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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. It's not uncommon for them to be cracking, my '99s both had cracks in them and I later replaced them on my 2nd one. The carbs have to be pulled off, but other than that it isn't terrible. spray some carb cleaner or starting fluid around the cracks to see if there is a leak. The engine will rev a bit if there is an airleak. I believe that I spent about $150 for the replacements, might be more now. If there isn't a problem and you can live with looking at the cracks then....dont worry about it till it becomes a problem
  2. Good to see you folks getting hooked up for a ride, seems like it has been a busy weekend for all of us on the site
  3. Not quite crazy, just a bit more abnormal that the rest of us Sounds like a neat project....
  4. Your in the right spot Steve, just be careful, Giga posted up a maintenance day at his place and he was swamped with folks If you ever need help, just come on and ask for it. Most folks will come for just the ride to get there, but if you offer to feed or take care of their thirst...it'll sound like a heard of Elephants running to your door
  5. I'm still stewing about this, and you can bet that I WILL find out who his supervisor is. There was no excuse for him to react the way he did. He should have just sent them back home. I know the guy who they are talking about as he is just an idiot, I'll get him....I hold grudges for a long time
  6. Sometimes the simplest things make the biggest impact, glad that you got it fixed
  7. Dan....I'm gonna miss you buddy
  8. Cherry Pie??? Hand Crank Buzz Toy!!!! Well we REALLY dont need pics of all that here Just have fun on your Anniversary....sounds like your going to, in a weird kinky sort of way
  9. I am so envious! We did a 10000 mile trip in '06 that took 28 days, I wish I could take a trip like that every year Be safe and have a great time....take lots of pics for us blokes that can't go with ya
  10. Oh Margaret dont EVEN kid around about that....talk about loosing the will to live
  11. I haven't forgotten....bless the men that pay homage to fallen hero's Semper Fi
  12. Taps, If you bike has the original springs in it, the upgrade needs to be done. The stock springs will be broken down and if you have seal leaks then I would replace them. If they dont leak, then just install the front progressive springs. It's really not that hard, and I know that there are a few members close by you that would probably assist for perhaps an Ice Cream
  13. We are rolling good right now folks, I know that I have been getting more nice sized donations. I will keep all of you abreast of the happenings and we'll see about getting rides setup to run down, or up to St. Judes....I agree with Lewis, this is going to be big. Thank you all for your support
  14. I can't tell you how good it is to see Muffinman on that '86
  15. Without fueling a fire, I agree with Forrest. I think it's great to try and calm them down a bit, but most of the folks that do this dont pay heed to the rules anyhow. Hopefully when they do run, which they will, they wont kill anyone but themselves in the process
  16. Now why would I want to screw one of my bestest buddies like that But it does have a nice ring to it
  17. Love the black looking rims and you wont be disappointed with the Avons
  18. Fantastic Bill! Were on our way and the donations have been coming in, and I'm not talking small ones! Thank you all that have donated to this, Bobbie and I really want to blow away the $3K minimum and if it keep up like this...we will. Just remember that every little bit helps, it's not about huge donations, but lots of small ones that will make this happen. Thank you again to all that have and are going to donate
  19. You'll notice that it doesn't have any bids on it either, what a waste to put a VW in it and take out the V4. I honestly dont like the looks of it either, to eaches own
  20. Thats a great deal and I wouldn't hesitate a second more in getting it. Your '89, although sentimental to you I would give about the same estimate of $2500 maybe a bit more depending on condition. The way prices on the Ventures are going put it on ebay and you'd probably get $5K out of it
  21. The bearing is a good guess at the problem, and I agree with all the post here. Just dont forget to look at you TIRES also, if they are starting to cup and you lean it dramatically, it will make the bike vibrate. Just something to be aware of
  22. Southwest Moto http://www.swmototires.com/
  23. Leo, No I dont, Yamaha makes a bracket that holds the turn signals and the driving lights, here's a link... http://www.starmotorcycles.com/star/accessories/acscitemdetail/5/4/83/408/all/1/241/0/detail.aspx
  24. Well I'm good for 5 years with the warranty, if Yamaha does decide to drop the Venture, they have done it before. And Harley puts the liquid cooled V-rod motor in the Ultra's frame....my next one will be a Harley.
  25. I was thinking the same thing, if just $1....thats over $5K.....we'll get it rolling, the little ones are worth it
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