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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Rerouting the cables is your only option, I know when guys put the flanders bars on you need to change all the cables and whatnot. Your gonna have to take off the tank and start following where the cables are going through....start now and you'll probably have it done by riding time tomorrow
  2. Thats a tough call and really only 1 you can make. I would check the depth with a tread gauge and see where you stand. It's a crapshoot really, if you can get a tire, do it and be done with it....no worries.
  3. Thanks for coming on a clarifying this for us, we appreciate all that your organization does and what it stands for
  4. Just to keep it in perspective, I bought my Diamond R backrest for right at $250. If you look at it, those prices aren't bad considering they dont make them anymore and they are 20 years old
  5. I dont doubt that at all, you would more than likely get more money for it in parts than selling the bike whole
  6. Lewis, I agree once we get the funds together it should happen fairly quickly. Bobbie and Goerge are heading to Arizona in that time frame so we'll have to somewhat play it by ear until mid September....we'll make it happen 1 way or the other
  7. I like it, we could notify the highest bidder before we post it on the forum. Beer 3o is in for $300....so that makes the mark $301. Just thought of something also, the highest bidder can come onto the forum and let everyone else know what the designs are....how's that sound ? Lewis, I would like to ride it there very much, if you can handle the logisitics of that it would be a life saver. Thank you for all of your efforts with this my friend, after all YOU were the 1st one to start it at Vogel Vinny, Thank you and Ruffy for the offers of the "Canvas" I appreciate it. I dont want to take advantage of Gene's son so we'll just keep it to Bobbie and I. And for all the folks that have donated thus far, we are rolling VERY well right now and have over $600 towards our minimum goal I can't thank you all enough for your trust in us and your generosity. Just remember if you have any questions feel free to email or PM me with any thoughts. Thank you all again for truly making this site the best place to be on the web
  8. Not a problem my friend, I sent a PM back with my #, give a call if you run into problems
  9. We have that Dave, it's called embarassing moments.... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=30
  10. Phil, The smaller inside diameter is going to go onto the header of the bike, make sure you clean the corrosion off with some emory cloth. The mufflers might have to be stretched a bit and pursuaded to go all the way on. I also open up the clamp a bit and install it on the muffler before you try to put it on the header. It can be challenging, but it will fit and wont leak, I have done many of them and once you have done it, it's a breeze to help someone else. Give a call and I can walk you through it.
  11. Hey Erik....tell us how you really feel about it
  12. See what you did now Charlie....got them into a feeding frenzy
  13. Thanks Gene! I also want to let you folks know that Gene's son is a tattoo artist, and will be doing the inking on us for free. He is volunteering his time and efforts for this cause and I can't thank him enough for doing it.
  14. Hey All, Well....here we go, my somewhat smartalec idea of getting Sledgehammer to get a tat has taken a turn, a good turn. Many of you know from the thread that Sleeperhawks Mechanic posted a few weeks ago about Tim's new dew rag http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=26022 kinda morfed into something for St. Judes childrens hospital, well here is the skinny. Bobbie (mechanic) has agreed to get a tattoo with me to try and raise money for St. Judes Hospital. Many of you know that here at VR.org St. Judes holds a very dear place in our hearts. Lewis Cramer (Dragonrider) has been doing the 50/50 raffle at Vogel for 3 years and donates half of the raffle funds to St. Judes. Year before last, he and about 10 other Venturerider members personally went to St. Judes and gave them the donation. Many of you also know that this was the last ride that Mark Stills (Meandog) ever took. We lost mark early this year to his battle with cancer, but he was hellbent on going and helping to deliver that money. He was amazed at the courage that the little ones had as they were and are battling this epidemic called Cancer. The donation will be presented in the memory of Mark Stills (Meandog) http://stj.convio.net/site/TR/Events/Tribute?px=1618382&pg=fund&fr_id=1341 Well it's time, time for us to help the little ones again. Many of us here pride ourselves at helping others. Whether it be wrencing on a bike, or offering an ear and encouragement for those going through difficulties in life. Bobbie has agreed to get a tattoo, not that she really wants to, but instead to sacrifise for a cause that is worthy...like St. Judes. She and I have talked and here is the plan. Our goal is to raise $3000 by October 1st, this is the price that Bobbie feels her going through all this is worth. Now there is a disclaimer here, you are not going to know what our Tattoo's are going to be or where they will go on our persons until we meet that $3K goal. Is it a lot of money....Yes and No. $3K will buy a lot of items, but it's a drop in the bucket considering what the little ones go through. So I challenge all of our over 5000 members to hopefully find it in your hearts to donate what you can and help us meet this goal. I want to say something here in all seriousness, this is strictly voluntary, if you are tight on cash then DONT donate. We have all been there and I'm definitely not asking you folks to give if money is tight. But if you have a spare few buck, perhaps putting off buying that 1 chrome piece for the bike for a few weeks or whatever. I ask that you please help us to meet our goal and make things happen. I will take the lead and will send $100 to Don through paypal as a gesture of my seriousness. I wont burden him with taking the donations, I will handle that as it was my mouth that got this ball rolling. My paypal addy is weldman333@yahoo.com or you can email or PM me for my home addy if you want to send it through the mail. It's a lofty goal, but one that I believe is easily attainable, please help us in helping others that are in way more need. If there are any questions or concerns feel free to contact me either in this thread or by PM/email. Thank you all for listening and I look forward to being able to help us help children that need it St Judes website http://www.stjude.org/stjude/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=f2bfab46cb118010VgnVCM1000000e2015acRCRD
  15. Still Lazy Bum
  16. Your definitely not making any friends with me Only good point is I told my mother who just turned 60 to take it at 62. I might as well see someone in my family get something for my efforts
  17. Not me....I'll just look at you guys ones....Tom you sure look different without glasses
  18. Might want to PM Brad T, he's there in Kitchener We'll get hook up with you soon.
  19. Steve....I hope it turns out for you
  20. Very trick idea, I too will be waiting to see how this unfolds
  21. Here's the direct link http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&viewitem=&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fshop.ebay.com%3A80%2F%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dm38.l1313%26_nkw%3D170252993777%26_sacat%3DSee-All-Categories%26_fvi%3D1&item=170252993777
  22. Get the Clearview, it's a great product and if you have never put in a vent, trust me it isn't fun. The curvature of the G2 windshield will make it very hard to fit right. They are a preferred vendor to us and have donated to many of our projects. http://www.clearviewshields.com/
  23. I notice your in Waterloo, i know there are some members in the Kitchener area that have a carbtune. Or you can come over to Michigan on Saturday for the Michigan maintenance day and we'll do it there. You could also come to my house as I live across from Sombra.
  24. Thank god for that second...good to still have you with us
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