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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. You mention "Grab and Slip" 1st thing that hits me is did you get all the air out of the system? If it was a worn or warped rotor you would feel the petal pulsate. Did you go with diferent material pads than you previously used also? Just trying to get a clearer picture of what you got
  2. By God your right there Jack
  3. You have air pressure in it and it will push the oil in any direction it can where there is a crack. It's not uncommon to leak while sitting, the G2's also have rear shock problems. I have a rear shock for the 1200's if your interested, give me a shout if you want to change yours out.
  4. Good to hear, just be aware that the narrower front tire will not be as stable in heavy winds. Be safe and enjoy your "New Bike"
  5. Good to hear Lew....were pulling for her
  6. I'm glad that you posted this up, not only did you NOT crash, but it's further testimony thet these tires on the Venture are Dangerous! Not that my opinion is worth a crap, but there are only 2 different tires that I will run on my Ventures, Michelin Commanders and Avon Venoms.....Period. Glad that your here telling us, find yourself a set of anything else and get back riding
  7. Better than 1906
  8. We only like you for your wife, she's way easier on the eyes too!!! Come on you knew it was going to be me with a smart alec responce
  9. The RSV is a 5 pin connector
  10. Pretty trippy
  11. Just a word here, there is a specific procedure for alignment of driving light so that they wont blind oncoming traffic. I have always run my Driving lights when I'm on the bike day or night. I use the driving lights as ditch runners, angling them just slightly to the right or left on their position on the bar. This gives a huge swath of light that covers the entire road and most of the ditches. A good quality light bulb makes a huge difference too in all the fwd facing lights that the bike has
  12. I had a bike I sold on ebay and the buyer shipped with these folks http://www.haulbikes.com/haulbikes.html I can tell you that they were very capable and the truck that picked it up was immaculant. Very top notch in my eyes and I would use them if I had to have a bike shipped, it's all they do
  13. Hey Russell.....I was born in 1966 you know when YOU were in the service.
  14. Dave, Here is where I have purchased mine before for the 1st gens http://www.mawonline.com/newsite/progressive-fork_springs.htm Progressive part # is 111112 $56 + shipping, if you get them call me and I'll come over and help you install them.
  15. I was 12 when the movie came out Russell
  16. Very Cool Pete!!!
  17. I'm somewhat from that era......but I did type it in google and it brought it up
  18. To be honest you could take the old ones out and go to your local autoparts store and I'll bet you dollars to donuts they would have one on the shelf. Just get Halogens and pop them back in, no sweat. If by chance they are sealed beams, which the stock ones are, there is a site that I purchased sealed beam halogens from. Give me a little time as I can't seem to find it right this second
  19. Nancy, I can't tell you how good it is to see a post with Mean Dog in it We'll definitely get it all arrainged sweetie, it's the least we could do for a man that so many of us called our friend....God Bless you Kiddo.
  20. If your talking about the passing lights on the front, quite a few are sealed beams, and many optional ones would be an H3 bulb. If I'm off base on what I'm thinking help me out and we'll get an answer
  21. That mind is like a rusty steel trap....you never know when it's gonna snap!
  22. This what you lookin for there hooter Though your hair is all in tangles And your makeup is a mess Most of what you're drinking Is spilling down your dress And to keep from falling off Your barstool's 'bout All that you can do I'll make my proposition 'Cause I'm just as drunk as you [CHORUS] Let's do something cheap and superficial Let's do something that we might regret Let's do something shabby and insensitive This might be the only chance we get You got lipstick showing on your teeth And a run down your hose Where you got that cheap perfume God only knows Now I'll be glad to have you home Long before daylight The sun is your worst enemy Thank God it's dark tonight [repeat CHORUS]
  23. Bump it back up top.....I have 4 sets left right now!
  24. Back up to the top she goes
  25. Another tire I have used besides the Avon Venom is the Michelin Commander. I was very happy with the Commanders so much that I put a set on the '86 I ended up selling.
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