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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Both bikes would be a tough fit on that, a 6' X 10' would be much better. I would also go with a different ramp as Brian mentioned, that one will catch a lot of air. I think you should look around a bit more, for a little more money, you could get a lot better fit....
  2. Good for her Lewis to want to try it atleast. She may not care for it, but she's atleast trying, good on her Good luck with your surgery too my friend
  3. Hope everything went well with your surgery Tom, all the best in your recovery my friend
  4. You know, we are a very friendly bunch of folks down here in Texas. We will take her in, give her some good southern hospitality, tell her all sorts of stories about, none being true of course and get her so mad at you she'll come back north and beat the tar out of you! Are you really sure you want to do that BTW: Sorry to somewhat hijack your thread Pam
  5. Id be all over that bike if I were you, those aren't hard hit marks. Buy it, ride it, love it
  6. A shout out this morning to the man upstairs for you and Linda Buddy
  7. Yep....I laughed as well, still have the tears in my eyes
  8. Dan, I sure hope that you get to ride that beautiful machine before the 4 letter word invades your part of West by God Virginia
  9. All the best to you both Randy, she has a good support group and a great guy to help her along. We'll be thinking of you folks and hoping for nothing but positive news.
  10. Some folks here think we can be a bit heavy handed with the site. This thread you just put up is the main reason why we run the site like we do. I belong to several other sites as well, mainly H/D and it can get rough and tumble on them. Good for you in telling them what you thought and basically leaving
  11. You scored very well on that bike, I see quite a few Very Hard to find chrome pieces in the pics
  12. Happy Birthday Peg!!!
  13. Uuuummmmm....Still NO!
  14. uuummmmm....no!
  15. Heres hoping you feel better quick Ann, all the best to you
  16. Turned 47 on Friday Margaret Was 39 when I 1st joined this site
  17. I like that Russell, but you "Other" fellas have an excuse....YOUR OLD! I'm only 47 I just can't wait to get old
  18. Whats he looking for Jeff? I have an '83 VR that is going to be on the block very soon.
  19. Unfortunately, I can, it seems the gene pool is getting shallower all the time
  20. Here's hoping your recovery continues to go well. Been following this and thinking of y'all, you folks take care of yourselves and we'll catch up with you at some point bud
  21. Watch it Buster! I resemble that remark
  22. Open the screws up and take some seafoam deep creep and push the tube in the drain hose and spray away. I'll bet there is crap in the carbs that is sitting on the bottom of the bowl. It really sound like if your not getting the carbs to drain that it's time to take the carbs off and do a good cleaning of them....
  23. When it rains, it pours Randy. I hate to hear of you good folks having all this happen. I wish y'all nothing but the best in the recoveries and surgery. This getting old stuff isn't all it's cracked up to be. Keep us updated my friend and we'll keep you and Linda in our prayers.
  24. Chris, FWIW, buy another stock Yamaha R/R as it will be a simple swap. I went through a bunch of headache with 1 of my '99's and ended up just buying a new stock one and it worked like it was supposed to.
  25. Nice out of the box thinking Ron
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