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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. You.....a Convent....you must have bumped your head too
  2. Florida??? Did I miss something here or am I just stupid Yeah I know left myself wide open....fire away
  3. Which one you taking Dan???
  4. Dan....If I'm not mistaken, you should have one of those bleeders on yours
  5. Charlie, heres a picture of it...
  6. I'm glad to hear that yours went flat somewhat slow, it sucks when they explode at 70 mph
  7. You probably scared him off My condolences to you Eyehook, were really a lot better than Ruffy....no really
  8. It's only money Dave...just buy 'em and let us see them, you need to be a gineau pig at some point here
  9. I have run Rotella T for years and have never had any issues with it ever
  10. Charlie, Bleeding the brakes can be a bear at times, I have had some done in 15 minutes and some have taken hours. I am assuming you know of the top bleeder by the steering head? Try to work that and see what happens, your other option is to use a mighty Vac bleeder system to try and pull the fluid through. I sure do wish i was closer and could give you a hand other than on the board.
  11. It seems like we are hearing too much of this. I hate to start a rant but perhaps it's time for us to demand more of our lawmakers in training new car drivers on Motorcycles. I'm really getting tired of hearing about children that have no business driving killing us. I hope the rider heals quick without issues.
  12. Better that your the one telling us, I know about going down and it's no fun, still paying for it after 8 months. Take your time and heal up, let us know if we can help you with anything
  13. Glad to hear that you got them on, enjoy the "new" ride
  14. I guess a good idea would be to hop on the bike and head to areas that you think might be appealing. It's a 2 fold solution actually, you get to see 1st hand the area you might want to be in and you get to ride to do it
  15. Right on! That is a very cool ride y'all had, we have been that way many times. I like the story telling of your adventure, made me feel like we did the trip with you all in a short way. George is a trip, so is Mary K, we have been fortunate enough to have spent time with them on a couple occasions, very cool folks to say the least. Looking forward to a time in the future where we can finally meet up with you folks
  16. You do have a very valid point there Paul....I stand corrected
  17. Just sent PP for 2 and will order some more when I get more sheckles in it Thanks again for all you do my friend
  18. Good to hear your home in 1 piece bud, those pics are familiar as we have been on that part of the BRPW and the other one looks like Helen GA. Hope to see you folks next Saturday for the Michigan M&E
  19. Ron, Here's a post that should answer all your questions http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=20815&highlight=Narrow+front+tire
  20. Have fun and stay out of trouble....we all know how YOU are
  21. I'll take it...PM sent!
  22. Can I help you with another order Bud? We could always start another thread for another order. If you want a hand let me know and I'll run the gauntlet for you
  23. Perhaps we can get with Don and see about ordering more bells. I know that I would like to pick up another half dozen as I gave many out....and ended up with 4 of them
  24. Brian, Totally my bad man, I know better than to come onto the site all hyper at work. I dont take any offence to it and apologise for coming on that strong. I'm usually all about water off a ducks back, but I do agree that it's all about making it your own and being different than everyone else. Anyone that knows me, knows that I am all about being different
  25. Hard to say, either way, I would find it hard to believe that Yamaha would make a claim about the RSV unless thet were doing it purposely to boost interest in perhaps the redesigned 3rd gen But who knows, Mfgrs have done way dumber things for no apparent reason. I couldn't see Yamaha without a touring bike....but I'm just a dumb welder
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