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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Nice pics Bob I see you made it to Safeco field while you were out there. BTW...Thank God she takes after Momma with the looks Hope the best for the both of them...now get on that bike of yours and make up for lost time
  2. Thats not quite how it's going to work Bummer will tell all of YOU folks what our tattoos are going to be, we have already picked them out and where they are going. A HUGE thank you to all that were able to donate, This is a giant effort that we took on and you can thank Bobbie for the goal amount. She definitely thinks big David....Thank you my friend for the last push, we actually do have more than $3K right now as I recieved a couple of checks today and still anticipate atleast 1 more thats enroute. Now we can get these monies to Memphis and help some of the little ones....all in the name of our friend....Mean Dog
  3. Hey ...Thats me
  4. I have always wanted one, rode the 1st model year when I was in the service back in 1991.....I still want one, just can't afford it right now
  5. Thanks for the info Josh
  6. That is correct JT, could be an issue with that dampener. I'm planning on sending one down south here in the next day or 2.
  7. You are correct and right now the total stands at $2884.12...just a few days left
  8. I see you finally got around to it Dave
  9. Good to see you folks had a good time, I wish we could have been there....the pics of your daughter say it all
  10. Did you and Jeff go on the '86?
  11. Like Darrin mentioned, the collector could be a culprit, but I would also look at the exhaust pipes where they connect into the heads. There are copper crush rings between the heads and the ends of the pipes. Perhaps one of your pipes is loose and leaking there
  12. You gotta be careful with making those statements, it could be cheaper to let a dealer fix it than try to feed and thirst quench some of these folks
  13. Good job folks, very good cause to support
  14. Remember too that the saddle bags off the Venture will fit it too. The cruise doesn't engage below 4th gear either, let us know of the progress as it comes along
  15. Thanks Joe...I appreciate the offer and will just have to play it by ear
  16. Pull off your seat and that black tank under it is the gas tank. On the right rear of the tank os a small 3" oval cover....thats the fuel sender. #22 on this diagram is the sender
  17. Absolutely I have had them on 3 of my bikes
  18. Dave, Might be just as easy to get a Firestik and change it over, then you never have to worry about it again. It's adjustable also for the tuning of the CB
  19. Don, What I would 1st suggest is to take all the air out of the shock and refill it. Also move the damper knob to differnt settings. If you have a problem after that I would suggest you might start looking for a rear shock. Matter of fact I have one and I'll send it to you just in case ( I have your addy)
  20. It's a 1st gen...that was easy, do you have harder questions
  21. Yep....The gauges on the 1st gen are not real accurate and there isn't any need to worry. All the 1st gens I had ran right close to the redline, after I found out that this is normal I just rode them....no worries.
  22. Ok...now isn't the time to be modest Earl...lets see the BLING!
  23. I'm not fancy on the Vision as far as looks go, but I will admit that Victory is thinking outside the box, and thats good. I guess my biggest concern would be how hot does it get? I have seen them in person and I would have to believe that if you were stuck in traffic on a hot day that you would cook! I have heard great things on the handling, and perhaps one day I will take one out for a ride. I have to say that I still have found no better fit for me than the RSV
  24. I have done half a dozen of the mods that 93 Venture posted up. Works great and you dont have any more worries.
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