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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. OK folks here's the deal.... Bobbie has agreed to share the burden with me on the tattoo idea, but there is a catch. We are not going to tell you what kind of tattoo we are getting (they are both different) or where it will be placed. We have decided to set a lofty goal and raise $3000 for St. Judes that will be donated in Meandogs name. When we reach that goal, we then will tell you what tattoo's we will be getting, and possibly where they will be on our anatomy. Is it a lot of money Yes and No, but this is for St. Judes Childrens Hospital...and they are worth it. So give what you can and we'll get inked, I'll be starting another post with all the gory details here today a bit later. I want to say 1 thing, this is Venturerider.org, there isn't anything that we cant do once we put our mind to it
  2. Squidley


    Yep!....and the Michelin Commander a close second
  3. Thanks for the post Lewis, I just re-read the responces and it still brings tears to my eyes....I sure do miss him.
  4. You folks that are closer to retirement have a better outlook for you than I do. I do have a 401 and there is still 15 years or so to put into it. But all the money that I will have put into Social Security for the 40 + yearsI will wont be there when I'm trying to retire. The 50 somethings might be able to pull some out of it, but I wont have squat....so I will be working uintil I die, and there's nothing I can do about it short of winning the mega millions
  5. Bobbie and I are talking, but we probably wont be getting the same tattoo We'll keep you in suspense for a bit longer, nothing like a good secret to get the blood pumping
  6. Looking good there George, I see lots of goodies on her
  7. Lazy Bum!!! http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/1385
  8. Squidley


    Your still here...no hoax!!
  9. Either GW, they will both work well, just how they are hooked up. I have the 1st ones on my bike, they work great and I am not sorry that I bought them
  10. You are gonna get beat when she reads that my friend!!!!
  11. Well why dont you whisper in my ear what your design is so I can think about if were going to get the same one. I also have an idea as I wanted one for a while now....regardless it's for a great cause and I'm in 100%
  12. I honestly wouldn't waste my time, a day off from work will cost you how much? + the $160 if you loose. Chalk it up to experience and move on, the system is slated against you with a speeding ticket
  13. Bobbie, It all depends upon what the tat is and how much money we raise.....but you have my attention
  14. These are from JC whitney and are the 2nd set I have purchased (1st set were ruined with my last '99) They are HEAVY not some cheap flimsy set, and they are a good bargan. http://www.jcwhitney.com/CUSTOM-MOUNT-ELLIPTICAL-RAIL-FOOT-PEGS/GP_2002576_N_111+10211+600014710_10111.jcw
  15. Keep pushing it buddy....and I'll sit your wife on the back of mine. Then you will have to get one so she will be comfortable. I dont convert the 1st gen drivers....I convert their passengers.
  16. I haven't heard anything bad about them, I know they do a LOT of business on ebay.
  17. My Uncle bought a set of Rivco's and put them on his '99. I'll see if I can hook up with him and get some pics of them on the bike.
  18. Back up to the top, still plenty left....get them while they're HOT!!!
  19. Not to offend anyone that has them on their bikes, but I couldn't agree more. They look cheesie to me and very cheap, thats why I wont put one on a bike that cost me $16K. When I get a bit of money saved I'll probably get the Rivco as you hide the trumpets on the swing arm so they are hidden....but still heard.
  20. Dan....Your not in California, leave it alone
  21. The pipes we are talking about are the stock pipes that most the H/D guys take off. They come on the Roadking or the Ultra's. Go onto ebay and search there, depending upon what you want I have a set of strait cut pipes here that I would let go of. PM or email me if your interested and we could do a package deal. If the pipes are set up to be used on a Roadking or Ultra, then yes they should fit.
  22. Lyle, Sorry to hear of your mothers passing my friend. I'm glad that she was able to do it on her terms and that you got to spend her final days with her, God Bless your family.
  23. Don, I'm happy to see that they take you as seriously as they do me Thanks for the option Boss
  24. We'll get it figured out eventually Brad, I know all about chasing gremlins
  25. Why can't I just be retired and go to all of these
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