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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Good to hear your on the mend and got somne wind in your face Steve. Your grill is on my list and I will be ordering one here once I recover from the trips I have been taking
  2. DanO, Thanks for sharing quite an intimate part of your life here. I too have had animals that have had to be put down for their suffering. My parents Beagle was almost 18 years old when my Dad had to put her down. She had arthritis so bad in her hips that she couldn't walk. I have only seen my Dad cry twice in my life, and that was one of them, I felt so bad for him as his heart was broken. Funny thing is, he went hunting for bunnies on a winter day a few years back. Out of the woods comes this little cat, right up to him from out of nowhere and obviously living on it's wits in the cold. It followed him all the way home and came into the house. Now my Dad has never been a cat person, so he was going to try and find it a good home. When the 1st person came to see it, it ran and hid in an area that he couldn't get to it....the cat now lives with my parents and I swear, that it IS my Dad's Beagle Freeway. It acts just like the old girl, and it makes my Dad happy. So as 1 door closes....another may open in the area you least expect it my friend. BTW.... if you scratch me just right I may have that jumpy leg twitch
  3. I would think that it would, send them an email and ask for the center to center hole dimention and compare it to the width of your Venture.
  4. Give a few hundred miles for the tires to break in, I have run many different tires and for me the Avons have been the best I have used. Run the pressures near max and tune the suspension. I think that you will find the Avons will stick like glue once they are scuffed.
  5. I don't know Mini, but I would like to say right here that I am all for folks coming up with ideas and acting upon them. I have some thoughts about what I may do, but that wont be for some time. I would love to see others pick up the banner and run with it. I know that Snarly Bill has said he will have a 50/50 raffle doing the same as Lewis has at Vogel. I would like to see all our rallys have something like this, it would be nice to make this an annual pilgrimage and give St. Judes or the RMDH donations every year from us. I want to throw this out just FWIW the annual budget of RMDH in just Memphis (there are over 200 hundred of them world wide)is 2.1 million a year. The Daily expense to run St. Judes is over a million dollars a day, more than 1/3 of a BILLION dollars per year. This is a life changing thing, and I now know why Lewis trumpets it's cause so loudly
  6. What a weekend! I will spend the rest of the week recovering But it was SO worth it. Can't thank everyone enough for the great involvement, what a fantastic 2 1/2 days. We ended up putting on 1761 miles in 58 hours I suppose I still believe that I am young, but this trip told me otherwise I can't put into words right now what's going through my mind. This was one of the best things I have been able to do in my life, and that is no lie. To be able to honor a man that I loved being with, while only knowing him a short time was unreal to me. Being able to help little ones showing such courage, is what life is coming to be for me. To be able to serve a higher purpose and leave the planet a little better than you stepped into it, is life changing. As much as we will play down our importance of giving some money away, it truly is a huge thing. The meaning that was and is, in all your hearts, is what life is about. I am very proud of this group, I am proud to call you all my friends. I hope we have MANY more years together, to grow old and tell lies. Enough mush....here's some pics BTW...I am all for going back to Memphis, it looks like it would be a very cool town to check out!
  7. My body doesn't feel like it was a leisure ride ....but I would do it all over again in a second
  8. Good to hear you got to spend time with the boys from Ontario...we'll at least Gary
  9. It's been said well my friend, you have done so much to make notice of St. Judes. I am very proud of you, you deserve all the accolades that you get. Thank you again for stepping up and grabbing the bull by the horns. ....and Bill....Mark was with us, I can assure you that
  10. Rich, As it has been said many times, bike or not, no matter what brand or style, this site isn't all about bikes anymore. You never have to leave unless you dont want to be here. There are a few of the other members that have given up riding and still join us in their convertables. I would suggest that you just show up to any M&E in your new ride and have a great time. I can understand about being gunshy, Lonna is still a bit after our accident. Give it time and if it's meant to be you'll be back on 2 wheels again. If not then you will show up in your Toy....it's all good my friend
  11. Bob, I think about our meeting quite often, life is always full of surprises and we wish you the best with what you are dealing with. Just for the folks out here, this is a very nice machine and Bob is very stand up and will be a pleasure to do business with I am confident
  12. One day at a time Cindy, we'll be her for all of you and we will all go through this together.....in our thoughts as always.
  13. Very nice there Brandy...Good on ya!
  14. Holy Cow! I swear that we are a bunch of Masochists, I dont have the exact miles, but it is over 1700 for us in 58 hours. What a weekend, I can say it enough to all Thank you for all your support in this effort. I wont go long winded as I am pretty much dead right now, but you all know the folks that put this together. Please give them a big thanks as this wouldn't have happened with out several key players, and I'm not talking about me. I'm going to bed and will bore your ears off tomorrow...Good Night!
  15. Good on ya Tate, I hope it's all you want it to be. Take care of yourself and say hello to mom for us
  16. As always Nancy, it's good to see the Mean Dog green light on. You can bet that we will take lots of pics for you sweetie, lots of love to you folks and we'll catch up with you soon
  17. It's good to see that you are doing better, as hard as it still is, we still think of you and Leslie often. As always my friend, we are always here and the phone is always on.
  18. Thats interesting, I have never seen any of them, but then a gain I wasn't looking for one on a Harley or a Wing Learn something new everyday
  19. What a chore for you.....having to eat all that good Cajun Cookin
  20. I have used the 15W40 for many years on the Ventures. I have never had an issue with it and usually changed it out about 4K miles. It will let you know too when it needs to be changed, with the Dino it will start to shift just a bit harder. I have never used the synthetic version as i never had anything new enough until now.
  21. Don, That might be doable, my cell # is in my profile, I'll get ahold of you once we figure it all out.
  22. If I'm not mistaken there is already a magnetic plug on the bikes, I know the 1st gens do.
  23. You will not find a plug and play wiring setup as all bike mfgrs state that your not supposed to tow anything with a motorcycle. Nobody will make one due to the liability.
  24. Yeah...it sucks having to work for a living, we'll see you there with a big check
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