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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. 1000 rpm, I wouldn't go much lower than that as the oil pressure when it's hot isn't very good. The extra rpm keeps oil headed up top and will keep you that much more into the power range on takeoff.
  2. Same here, although I will agree with different areas of the country will get different results. I just use the 87 and run it, I'm not light on the throttle so it really is a waste for me
  3. Thats the way to go, fast and doing what you love...hope I'm that lucky
  4. I'll have to change that....even though you never call
  5. We have a list of folks that offer assistance, I have one in the back of the bike. All you need to do is call and folks will come and help. This is a really cool place, and your never truly alone when your on a Venture. Kudos to our brother in arms who showed up and helped
  6. Thats entirely possible Sonny, my problem is I can't stay out of the throttle well enough to see what my best gas mileage is Glad it seems to be working out for you and thanks for the write up
  7. I know that's the reason that Lonna has got back on the bike is she trusts my abilities. It's a huge deal to be on the back seat and letting someone else make decisions. I'm very happy that Lonna did get back on, I'm sure that Mrs. Vicco will get to that point...1 mile at a time
  8. Put a vaccume gauge on it 1st JT, every bike I have ever done has the vaccume ports on the intake manifolds or very close to where the carbs are hooked into the heads. Also try to remove the restrictor tubes from inside the Carbtune and see how that goes.
  9. Right On! Good for him, nothing better than getting out into the REAL world and seeing what it's all about
  10. Here's the most important thing to me that I believe will help you....have total trust in your driver. If you are nervous about the drivers abilities it will compound your fears. I wear a half helmet as does my wife, after wearing full faces all my life. I'm not into how supposedly a full face will save you, but by hearing more and having no periferal vision impared can make it more enjoyable. It will take time and effort to overcome it, but the rewards are huge when the Zen moment hits you
  11. Mike, I knew it was the rear as I lost control of the rearend as it started sliding sideways. I did have time to react, which is surprising because in 10 seconds it was over from start to finish. I was able to countersteer 3 times before I blacked out just before we entered the median between the freeway. I was happy to realise that I didn't think at all, I reacted to what the bike was doing faster than I could think. I might have been able to save it if we were going somewhat slower, but we were at freeway speed Lots of sound thinking there, I know just the other day on my '08 I found loose bolts holding on the trunk rail where it connects beside the rear fender. I always take off my saddlebags when i was too and I look at the rearend and tire good.
  12. Glad to hear he wasn't hurt, I want to give some advise here. Made damn sure he has an accident report that stated the accident wasn't his fault. i say this because I am getting screwed by my insurance company in the fact that they say our crash in January was my fault. So make sure right now that you get all the paperwork in order so he doesn't have his rates go up....I am in the process of fighting mine and telling the insurance comapny where to shove it
  13. I dont recall getting one, but I do have a set left. Shoot me another PM and we'll get it rolling
  14. Post it....and they will come, but be careful, you might get addicted
  15. Mark hit it right on the head
  16. It will rub on the driveshaft swingarm if I'm not mistaken. You also have to pay CLOSE attention to the weight ratings of the tires you install on the Ventures. Different sizes have different weight ratings, and the Venture needs as heavy a tire as you can put on it.
  17. Or you could just use some Deodorant
  18. I heard about this ride a few years back when we were in Cherokee NC just before we went on the Blueridge Parkway. Sounds like it would be interesting, but I'm not a real big fan of that many bikes together at 1 time
  19. Thanks for the update on you folks, tell Lyle we'll be here waiting for him when he can get back. If you folks need something please let us know.
  20. Nice looking work there Wayne
  21. You bet, I have a couple sets left, shoot me a Private message and we'll get it rolling
  22. Johanne, As it's been mentioned Thank you for joining the site and coming on with updates of your father. I have been fortunate enough to have spend time with him on a couple of occasions. He's a strong man and I'm confident he'll pull through just fine. Were talking with the maker daily and will continue to do so, you folks are in our thoughts.
  23. I saw a pic of Owl on a motorcycle....what a novel idea for him
  24. Yep....I'm part of that club too
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