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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. This has all the info you need http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=489
  2. I agree more with Neil, if by chance a rust flake came through and cut through the filer it would end up in a carb. Now your talking time and money to screw with it and down time. An automobile is the same way, 2 or sometimes 3 filters before it gets to the carb or FI
  3. I dont know if there is a specific reason other than possibly loading up the plug. I do know a few that set the idle to a lope as it sounds a bit meaner with aftermarket pipes
  4. It's that time again, so here we go..... Lets call it from now until September...oh 15th, I'm taking $5 off of the H/D Muffler brackets. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/1370/cat/1 They are normally $40 shipped to your door, so now let's call them $35 shipped in the continental USA and $40 into Canada (sorry guys, mail is eating me alive shipping to you) If you have been procrastinating and waiting to see if they will go on sale, here's the chance. I have about 10 sets ready to go. So come on now and buy them up, I need some more chrome for the '08
  5. It's that time again, so here we go..... Lets call it from now until September...oh 15th, I'm taking $5 off of the 1st gen driving light brackets. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/1371 They are normally $30 shipped to your door, so now let's call them $25 shipped in the continental USA and $30 into Canada (sorry guys, mail is eating me alive shipping to you) If you have been procrastinating and waiting to see if they will go on sale, here's the chance. I probably have about 40 sets left and once they are gone....their gone, I wont be making anymore So come on now and buy them all up, I need some more chrome for the '08
  6. I still have brackets available, shoot me a PM or email if your interested in a set
  7. Nice work Earl I know when I had my '86 it was lit up like Christmas in the back, good job
  8. Rooster....I think that I might have the 4 bolts from the '86 when I swapped out to the super brace. I'll do my best to remember tomorrow to look for them and if I do have them I'll get them shipped off to you.
  9. Just a bit of clarification here, It's not Harleys were bashing....it's their riders that are close minded. I like many of the Harleys, if they weren't so darn expensive I might have one. I ride the RSV because it fits me well and I like how it feels and it's a good value. My biggest problem is that arrogent people that ride Harleys need to be brought to reality from time to time
  10. Warden, I'm not going to blow smoke here to you, I know a lot of us (Men) have done that at one point in our lives. Obviously I dont know Dan as well as you, but the pic you saw was an expression of elation for being back on the bike he truly wanted. I can empathize with how you feel, but I also know how he flet when that pic was taken. Please dont be too hard on the boy, I know everyone of us has done something stupid or unwise that we may or may not got caught at. I know from talking with him that he has been miserable trying to get back on a Venture. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive the bonehead, we love him too
  11. Squidley

    35 mpg

    Gerry, Thats about right, I know that when I pulled a trailer I would get 32 to 36 mpg. Your not bad at all with that. Besides....how much stuff did Mamamo pack
  12. Sounds to me like you didn't have the petcock in the reserve position. I hit the reserve at right around 175 miles and it takes about 4.5 gallons to fill it. I have the vent holes in my filler neck and fill it right up to the top if I'm getting right back on the road. It will leak if you let it set in the sun as it will expand, if you get right back on and ride, it will use it before it does expand.
  13. It has been done, Go to the search bar at the top of the page and type it in. I believe that you will have to change the front master cylinder to get good pressure as you would then be running 2 calipers.
  14. Nice pics Mini
  15. Must be a lot of folks looking at it as it can't bring it up for me the pic below it says it all though
  16. Glad it wasn't worse, Metzler better get their act together. If people catch on to all the problems with those tires and someone dies.....can you say Lawsuit
  17. Judd, Lee is correct it is a linked brake system, the front lever is only for the right front caliper. The rear brake petal controls the left front and the rear calipers. Buckeye performance makes SS brake lines for the 1st gens, and it is an excellent upgrade. he's one of our vendors here in the vedors section. There are lots of threads on cleaning and maintenance of the brake systems on the 1st gen. The rear reservior and master cylinder can become choked full of old fluid that starts to gel inside it and really makes a mess of the brakes. if you havenm't changed and cleaned the brake fluid out...it would be time for that. If you run into trouble just ask questions, PM me if you like or give a call, my # is in my profile....we'll get you rolling again.
  18. Very well said Froggie I know I hate it when I cant get to one of our rallys, but it's great that folks are willing to take the time and headaches to make them happen. I too have to pick and choose, I have a bit more vacation time...but it's never enough. Money is the biggest issue with us, you have to be smart with it, and thats not always easy Thank you to all our members that take time out of their lives so that others can come to a different locale and share time and friendship....oh and Ice Cream
  19. We can always count on your Navigator/Mechanic George Love the pics of you and Rider Duke in the "Water Bottle" fight, you look like a Ninja in the one as you were attacking. I'm shedding a tear that we couldn't be there to see that.
  20. Ah yes....let the games begin BTW "Skinny" I didn't disown you guys, just a bike that YOU decide to ride
  21. Nice stalking there Dan...you make us proud bud!
  22. You will not "Skinny Squidley" you want some of that cheesecake, so dont blow smoke "Skinny Squidley"....did you bump your head when you thought of that
  23. You bet I do Dan! thats a nice looking '85, hopefully past the serial # for the 2nd gear issue I am so glad to see you back on the bike you want my friend, many safe and happy miles to you...BTW, you got a VR bell for it? if not send me your addy, you will have one
  24. on all the responces, I just bought one from Diamond R and I love it. You wont find a better comapny to deal with or a better backrest, just buy it....you wont be disappointed
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