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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. I just about pee'd myself when I read this
  2. Gary.....so sorry to hear this my friend, I dont have words. The phone is on and were here for you
  3. Been running it in my Ventures for years, I have used the Dino stuff on the older ones, never had any problems with it
  4. That one has some rare Venture bling on it, good looking scoot, the paint looks real deep
  5. Nice place to visit, cool looking pics too
  6. Nice pics Peg, looks like it would be a neat place to visit
  7. I'm not 100% positive, but I believe that the '83/'84 might be a bit different than the later years. I know there will be some 1st genners offer up a bit more positive responce.
  8. Good on ya Bill! May you 2 have all the best in your life together, congrats
  9. Feel free to PM me if you have other questions, my cell # is also in my profile
  10. I have relocated several of them and I didn't cut anything off. I routed the wires to the left of the airbox and then ran a screw right through the stock ear and into the top of the airbox. The wires were a bit tight but worked well, never had an issue with the faux cover setting on, I'll see if I can drum up some pics, I know I took some of it.
  11. Interesting website, looks like we can use some of his experience in some of the rides for next year
  12. Just plain junk on the Ventures, I have said it time and time again. Although many folks dont know me, I will NEVER recommend Metzlers to anyone. Metzlers responce to all that have complained is you run your pressure too low. Thats fine, I'll be the worst word of mouth to their company that I can be. Good luck with them, they suck to deal with, you might just have to bite the bullet and get a different set of tires and chalk it up to experience
  13. No you dont need to keep the original tires for warranty purposes, if any dealer tries to tell you that, they are full of crap. Yamaha puts 2 different mfgrs on the Venture Dunlop and Bridgestones, both tires suck in my opinion
  14. When you have tried to start it, has all the dash lights and everything gone off? The very 1st thing I would do is clean and check all your connections from the battery. Check the ground which is on the right side of the engine down at the very forward of it. Make sure all your connections are clean and tight. If that doesn't cure it the I would pull the starter switch assy apart and see if it's corroded, do the same with the kill switch. Just be care ful when you pull them apart as ther are lots of small parts. Take your digital camera and take pics as you pull it apart so you have a reference to how it goes back together. Let us know how you fare and we'll help you get it figured out.
  15. Bravo Zulu to you folks!!! How cool is that, you folks down there make all of us proud. I love to hear of the surprise ones...like you all pulled over on me. Great pics and looks like you all had a great time. Don H were here for you and all you need to do is ask and we'll make it happen....nice work Gunboat
  16. It makes me sick to hear of this, Bob you are in our thoughts my friend for a speedy and full recovery. I totally understand all that goes with crashing, thank god your still with us. If anything is needed please let us know, Rick and Marilyn thanks so much for letting us know, please be safe and keep us updated.
  17. I checked out that link, it looks like a nice trailer, but it seems too good to be true for that price Call it the cynic in me, but $2K for a Vnose enclosed trailer doesn't seem on the up and up
  18. Ok Folks, As of right now we have $1178.59 towards the goal of $3K, and I thank all of you that have been able to donate. I will be keeping this up top and visible so we can meet our goal. Bobbie stated in the beginning that for her enduring this is worth $3K and I respect her for that. I will get one regardless of what we raise, but if you all want to see Bobbie get one also, we NEED to meet that $3K mark. It is going well and were past 1/3 of the way to getting to our goal. Lets keep it going, remember many small donations will make this happen. Big ones are nice, but slow and steady wins the race. I'll keep up with the updates as they happen, Thank you all again that have donated
  19. You might be opening a can of worms if you disconnect them. What type of pads are you running? I would suggest a different set of pads to begin with. I always use the EBC HH pads on all my bikes. The 1st gens, especially the 1200 cc ones had lousy brake systems. I would bleed the entire brake sysytem if you haven't done it yet and go to a different pad if you are still on organics....0.98 less than a buck.
  20. John, I see that your on an '86, dont know if you knew about the linked brakes. If you have air in the rear, more than likely it's in the left front too as that is part of the rear petal brake system. The 1st gens can be a bear to bleed, I have done many of them. You might have to bleed that entire system to get it working right. Also there is a bleeder up by the steering head bearing that leads to the front caliper. Check that out as well and try to bleed it from there.
  21. Dusk, What are you looking to get out of her, I have been looking for something for my dad that we can play with and try to lower for him...shoot me a PM.
  22. Smart girl you have there, you better keep her as thats the one you wnat taking care of you when your OLD! Great to see you had a good time, hard not to with you 4, bet your cheeks are still sore from laughing
  23. You folks have a great time...I know you will Sorry about not being able to make it, actually at work right now
  24. This is purely a guess JT, but my money would be the left outer cylinder have you tried to look info up online??
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