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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. NOLA cajun cookin....can I come
  2. Dave, That was the set that I was telling you of on Ebay. I have bought a few sets from this guy and it's worked out very well. Might want to think about that set and do it over the winter
  3. Lots of good info from all here, but I'm on the same lines as Carl. I had an Avon on the rear of my '99 and there was reasonable tread left but it was starting to cup. Bike didn't handle for crap, replaced the tires...all gone. The pressures in the forks are another look see. I usually keep my rear at about 40 psi as I like a bit stiffer ride for performance. The fronts at about 4 or 5, it's all about how you want it to feel. I also agree with checking the steer head bearings. Loosen the top triple tree nut, which a 1 1/16" wrench will work I do believe, and tap the retaining nut under the chrome cover with a long punch clockwise and tighten the nut after it's snug, dont reef on it.
  4. Happy Thanksgiving to all our Canadian brothers and sisters. I wish you all clear weather to ride in and all the food your bellies can hold
  5. Sounds good Bud, I'm confident that it will turn out to be something stupid
  6. Thanks Fellas... I will get with Dave and take the switches apart, it just seems strange that it was all of a sudden that it didn't work. I did play with the Hi beam switch and rock it back and forth, but perhaps it is something in there or the starter switch. I didn't want to take them apart today as he was coming to pick it up today. Craig, Brother you give me way too much credit, I'm only knowledgeable on the things I have broke and had to fix. I'm not real strong with electrical, and there will always be someone here on this site that will be able to teach me something....and it might be you I'll let y'all know what it actually turns out to be when we get it figured out
  7. I do love this place, after about 2 hours after I post this I'm talking to Muffin who has it all in control....did I mention I love this place Thanks to all that responded and Muffin for saving my bacon
  8. Hey Folks, I am in need of an item for a 1st gen ASAP! I am working on Dave Pankows Bike and I dropped the front headlight assy and broke the front glass out of it So if anyone has a spare or know's of a unit for sale PLEASE let me know as I have to get this replaced for Dave. Thank you for your support
  9. It's been a while since I've been stumped, but I am right now. I am working on Dave Pankows '86 and for some reason I dont have the headlight working now and it worked when he pulled into the driveway. I have replaced the fuse block with one of the upgrades to push type spades. I have done half a dozen of better of these with no issues. Everything appears to be working normally on the fuse block as I have tested to make sure of power from one side through the fuse to the other lead side. The bike starts and runs all the lights work, signals, emergency flashers, running lights, but no headlight. It's a new bulb as I checked it and the filaments are good, I just have no power to the switch. Now mind you that I am not good with chasing wires from a diagram. I have a repair manual but it might as well be in swahelie as far as understanding wire diagrams. I'm not sure if I have to have all the electronics hooked back up for the headlight to work. I dont think so, but I've been wrong before If some of you electrical types could help this dumb welder out I would appreciate it BTW: I am looking for the headlight assy for this '86 also as Mr. Butterfingers dropped it and broke the front glass out
  10. Good on them, were all proud of all of your service Semper Fi
  11. Which rectifier did you used Jeff? was it the new one that you got from Flatout
  12. Lonna had her 2nd Carpal tunnel surgery today and unfortunately we aren't going anywhere But I am sure the membership will make up for the miles we wont get to put on, y'all be safe and put a few miles on for us
  13. I just wanted to put this up incase anyone wanted to tag along. Lonna and I will be leaving my work in Pontiac at 11am on Friday morning. We will do a HARD 500 mile ride and make it down to Bowling Green KY. to spend the night. We will then leave there early Saturday Morning where we will catch up with Ebat somewhere around Nashville TN. and head towards Memphis and the meet up with Lewis and the crew at the Flying J. Unbfortunately this wont be as relaxing as I would like it to be and will be all super slab to make time. If anyone wants to hook up along the way give me a shout and we'll see what we can make of it....I'm pretty excited about getting there
  14. I agree
  15. NOPE!
  16. That may work with some other folks, but I know BOTH of you and there are many here that will attest to my finger pointing. Besides perhaps Peg will break out the whip and you will both get punished Besides I seem to remember a set of Chrome Thongs there Mini, and you were all for showing them off at Dons
  17. No thats just anything to do with you Dan
  18. Nate...Take David up on that, dont let a dealer get ahold of it. Buy the PCW kit and be done with it. I can have a clutch completely changed out in 30 minutes and without draining the oil.
  19. Stirrer of the pot perhaps
  20. Thats because all the ice cream is gone
  21. Shell Rotella T 15w 40 is what I have been using in 5 of the 6 Ventures that I have owned. I have never had any problems at all with it and no clutch issues, use away.
  22. 1st off, do you need them right now. The reason I say this is that MANY of the Ventures have cracks in the boots, as long as they aren't leaking it's not going to hurt anything. That price is way steep too unless he's doing all the work and that would still be a bit high. I have seen many cracked carb boots, but never 1 that was bad enough to leak. If your really worried about it spray some either or carb cleaner on the boot and see if your rpm's pick up. That will tell you if they are bad. I know some folks have used liquid electric tape and painted it on the boots to ensure there wasn't a problem.
  23. Yeah too late to reschedule, thats Ok though, as long as we get them the monies life is good. Lonna and I are going to Marathon it, we'll be leaving from my work next Friday at 11 am and will ride all the way down to Bowling Green KY. Saturday in the morning we will head out to Memphis and meet you at the Flying J. If anyone wants to hook up on this run get ahold of me and we'll se what we can come up with. I'm looking forward to this as well
  24. As many have mentioned it's about the comeraderie for me. I think it is a primal ideal with many of us to belong to a clan, not a gang, but a clan. We share a love for riding and wouldn't rather be anywhere else but on the bike with the wind in our face. It's also the hope that mankind might be able to pull it's head out of it's arse and share a bit. This can be a very unselfish group and thats something not seen often in this day and age. Tell her to get on a bike and put some wind in her face and she will have an epiphany and then she will know
  25. No...you can't go with a larger diameter wire as it wont fit into the coil. You weren't able to get a set eh?
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