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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Gerry, I did recieve it and your brackets were shipped Saturday, you might even see them today. Haven't had much of a chance to email sorry about that
  2. The one thing I would like to mention is if it's going to be a huge expected turnout, is to have a route setup that is escorted by the police. I have lead groups of up to 30 bikes, the logistics can be a nightmare. Your going to want an escort if your involved with a large group. I really dont like going on huge rides like that as I have no idea the skills of the other riders. I know that many are for good causes, but I'd just as soon give the gift and not go on the ride.
  3. Nice job Charlie, curious to know if you had any problems installing them back into the lower leg as the rubber band is taking up some of the space where they snap in?
  4. Are you reading through the plug boot to the open end of the wire where it pushes into the coil? The boots are a resistor type and I know that in their age they can corrode up and cause all kinds of problems. For about $40 you can replace all of the wires and boots and not have to worry about anything....just a thought
  5. Chuck.... Here is customer relations # http://www.yamaha-motor.com/sport/contactus/home.aspx If you need help I'll bring my bat
  6. Were too honest to be politians...but thanks for thinking of us
  7. Tim, Here is the link to MAW online, I have used them before with good results on a few occasions. The fork springs are part # 111112 or the MAW # is M02990 they are $55.95 http://www.mawonline.com/newsite/progressive-fork_springs.htm
  8. How long has it been since a complete tune up was done on the bike? I dont know how long you have had it, but the 1st thing I do when I get a bike, 'specially if it's used, is a full tune up. Another thing I do whenI put the wires on a 1st gen is take a small pick and inset it into the wire end that goes into the coil as it will help it center itself on the pin.
  9. Thanks for the update Dale, let her know we are pulling for all of you
  10. I can relate, mine and the diabetes sometimes can scare the hell out of me....they are a tough breed some of them. Glad to hear your is on the mend
  11. You state that very well, thats what this place has turned into...and I couldn't be happier about it. I'm glad to see that it affects folks this way, it still does me Darrell......5 minutes in the time out corner
  12. Squidley

    Good Video

    Stirrer of the pot is a good name for you Forrestt
  13. I'll second what Freebird said here, I have NEVER seen a political post that has not turned bad. As for the statement like this "I thought that political discussions were not allowed. I guess that's only if you disagree with the admin". I welcome you to PM ANY of the moderators, we all try very hard not to make this a dictatorship. If you feel like we are, then perhaps this is not the site for you and you might want to visit other sites. I'll tell anyone like it is, if you come here to stir the pot, or bash what goes on here....LEAVE. This is a free site and you have nothing into it, and frankly we dont need to babysit people like that. Sorry if you feel it has come out harsh, but you wont find a better bunch of folks anywhere on the web. I'm like Don and have STRONG political beliefs, but none of you know them from listening to them on this site, because I dont bring them here. Lets all work hard to keep them out of here, and if you have to lable a thread saying "This isn't meant to be political".....it probably will be.
  14. You did it for me bro....Thanks
  15. Were here for all of you Bro, as mentioned.....it WILL get better.
  16. ....and now he's north of Benton Harbor Mi.
  17. Well now he's on the north side of Chicago
  18. In 1 of the pics it shows that a Midnight RSV has towed it Thats a pretty good deal by US standards, and a great one by Canadian
  19. Dan, Haven't seen you on in forever it seems like, yes I do have brackets. Shoot me a PM and we'll get it rolling. Brian, I am getting ready to package yours up here this morning before work. I'll have Lonna send them out today
  20. Some folks have used the Harley Trunkpac on theirs. I also know there is a small aftermarket version of one, but it doesn't seem right as far a scale. You could always throw a RSV trunk on it
  21. Ken, I have been installing the round aircraft vents in the G2's windshields for a while now. Here is where you can buy them from... http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/appages/snapvents.php You want the part # CC-3251 Let me know if you have problems getting the to the big island, I can order a set for you and ship them through USPS
  22. Thanks for coming on Mrs. Vicco, by all means if you have other questions or concerns feel free to ask them. We welcome you to join up under your own name, there is a sizeable part or the membership that are women and I KNOW will be happy to talk your ear off. 1 mile at a time....you'll get there just fine, looking forward to seeing you on one of the trips I'm sure you'll be taking
  23. Thanks for taking the time with your write up Don, and it makes good sense. I buy K&N's because I never have to do it again, there's my cost savings. BTW....I would be interested in a set from you for my '08, can you get them??
  24. I agree, but dont use it on the front.
  25. Thanks again for the update Johanne...as always, if you need something let us know...All the best
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