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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. If you need a coil, I have one, but I have heard of the pickup coil being a buggar at times too. Let me know if you believe it's a spark coil.
  2. After 2 accidents where if I didn't have one on I'd be dead or a vegetable, I always wear it. I went without once when we were in Colorado for a run to the cycle shop and it was too weird without it.
  3. Bill, I had the same feeling when I decided that Colorado was the '07 rally. I know Lonna thought I lost my mind, hell I did too. But I'll tell you what, and this is the God's honest truth, as hard as you work and the headaches you WILL have. When you see all the members show up and start talking with eachother and go on rides, you will live in the moment. It happenened to me in Colorado, and I know it will happen to you. I feel your enthusiasm and I can't wait to give your committee any help I can. There will be buzz about this for a long time, good on you and all the committee members for taking this on, were all very proud of the start of your efforts
  4. Well Tate....you could send them to me and I'll post them, that way she would have to come to Michigan to kick me. Thats one way to get you folks here
  5. Great Pics Steve, Lonna and I were really happy to be with you all. I'll try to get some of our up here by tomorrow
  6. Great news Kreg...keep that woman off her feet so she can heal up. Looking forward to getting back down to Texas and seeing you folks again
  7. Erik, Ditto on what everyone has said, great to meet you and your mother inlaw, and to hear that you folks had a good time. I do hope that you can get up here to Michigan as I will be posting up the M&E for the 9th here with details tomorrow. Be safe and we'll see you folks again real soon
  8. Thanks Lou, I'll get in touch with you here soon and we'll make it happen. Besides it will be good to get back over there and see all of you folks again
  9. I'll tell you what, I just looked at the site and that is where I'm going to buy my bib from for the RSV. I like how that looks and his price is very reasonable
  10. Damn Lutz....you really like to spend my money
  11. A lot of us have had very good luck with the Avon Venoms. I personally have had 5 sets on 6 different bikes, 2 1st gens and 2 second gens, for me they did give my G2's a very neutral steering feeling thatI didn't feel with other tires. Therr has been a few issues of folks with 1st gens that ride solo having a squirrley feeling from the rear of the bikes. I encountered this when I did Muffinmans bike. When there was a passenger on the back it didn't happen. I have also used the Michelin Commanders, on both 1st and 2nd gens with good results. I have a set on my '86 right now and I'm pleased with their feel. Both tires are very good quality wise and either would work out fine for either Generation of Venture
  12. .....and there you go
  13. Just curious....why are you selling it?
  14. I like it!!!
  15. Not yet Jim, but they will be as soon as my spacer gets here from Poco Red Ok....I'm back Green again
  16. Probably on a couple of them
  17. Dano....quite giving the members a hard time will ya!
  18. Those are very ugly pics there Maineac, very sad to see, hope all goes well with them
  19. Could be
  20. Good to hear Bubber, enjoy the rest of your trip and be safe out there
  21. I'll have to get with you soon and talk about that, seems like a good idea to me as there is never enough light when I head to work @ 4:30 am
  22. I might have one Forrest, I'll check in the morning before I leave for work and let you know. If I do you can have it for the shipping.
  23. Thats where I bought my '08 S model at, about 120 mile trip for me and I rode it home. OTD was $16500 as Jenny had to get her share of it too
  24. I haven't heard of it, but it sounds like a good idea to me as long as it doesn't severely shorten the life of the bulb
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