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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Cool looking place....might be a chance
  2. Nope
  3. Congrats my friend...life works in strange ways and I'm glad to hear you have someone to share it with. Looking forward to meeting your new bride here one of these days. Oh....dont be a stranger
  4. Jack that looks just like you in a Cowboy hat!!!
  5. Right on Perhaps we can talk and come up with a solution thats a bit more suitable
  6. Brother I am sorry to hear about that, my 1st wife came out of the blue when we hit bottom. I wish you the best and if you need something, just ask. I'll keep your bike in mind if I find someone....be safe and dont be a stranger.
  7. Dave, You do know about the ones from Diamond R right http://www.diamondraccessories.com/yamaha/proddisplay.php?name=Passenger%20Highway%20Pegs
  8. Ok....thats fine, I see how we rate....be that way
  9. Jack....are you serious
  10. The last line fits you to a tee there Owl I sure do like that little stick poking guy
  11. It figures...I couldn't buy an airframes job after I got out of the service in late '91. Finally said to hell with it and started welding again, now I work in powerplants.....whodathunktit
  12. Maybe she's trying to tell you something Dan! BTW you still haven't told me what your riding, thats really not fair
  13. Thanks Earl....I appreciate the info and will be interested to hear when your project is completed
  14. I did the same thing, had too much work to do on the '86 I picked up and season was half over. I bought an '08 Charcoal and love it, thats the 3rd RSV for me and 3rd 1st gen. Now it's time to put the miles on her, nice looking scoot you got there too
  15. There's an idea...just sent you a PM also ....didn't even think about that
  16. I was planning on doing that to the '86 that I sold to Kbran. I have always wanted to make a gotrod out of a 1st gen for screwing around with. I'll be interested in your build and how you like it
  17. Looking forward to getting you here Kenny, BTW what do you want for dinner??
  18. I have had a venturedad hitch on my last 2 RSV's it's a reese style and works very well. I have safely towed with one on for better than 15000 miles. It's reasonably priced and well made, he is also a member here. Type in venturedad in the search bar and you'll be able to bring up info on him.
  19. Lynn, You mentioned floating rotors.....I'm stupified
  21. Nice pics and it sounds like a great trip. Wish I would have known you came into Michigan, been to Mackinaw many times over the years
  22. I already have highway pegs, but thanks for the thought, as far as calling you a pig.....I'll bet there have been others before me but I still,like you
  23. Right on Man I totally know what your talking about with the cold, Lonna and I are the same way, and eventually Tennessee bound. It's good that you'll be able to have a job right out of the gate, makes it lots easier. If you need help with anything let me know, always willing to help any of our members out. Here's hoping to catch up with you 2 soon, say hey to Mom for us...be safe my friend.
  24. The Valks are a really nice bike and they better have more power with 2 more cylinders and more cc's. I have heard that they weren't very easy on the fuel though.
  25. I dont know....did you buy one that I missed
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