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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. RIGHT ON !!!!! Outstanding there Sgt Woods I hope that you run that '85 right down into dust. Good for you my friend it's great to see you on the bike you want Thanks for the pics Froggie, I really wish we could have been down there with you all
  2. His loss with an attitude like that....just smoke him with the Venture and let him take that to heart I guess I'll take the "lesser bike" and just keep smiling
  3. I haven't seen them yet Yammer, but I'll find them soon! Mini, So glad that your rally went well, nothing like the feeling of succsess that comes with hosting one of them. I wish that we could have been there with you all....but I haven't won that damn lottery yet....so off to work I'll go. Looking forward to seeing pics of it
  4. All depends on what you want to spend, I bought these off JC whitney and they are a nice set of pegs for a reasonable price. http://www.jcwhitney.com/CUSTOM-MOUNT-ELLIPTICAL-RAIL-FOOT-PEGS/GP_2002576_N_111+10211+600014710_10111.jcw The Kuryakyn are nice pegs too, but are almost 3 times the price. Call me cheap, but that is 75 more dollars in my bikes gas tank and still having a nice set of pegs
  5. Craig I too am glad that your telling us the story. I wont even start a rant right now, but I do hope that you get everything you deserve in getting the bike fixed.
  6. Glad to hear you made it home without incident Kenny, it was great to see you again and I'm glad to hear that Muffin tinkered with the bike. I knew it would be a good bike for someone who had some time to tinker with it. And I will say this right here and now, that will be the LAST 1st gen I will own to ride, the rest of the ones I get will be parted out or fixed and sold. Yeah boys....2nd gens RULE!
  7. :banana: WOOOOO HOOOOO !!!!!! :banana:
  8. Jack dont get this guy throwd out into his garage
  9. I actually thought when I first saw them that it looked like Wil-E-Coyote before he was hit in the face with an anvil. You know when there eyes get all big like oh *%$#! But that said they are different and different is good
  10. Actually it was way more ominous than that, there was a bomb threat on the Blue Water Bridge. That Helo was scouring the area as the Sheriff dept had divers in the water looking for explosives. It was like a scene out of CSI, we could really be screwed if someone did in fact take one or both of the bridges out. You can't imagine the traffic that uses that bridge every day
  11. That is a good price if it doesn't need a lot of work and is in good shape. I'm sure someone will chime in here and want more info, thanks for thinking of us
  12. Steve, You hit the very pulse of what this place is about. It started as a technical forum 4 odd years ago, but has grown into the largest Venture site on the web. I couldn't agree with you more, this is a family, a somewhat disfuntional one at time but one none the less. You have been fortunate enough to meet up with the southern crew, they are one of the most active regions and are excellent people to be around. RandyA is one of the best folks here. He is a good friend of mine and represents what this family is all about. I can say that there have only been a handful of folks that I didn't care for here. Everybody else has been super and I would have them in my house, matter of fact 2 of them are here now. Enjoy the site and always remember to ask questions when you have them....glad to see you enjoyed your first rally
  13. 63....what do I win!
  14. As it has been said here...."plan it and they will come"
  15. OK now....what year did Dan end up buying I want to see some pics
  16. I wrote the same story 2 years ago on the way to Vogel, lost my clutch in Knoxville when it was about 100 degrees. Freebird was with us on that leg of the trip. Made it to Vogel and then Freebird, Myself and Eck bled the whole clutch before we went to California and VWIII. Glad to see you keeping Muffin busy....seems to be in his glory when he's tinkering Now would you please have him turn down the idle adjust on Kbrans bike while he's there
  17. It's nice to have a machine shop isn't it Looks good and I'm sure you'll get a lot of use out of it
  18. Seems like the world is going more crazy than ever before. That or we just hear more of it being a connected as we are. Sorry to hear of it Russ, lets hope that justice will be served.
  19. I just bought the Diamond R backrest and can't recommend them highly enough. The quality is outstanding and Allan & Patti are great folks to deal with. They are members here and donate LOTS of freebies to our rallys. The Utopia is nice, but as mentioned there is a bit or hole drilling, the Diamond R is a bolt on deal that you can have on in 5 minutes. I try to support our vendors as much as I can and hope that others here will do so also
  20. Doug, Post up your idea here, there is a long time to go and you never know, there isn't anything that says we can't have 2 different designs....post it up Bud
  21. I just bought a lift adapter from Larry as I gave my old one away to my uncle that bought a '99. Larrys quality is impecable, he is one of the finest fabricators I know, and I fabricate for a living (build things guys...dont go there) Jopie, Tony Dathan AKA Poco Red here on the site makes the light brackets for the G2. I just bought one from him and put it on my '08. He's in the member list, you might want to PM him and I'm sure he has other to sell.
  22. James your kidding right If not and you want to get rid of your other lights let me know.....old age must be catching up with him fast
  23. Danny, Kbran is in Bogalusa and if I remember correctly that isn't real far from you. BrScooter is in Baton Rouge and is retired now....so he has lots of time to ride, right Lyle I just left Kenny (Kbran) about 4 hours ago in Perrysburg Ohio on his new to him '86 VR. He's headed towards Ashville right now for the rally for a few days then back home to Bogalusa
  24. Squidley


    It's hard to know what noise one is talking about when they say "Chirp". The V4 in the venture has a distinct sound while its running, this is what I call the "Chirp". There is the clutch basket issue which I have also heard and that is a scream, that is covered under warranty. Just trying to throw in a little bit of clairfication so your not on a wild goose chase. Also it was mentioned about perhaps not being used to the power range on the bike. you can spin the g2 up past 7K rpms and it isn't an issue. It is a total different beast if your coming off a Vtwin.
  25. Just for info sake, many of the folks that have used the seafoam put a full can in the bike and fill the tank up. Then go out and run the tank out, I haven't heard of any ill effects and I know that it will help clean up the dirtiest fuel systems. Not saying for arguement sake just for info purposes
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