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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. I was contemplating coming over on Saturday, but didn't want to push it with Lonna's hand. If we can make it and the weather cooperates we'll come. This weekend is Memphis Tennessee
  2. Very good news my Friend, looking forward to hearing good things about you
  3. You sure know how to kick a guy when he's down there Steve
  4. Regardless if it is shopped it still looks cool
  5. 1 bump incase someone hasn't seen it
  6. Jeff, Lonna and I are leaving my work at 11am on Friday and are making it down to Bowling Green KY. Friday night. We'll be leaving early on Saturday morning and meeting up with Ebat in Nashville and then on to Memphis. I do hope you folks make it, it will be good to see you folks again
  7. Well I'll be damned!
  8. Jim, I dont know if you have plans, but why dont you shoot across to Memphis on saturday and meet us for the St. Judes donation
  9. If your reading this bro, take this in the right context.... What are you thinking! You know we love you and worry about you, you only have to let us in my friend. We miss having you here and I do hope that you get your behind back here soon. As always, all the best and your in our thoughts, dont MAKE me come to St. Louis and kick your tail
  10. Very nice to hear and see...give my girlfriend a big hug for us
  11. Hell I must really be out of it Thom...I didn't even know you moved
  12. Atleast you stayed the course and went for a ride
  13. Good to see you 2 home and safe
  14. I want to see pics!
  15. Just can't get no respect here
  16. You are changing the amount of flow through the carbs and this will effect how the carbs work together. The sync will make sure that all of the carbs are opening at the same time. Anytime I ever screw around with air intake or exhaust I always check the sync, it has always been different each time I have played with them.
  17. Lewis, The Ronald McDonald house sounds great, I'm looking forward to it. I want to put something in perspective though, Bobbie and I haven't got our Tattoos yet as there hasn't been enough time for us to make that happen with them on vacation and just making the minimum so late in the drive. We are working on having the ceremony of getting on Nov 8th in NC. This isn't in stone yet, but is what we are working on. I dont want to give any conflicting info to folks and just wanted to be sure that folks know what is in the works. Definitely no foul, but we dont have the ink yet...more on that to come Thank you again my friend for all your tireless efforts with all of this, it is GREATLY appreciated
  18. Nice pics there Spanky, it's always fun to get together with others and put some wind in your faces. I see even Bob and Becky made an appearance
  19. Well....alright then, just like Lonna with the coffee in the morning
  20. Agreed, a definite carb sync and you should be good to go. If you have a colortune available then I would see how the fuel is burning, but I have not had to put a jet kit in any of my RSV's just by changing the exhaust and filters
  21. You betcha
  22. Then why the heck are you still online...get on that bike and go mister!
  23. I wish we could come, but Lonnas hand is still not up to snuff. I hope many take advantage of this and get out for a ride
  24. Bill, I'm quite proud of you buddy, that snarly aspect of your persoanlity is subsided very well. Your post are now very informative and eloquent in a Snarly Bill way. Your doing a fine job as the head organizer of our '09 rally....good job Bud
  25. Sounds like a fun day...perhaps you should host a Meet and eat and show us them roads Bet you there would be more than 2 RSV's there
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