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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Thank you for noticing Jim
  2. Metzler makes the rectifier too
  3. I have only heard about the rears, wouldn't put ANY Metzler on any bike I own (I Know thats not what you asked to hear)
  4. I was very happy with being able to go through the CU. My local bank didn't even offer a Cycle loan and they actually called the CU for me and got all the info. Funny thing is this all came about because the GE moneybank that Yamaha financed my loan through wouldn't give me my title. They hold onto it as I went to Ohio and bought it. In Michigan we own our titles, there is an area on the title for the finance company to have the lein on the vehicle. I couldn't get my title and that just irked me so bad that I decided that they weren't going to get my money. Kinda funny getting mad actually saved me money...whodathunktit
  5. Yeah I do remember them, we met them when we were at your place last year. Good to hear that things are OK for them, glad you got to see them again
  6. Now that some of the others have piped up, it got me thinking when does it slip? The clutch spring was mentioned but you didn't mention where it was slipping. If the spring is getting weak it will typically slip between 4th and 5th gear under harder acceleration. If the oil that you put into it is something new that you changed to then I would swap it out and rplace the oil 1st. As a rule of thumb I have NEVER in all the clutch changes I have done, needed to change out the friction discs. I have measured the thickness of last 5 clutches that I changed and they were the same thickness as the new ones.
  7. Dawg, No sweat, just change it out and replace it with the Rotella T 15/40 it will start to clear up shortly after that.
  8. I usually found that I was grabbing a gear at about 8200 on the 1st gens. I could feel it start to wain a bit, but never floated a valve.
  9. The tour would have been nice, but I'm in agreeance (is that a word ) with lets show up and donate the monies and ride. Mean Dog would have wanted it that way and when we ride from St. Judes...Mark WILL be with us. Lewis, I can't thank you enough for grabbing the bull by the horns, your the stuff leaders are made of. Let us show up and share eachothers company as has been mentioned and have a great day knowing that what we are about to do will make a huge difference. I want to thank EVERYONE that donated to this cause and we will see you folks in Memphis on the 18th
  10. There are Many of us that have done and still do this, matter of fact I make a set of brackets to install them on the RSV. The sound is good and even drilled out they aren't obnoxious. It really is the simplest way to get a better sound out of the RSV, I still have to put the set on my new one that I bought in July
  11. I have to tell you Jim, if the '08 H/D had the Vrod motor in it...I would probably own one. I have said it here many times that H/D listens to their buyers, Yamaha doesn't. If H/D does go ahead and put that engine into their big frames....the Japs will be in touble. I still like to go fast and have good performance in the curves, the RSV gives me that. As soon as the Harley will keep up with the V4 we have, and dont be laughing boys, I will own one.
  12. I just refinanced my '08 through a local Credit Union and went froma 9.9% finance to a 7.75. The Yamaha finance SUCKS! I have good credit and as usual I couldn't be approved for the best rate...go figure That is a great deal on that bike and I would efinitely look at going through a CU. I took $150.00 and put $100 in a checkibng account there and $50 in a svings and filed for the loan while I did it all. 1 day later it was come in and sign the paperwork...that easy BTW Mike...congrats on the payoff, now more monies to ride
  13. His tires were underinflated Very glad to hear that it wasn't worse, I wont even get on it
  14. You down there now Eh? have fun and I expect a bunch of good stories when you get back...maybe some about petrolium
  15. I'm with everyone here, 3K is old school and there isn't really any cars on the road that are so old that they need to be changed with that frequency. I'm usually right at 4500 to 5000 miles depending on driving and conditions, as Redneck mentioned. Oils have come a long way and I too think it's just oil companies trying to make more of a profit. I have synthetic in the bike and this is the 1st vehicle I have owned from brand new. I'll probably be changing the oil in it about every 9K and a filter at about 4500.
  16. I was out of it for a bit, but the plug was the problem with mine as the ground end got hot and melted the plastic around it. I ended up modifying it to make it work, but had to massage the actual female pin sides of it to make a tighter fit. If you think about it, where the regulator is mounted is a lousy place as it's low to the ground as you can get, right behind the front tire which will kick up dirt and crap. I'm glad that the headbanging worked out, I know that George knows his stuff
  17. I must be sick because I am laughing my rear off! What a dope!
  18. Personally I love how the Road Glide looks, but I am a realist air cooled in the south during the summer...no thanks. That being said I would love to ride one for a weekend just to able to honestly test one to the other.
  19. HA! I remember that day like it was yesterday,ran 2 batteries dead in the cordless drill....you were a bit nervous
  20. No problem Ken...life is getting in the way here too, let us know how it turns out
  21. OK... The drive is officially done and I will tally up all the donations by the weekend and post a total up. I will also be getting ahold of Bummer and he will tell y'all what Bobbie and I are going to get as far as the Tats. Thank you all again very much for all your generosity and and I'm looking forward to getting all the monies to St. Judes
  22. Probably not ...but just think, you get to keep all the money you make off the set your selling
  23. It appears to me that it has been repainted, never seen that color before on Any Venture. Price is right if it runs good and 2nd gear isn't wasted, especially in Canada.
  24. Your '87 hitch will fit all the 1300 cc Ventures '86 to '93
  25. .....plus it looks cool!
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