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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. and the stock sterio system did have a splitter to utilise both the CB and Radio
  2. But with a lot of fur
  3. I can't help you specifically on the light selection, but I know that if you use a load equalizer on your signals it wont have the self cancelling capablities like it does stock. Most folks just let them blink a bit faster so they will cancell automatically.
  4. Tell you what Tim, seeing your one Bad Biker Dude, lets do something for say....St. Judes You and I will collect donations and we will get Tattooed at the same time at a given date and location....what do you say.....tough guy
  5. Long as you dont cuss at them or call them derogatory names on the forums. I feel like Rodney Dangerfield with you folks...."No Respect"
  6. You people are killing me
  7. It seems to be quite the Buzz in the media Now what is going to happen if it is true.....pretty trippy
  8. Yes to both...we didn't expect anything different did we Just keep telling the flock about them and hopefully we can hurt their sales enough to make a difference.
  9. Folks this is one of those threads that is going south fast. I know we all have passions about many things in life, but when you speak your mind, you best expect others to do the same. Even if it's not your way of thinking they might be speaking Keep personal attacks to yourself, PM the person your upset with and discuss it. Dont bring it on the forums or this one will close.
  10. It will be here until it gets ugly, we dont take threads out for no good reason. As long as it stays civil we wont do anything to it
  11. That is correct, all the upper fairings are the same on the 1st gens. Unfortunately your going to pay a pretty penny to find some in good shape.
  12. Get yourself fixed up Bud, we know your not going anywhere....good news on the surgery
  13. Hey Folks, It has been brought to my attention about some of our conversations lately in the site. Let me 1st off say that it is our goal to keep this site PG rated, and the majority of the membership does a very good job at watching what we say on the forums. I'll be the 1st to admit that I am guilty of a few colorful metafors (sp?) so I am not without blame. There have been a few threads that push the boundries lately. We have many new members and perhaps it has slipped through the cracks that we are user friendly here. I know we try to keep it where kids can walk up behind us and we dont have to worry about what they are reading or seeing. I'm not saying to keep it like Teletubbies, we are all grown and we are bikers, many of us use colorful language at work. I'd like to state again for all of us to watch what we say on the forums. This is not directed at any one person, from time to time we let our hair down and sometimes we speak our minds. Thank you to all the members here, you do a great job of self policing yourselves and help keep us on the strait and narrow.
  14. Took the words right out of my mouth, I love that scene from the movie....wish there was a poster of it to hang in my garage. It reminds me of the David Mann artwork of the pony express rider alongside the biker in the southwest
  15. COOL BEANS!!!!!
  16. it looks like a redneck trike
  17. Let me personally see the body and then I might believe. In this day and age anything can be faked by video or pictures....I was born at night, but it wasn't last night
  18. Wayne, You should also put it up in our classified section here on the site
  19. To the right of the quote button in the posting is a "+" sign, click that 1st and then go to the 2nd post you want to add and click the quote button. If you want to do more quotes keep hitting the + button until you get to the last quote you want to add and then press the quote button....clear as mudd
  20. Yep...there going to help pick the next leader of the free world.....I wont even start
  21. You can put both on, but if you get them at the same time I would put on the spoiler 1st and then the rack. Keep the spoiler towards the back part of the trunk so your not cramping the area for the trunk rack
  22. You dont want to look at an oil gauge on the Ventures as Redneck said, it only runs a couple of lbs of oil pressure at an idle when warm. That will scare the hell out of you when you first see it
  23. As I recall I thought that I could make it out of some tubing and remove one of the sides. Let me check into it a little bit more and see if I can get a local 1st gen test bike and we'll see what we can come up with
  24. Charlie, DanO has the link to MAW, I have used them before for Progressive springs and have had good luck with them. The fronts are relatively inexpensive at about $60 for the set, they are pretty strait forward to change as I have done half a dozen or so. The rear progressive shock is much more expensive, but it doesn't have an air valve, you adjust it for how you ride and your weight. Now the scrader valves will be the hold up, I have used the ones off the 1200 cc Venture standards as they didn't have all the extras like CB and Radio and the CLASS system. My '86 just recently went to Louisiana as Kbran just bought it. If you get a hold of him he might be able to take some pics of where I mounted the schrader valves. The rear one I drilled a hole in the plate that holds the dampener knob and installed it right below it. The front one I installed in the plastic top cover just to the right of the handlebars. Wish I was a bit closer as it's not a real big deal if you have the right stuff. Let us know how you come along and you never know who might have some of the parts that your looking for. Check ebay and our classifieds
  25. Keith, Not at all my friend, I just cringe when I hear of folks putting the 880's on. Lonna and I survived a crash that technically should have killed us. The rear tire let loose at 75 mph and there is virtually no recovering from that, I did try though It wasn't a Metzler, but if a rear tire lets go similarly, it's very bad news. It's all about money, like everything else in the world. Metzler thinks that we are a bunch of morons by telling us of tire underinflated. Bottom like they are covering their behinds, I tell every rider I know about Metzlers. Not that my mouth is going to hurt their sales, but I would like to think that if the 1 right person hears about it that has a bit of power or leverage....something might be done.
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