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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. ....or someone he's related to
  2. I haven't heard of any mileage setpoint for Stator replacement, like mention is how the electrical system is used or abused would probably be the best judge of that. It's not a huge PITA, but it is time consuming. I would opt for mthe upgraded stator that Buckeye Performance is selling, DO NOT DEAL WITH ELECTROSPORT! they are lousy in every aspect of their business.
  3. Had a good friend die 2 years ago because he was wearing one of those novelty helmets. Onther guy on a PGR mission same way, they think they are bucking the system, but it's their families that ultimately pay the price....sad to hear
  4. Unless the '09 RSV is totally redesigned with the new Vmax motor I wouldn't count on it. They aren't going to spend the money on FI on a platform that will be going away. If it's the same bike as my '08....I'll say no
  5. Make a copy of the VR assistance page and take it with you, if you run into problems just call. Have fun and dont try to kill yourself, I have done insane runs to California in a car. If you need thet extra day, take it.
  6. Good job Rooster, I know how hard you folks worked to pull it off. We too have given them thanks
  7. Jerry, Now dont take this as the gospel, as I'm no expert, but I would think that all of your paperwork will be done at your DMV or secretary of state or license beurau (sp?) You'll have to get the VIN # and give them the proof of insurance. I dont believe that you'll have to deal with the out of state licensing as this would mean a double hit for you. Now going from a 2nd gen to a 1st, the 1st will turn much faster. Your inputs in the handlebars will be immediately felt. If it doesn't have highway pegs...BUY SOME the foot position is totally different and you'll want to stretch your legs out. They are great machines, but are a total different beast handling wise from the G2
  8. Al, Thank you for all your efforts that are STILL going on from the rally. I know that Hal and Reiny mentioned numerous times that you were invaluable with your help of the rally. We all appreciated the efforts by all of you folks involved with making the Kitchener rally happen
  9. Good thinking on both your behalfs, now if either of you have a detailed write up of how you did this I would be happy to put it into the tech library....good job fellas
  10. It's a shame that this has come to pass, but I do apprecieate where your coming from. I would do the same if treated without respect, I do hope that you can find what your looking for elsewhere and a reasonable price
  11. I have used Black RTV on mine and just put it on the back side of the chrome piece. This way it doesn't bleed through to the front, I secure it with electrical tape on the front and rear and when it's dry I peel the front tape off and leave the rear.
  12. Great story telling Tate, you do have a good talent for taking us on the trip with you 2 .....All the best for Mom and her surgery my friend
  13. Last post has a breakdown pic, #6 is the link and it's not a hard job at all. I can install a set in less than 20 minutes. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=22159&highlight=Leveling+links
  14. Mike, It's not uncommon for the antennas to break, they're marginal to say the least. To be quite honest, it would be cheaper to buy Firestik antennas and new attaching hardware. It would be about the same price ($100) and you would have a superior antenna. I have used this company for all the antenna redo's that I have done... http://www.fm2way.com/ Paul Stramer is the fella that I have talkewd with and they are great to do business with. Give them a shout and I'm sure they will have a great setup for you. Otherwise start looking on ebay
  15. I'm really diggin' it Mark, bought it on July 5th and I have over 1100 miles on it. I have to drop it off tomorrow for the 600 mile inspection....just a tad bit over on that one
  16. I hear you buddy, but that '08 next to the '99 will represent the 1st model year and the current I can never tell you folks on the west coast how much fun we had being able to do that trip. We finally got to meet all you nuts and the summer of '06 was one that I will NEVER forget. I mean how many folks get to take off a month and travel 10000 miles to eat and BS with great people
  17. Always good to have another potential victim
  18. 1 word of caution, if you find loose screws in the ABs plastic DONT USE LOCKTITE on them. It will make the ABS brittle and break. I have had a Venturedad hitch before and for the price thay are a great hitch. There are several others like the hidden hitch that Diamond R sells http://www.diamondraccessories.com/yamaha/proddisplay.php?name=Vertical%20Hide%20a%20Hitch
  19. I had a '79 XS1100 and it was fast, but your comapring apples to oranges. If you want a second bike to tool around on, sure go for it. But I know that a properly running 1st gen will scare the hell out of you. If you dont have the space and really dont need to spend the money......well....
  20. That can be a bugger to get to, I haven't seen one, but thats not to say that it can't be done
  21. Good on you bud I know my dad needs to get his done, but he's trying to set himself up fiancially for the downtime it would take to make it happen. Rest up and you'll be on the bike before you know it again, thanks for letting us know
  22. Gary, Your more than welcome to shoot over to my place and we can figure it out. Trying to detect a noise can be at best difficult at times. I'm not sure where your located, but I could even run to you if your not like in....Escanaba
  23. Thats very similar to how the Ventureline bags they made for the 1st gens back in the day were attached. You should get as many of them as you can find and sell them as a set. I know there would be a lot of 1st genners that would probably like to have something like that on their scoots
  24. When they cup they get louder, Avons have been the quietest tires I have use thus far
  25. Would I be holding such a photograph or are we talking about the bike
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