me
  17. I couldn't agree more with Craig, he's playing you and hoping that you will cave. I'm the kind of guy that would call him out on that. It was mentioned that he finds you a bike of equal value in the same condition. Stand your ground, as hard as that is, and dont accept any deal on medical. Were finding problems with my wife after out crash 7 months later....good luck with it Bud
  18. For the $100 thats not too bad, I made one out of Aluminum and it would almost cost me that in materials. I was going to attempt to make some, but at that price I wont waste my time as there would be no profit at all for me to make it
  19. No wonder he kept asking about sidecars Looks good and I know he'll have it hooked up to a Venture soon
  20. Personally it really doesn't matter to me, curvy roads are nice, but the rally should be about the comeraderie of the group. Most folks will travel a few thousand miles to attend a rally so burning up the miles isn't an issue. From a personal standpoint, I would like to see a lot more BSing and getting to know folks as opposed to pounding out the miles on the bikes. That being said, I am partial to Tennessee, east or west, Memphis or Chattanooga. You have the Smokies on the east and your not far from hills and curves on the west. This would also be close to Arkansas. It really doesn't matter to me where it is, because we'll be there. But I would like to see a more central or west destination to help the west coasters with the milesage thing. I was talking with SofaPilot a bit ago and he mentioned the Ring of fire in southern Colorado/Northern New Mexico. The 4 corners is also a good option, Perhaps seeing it was central the 1st one, more east on the second one, the 3rd should be more west Regardless of the ideas, it will take someone to step up to the plate and swing for the fence, nothing will happen if someone wont volunteer their time.
  21. I'll go with the master or slave cylinder needing rebuilt, we helped Yooper in Kitchener and thats what his was. Not a real expensive fix, just a bit tedious and time consuming.
  22. Be safe Buddy, I know you need a vacation but dont push it!
  23. Tiny, Here are some on ebay for where the pipes connect to the heads http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/YAMAHA-VENTURE-VMAX-ROYAL-STAR-EXHAUST-GASKETS_W0QQitemZ170238934076QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item170238934076&_trksid=p3286.m14.l1318 I know that I have heard of folks asing Copper tubing for where the pipes go into the collector, I'm sure some of the 1st genners will chime in soon.
  24. Mbrood is right on the money for the 1st things to try. I would definitely change out all the fluids including the brakes, front and rear. If it has been setting for some time there will be particulate in the rear reservior that can cause problems. Keep coming back with the questions as you have them....we'll get you pointed in the right direction.
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