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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. I know it's off topic Jack, but do you folks have an idea on the time of year your going to try and have it??
  2. Thats pretty funny, but someone will buy it because it says it's for a biker. I know some members wear them on the bike, but there is no way that I will
  3. It's not about taking the entire house, if you take necessities for 2 and are going to be riding for 2 weeks then it is necessary. The bike is close to being overloaded 2 up with gear for a week. The trailer is a tool to have what you need and not have to worry about washing every other day. You need to have a variety of clothes for different weather conditions. I was in the Rockies in August and left Evanston WY. before dawn, it was 38 degrees, so I needed all my leathers as well as my wifes gear for her diabetes. Trailers make it safer to tour on a big where you need many different situational needs.
  4. I already did....and I'll let you know when I hit the 100K mark...in about 5 years
  5. Still Love ya POPS BTW I would love to go to western Canada, but I dont have the money or vacation...so I'm not of much help in your thread
  6. ....I know
  7. I still say your a spy
  8. I think you'll find that your among a minority here, I have used Irridium plugs in one of my 1st gens and I gained nothing from them. There was no great fuel mileage increase or power that the bike didn't already have. It's good to hear that you believe it gave yours a boost, but many of us have not had the same result as you.....98 cents less than a buck
  9. How tight are the steering head bearings? You might have to tighten them up a bit. Always possible that you threw a weight off it, just a couple of quick thoughts
  10. Thats the spirit, pop some vmax cams in it and
  11. I'll let you know when I finish putting the remaining 93000 and some change on mine
  12. Bubber hit all the points pretty much, you do want tounge weight on the bike. Just remember that you have to keep more distance between you and other drivers as it will affect your stopping. Just tone down your riding in the twisties, and try to consiously remember that you have a trailer behind you. I can tell you that it is EASY to forget you have one there until you stop. Also too is when you do pack it is keep the majority of the weight to the front of the trailer. If you start to drive it and it doesn't feel right or is squirrely, stop and reposition the load. You wont have to run the tires at max pressure either, this will cause it to bounce more. Set your pressures at what pulls best for you, there is no super science to that, just what the seat of your pants tell you. Once you get used to it, you'll love it, they are very handy and for long trips it really takes a lot of weight off the bike which is a good thing. I have pulled trailers behind my bikes for better than 20000 miles and couldn't imagine a week long trip with Momma without one
  13. OK I stand corrected....perhaps the north pole would have been more appropriate
  14. Squidley


    I so do love those pics He really is a redneck, just doesn't want his adoring public to know
  15. 1st 2 things I bought for mine was Highway pegs and a backrest, backrest will make a long day way easier. Buy the hitch later
  16. Holy Hell 3 big heads!!!
  17. I know things take time to get to Canada Charlie....but we knew about that 3 weeks ago BTW I do LOVE the Raven and Seashell color combo, I actually would have taken it over my '08's color had I known
  18. I haven't had to try that Igya, I know some have had them, but never really asked about a skipping issue. This is just me, so take it for what it's worth, but I would invest in a radio that has an auxillary port and hook an MP3 player or Sat radio (if you like that) into it and then you have music for days.
  19. Cool pics...I would definitely like to see that XS special one of these days
  20. Scott, The only other thing I can think of, if it's NOT the water pump components is the cams. These being overhead valves with shims on top of the valves might be out of spec. It would be easy if it had hydraulic lifters as from what you describe, might be constrewed as that if we had lifters on these bikes. Just hit me....what about the cam chain tensioners any motorheads here have a thought on that
  21. I do it once a year at the beginning of the season, and that is often to some folks. Not to be a cynic, but a dealer will tell you to do it more often...as it is money for him
  22. Scott, I am by no means an expert, but I have heard on some of the 1st gens had plastic impeller, I have never pulled that system apart. Yours would be a rarity if at 50K it went out, but it's obviously not impossible. I can't think of anything else that would cause a sound like your describing beside a bad impeller or the drive gear. I would just make sure that your anti freeze level is good before you tear it all apart. I have heard knocking from low coolant but it doesn't sound like this is what you have.
  23. Deb, I have bought one of them and they are VERY cheaply built. It doesn't blend as well as I like and for me would have to be trimmed to get the fit on the trunk that I would feel good with. The one that was posted up by Rivco looks to be decent and I may just have to buy it and see how it's like.
  24. Dont even think that Cindy, whenever you need to vent, come on here and do it....we will always listen to what you have to get out. Be safe Kiddo, were thinking about all of you
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