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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Squidley


    You sure know how to hurt a man Kreg
  2. Yeah...it means upgrading or getting with the times, oh sorry you ride a 1st gen
  3. Squidley


    You folks are all heart, I truly hope someday we can repay you for your generosity
  4. I dont think that the stock pads are rated that way. I know you have heard us talk about the EBC HH pads, them being sintered. It might feel a bit funny at 1st as they will more than likely grab at different rates. I usually keep my old ones if they are in decent shape for spares as I have had some folks come over for maintenance and realise that their pads are almost completely gone. Thats when I tell them that I have a spare set to get them by....had to do that 2 times so far.
  5. Cool Beans!
  6. After my wife's and my accident in Baton Rouge this January I was very hesitant on having my wife back on the bike. I know I couldn't have prevented the accident, but I felt as bad as I ever have knowing that she was hurt and I couldn't do anything to prevent it. I'm glad to hear that yours wasn't terrible.
  7. Nate, This is just me talking here so take it for what it's worth. I would replace all of them and be done with it. You can keep the good spare set of pads for an emergency, but for the $100 to replace all the pads, it's just cheap insurance....
  8. Squidley

    Plug wires

    I have purchased a couple of the sets on eBay and they work great
  9. With your mind I'm almost afraid to ask what you have up your sleeve
  10. Steve does an excellent job on them, it's on my short list too
  11. Cool stories....laughed pretty hard at a few of them
  12. Yeah.....But it sure is funny Looking forward to meeting you 2
  13. Your doing good there George, wish I could say the same, 4 months and 9300 miles for me here
  14. It's good to hear that you folks Voted I am proud to say that Lonna and I did also. took me about 10 minutes and Lonna was about 20, we voted at different times. Had good feedback and the polling place, said that 1st thing this morning the line was wrapped arouind the building. I agree with Owl too, no matter how you vote, just do it!
  15. Nah...I'm cool with it, I have to say that getting this Tat wont be any worse than some of the pain my back has been putting me in lately. I am getting excited though, I always love to hang around with you folks BTW FWIW we are leaving Pontiac from my work on Thursday afternoon and staying in Columbus at a friends house then driving all the way to NC and spending the night somewhere there on Friday and Saturday nights. I sure do wish we had more time to stay and visit...but I'll take what I can get
  16. I dont know any of the roads in San Diego.... yeah lame I know
  17. You also have several timing advancements that can be dialed in with it. This will help you out in all the RPM ranges, I know that I am planning on getting one before next years season starts.
  18. Tim, Here is write up I did on how to run a permanent line for an MP3 player or GPS hook up. You'll just have to decide where to put the device on the bike. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=3905
  19. You bet....gives a bit more insight on that member, I have to say that yours makes me laugh my butt off. Like metioned above...how is Mom doing, still think about you folks often
  20. Alternator is called the stator on the bike, it's on the left side lower forward engine case.
  21. Buy It!
  22. It's funny that this has been mentioned, I have never been real happy with any of the Ventures charging systems. This is totally off topic, but I stopped at a local H/D dealer to ask them what the new H/D touring bikes put out.....45 amps! Yamaha is starting to not impress me all the time here with some of the numbers. As mentioned there are upgrade stators that can be installed, and the RSV is a great machine. But you might have to limit how much heated clothing you use
  23. Good work GW...and thanks for remembering me with the pics, I hope to see that machine soon.
  24. I really don't think you'll regret it Craig, if you dont like it, you can take it off and sell it for what you have in it. It really wakes the bike up with raising the rev limiter, you remember how you used to push your 1st gen to 8K on the tach
  25. Thank your stars you didn't crash....I know how that one works out
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