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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Here's my take on the linked brakes on a 30 year old machine. They dont give good enough stopping power if you really have to get into the binders. I ride the Ventures I have owned just like dirt bikes, down shift while stopping, heavy into both front and rear brakes when needing to stop in a hurry. In a curve, if I'm a bit hot going into it and need to slow down a bit, just the rear brake is applied. I dont want to dive the front end as that could be BAD. I want control over the bike. I dont want it thinking for me, I am confident in my riding abilities to use both the brake systems independently of eachother. The "Feel" I get with my brakes delinked is just what I want, I control how much front to rear I want. I understand your thinking on it, but for me, I dont want any bike in that much control over my actions....
  2. Todd, Might not be what you want to hear, but I wouldn't screw around with it. Delink the brakes and forget about all that crap. I did it on both these 1st gens I have and I would NEVER go back to a linked setup again....
  3. Probably from his house on Hawley Rd in Oberlin Ohio to the Lake Erie shore in Lorain Ohio
  4. Jeff, It's for me, but hold off as JRichard called me and said he has one that he was going to send to me. If it doesn't pan out I'll get back with you...Thanks Bud
  5. Does anyone have a MKII rear rotor they would like to sell. It doesn't have to be absolutely beautiful, but it can't be warped and must function properly. If any of you have one in your parts, please contact me.
  6. I stand corrected, I didn't realise that there was not a separate thread on his passing. I will get with Don and make his profile reflect his passing on
  7. Folks, I am fairly certain that Steve Wagner did not pass away. I know he has been having health issues, but I have heard nothing of his passing. If this has happened it is absolute news to me, as we change passed members status from Supporting member to reflect their passing. I'm not positive, but I think he is still with us....
  8. We here in Houston have used the one at Kregs (Doodle) dozens upon dozens of times. I'll bet we have changed 50 tires with that one. I think I'll go buy one for her at my place so we dont have to transport between the 2 houses anymore....Thanks for the links Jeff
  9. If it's any concellation it's 5:39 in Cleveland Texas and it's 50 degrees...
  10. Squidley


  11. From what your posting it sounds like your starter clutch is going....
  12. Congrats to you and Ron
  13. Yes sir, the same brake fluid you will use, sorry about not putting that in there. Carl caught my CRS nicely....thanks Bud
  14. Did they have a set of Reinharts on the sound clip? I kind of liked the sound of them...
  15. I know I did, my Dad wanted to kill me when I was young
  16. I'm sure there is a JUICY story that this all connects to....
  17. Make sure the bores are clean enough to eat off and smooth, the pistons the same way. Your biggest issue will be getting the pistons out of the bores. The way I have done this in the past is to keep one side pistons locked all the way into their bores, like with a small clamp and an old pad. The I blow air into the caliper through where the brake line hooks up. This will pop the free pistons out with a bit of force so watch for that. I clean and inspect that side and install the pistons back in with the new orings and plenty of lube to make them slide in easier. Do just the opposite for the other side and reconnect, fill, bleed...
  18. I personally am not a far of the iso grips, I had a set break on me. The plastic between the rubber is thin and weak, and thats where mine broke. I wont put another set on any of my bikes as I can't trust they wont break.
  19. I left out yesterday morning at about 6:30 headed to see Van Avery in Sweeny Texas. It was 52 degrees when I left and going through Houston was great with hardly any traffic. Once the sun came up it warmed up quickly into the low 80's. 250 mile round trip, and for the 1st time in I can't remember when I was able to ride and relax
  20. They will not in the stock configuration, the early RS's have 4 individual header pipes and mufflers. They would have to replace the header pipes with ones off an RSV or '05 and up RSTD, and I'm not 100% positive those will fit his '97. I think the mounts are going to be different too, the pipes on his bike bolt up in different spots than the RSV does....
  21. I just sent him a good spare one I had Gary.
  22. Hmmmmmmm
  23. If your going to need a 72 tooth gear to install before you do the Dano starter clutch, I have a good one here I can send to you. Dano's starter mod comes with a new 72 tooth gear, but it's a little different than stock and wont work with the stock starter clutch.
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