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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. I like the looks of that
  2. Yeah...but just dont loose your windshield like last year
  3. Here is specifically what your looking for http://www.starmotorcycles.com/star/accessories/acscitemdetail/5/4/83/404/all/all/51/0/detail.aspx and here is the entire site http://www.starmotorcycles.com/star/accessories/acsubcontaineritems/5/4/83/404/all/all.aspx
  4. Dave, I will offer you the same as I do all our Ontario members, you can send it to my place and come over and we'll put it on. I can tell you that I have done many things with the hitches on the back of the bike. I made a carrier out of Aluminum and polished it up that would hold an additional duffle bag for whatever. That worked out real slick, I also have over 20000 miles pulling trailers behind both 1st and 2nd gens. To be honest you forget it's behind you most of the time, just have to change your riding habits and keep bigger distances for stopping. Your more than welcome to take me up on the offer to ship it here and we'll take care of it till you make it over
  5. If he does...I have some ocean front property in Arizona I would like to sell you
  6. Ivan, Your in the right spot for info, but it sounds like a heavy challenge is ahead of you. 1st gens are good machines and properly tuned will scare the hell out of you. Many good comments here, I'll throw in a few also. Ventures are VERY fussy on electrical, make sure ALL of your connections are clean and tight. The solenoid has a blue and white wire running to it, make sure it's clean and properly connected. Make sure your ground cable is absolutely clean, it attaches to the lower right engine casing and if corroded will give problems. The computer screen on the dash may also have issues, there might be a problem with some of the soldered connections on it that may need to be address. There is info in the tech library for this. The carbs also need to have the floats properly adjusted, there is info on how to adjust float levels also here. It sounds like you need to strip her down and 1 by 1 go through and check all the connections. I have redone a few 1st gens and it's a tedious process, but we'll be here to steer you in the right direction....Welcome to the site, hope to see more of you here
  7. FWIW... I have run about 4 lbs of pressure in the front shocks, it seems ok to me. The rear shock I run about 35 to 40 lbs solo (I'm about 300 lbs) and when were 2 up and loaded I run 55lbs. I dont like the bouncy feeling the bike gives with minimal pressure in the rear shock. It's really all about how you feel on the bike, you'll have to expiriment with different pressures as no one is quite the same. I have one of the progressive hand pump in the trunk and wouldn't be without. As mentioned it's a must have in my my bike.
  8. You know we dont care what you ride, keep yourself around here more often. I look forward to hearing what your experiences are with the H/D, I wont lie, I am thinking about one myself.
  9. Interesting concept...but the thought of having cars flying above my head scares the hell out of me. It's bad enough with the ones on the groud that you can see
  10. Good for both of them and best of luck in their future....I'm sure your son will continue to get you in trouble though
  11. The nerve of some people...I'm with Don....ban him!
  12. You folks make me very proud, it's good to see that we can get behind a good cause and help others that are less fortunate. I want to make some perfectly clear here, if you donated and you would like the gift that you earned by donating whatever amount, then please let me know privately with a PM. There is and will be no hard feelings, if you want it, then you shall have it. I am very proud of all the folks that donated monies, and some may feel better about their experience if they have a momento. So by all means vote with how you feel about it, nobody here will know who decided to take their gift. I really mean this with all sincereity. Thank you all again for your efforts and donations
  13. Wellllalrightythen
  14. Now wouldn't that be a cool sight to see
  15. I do that also, both are really great ways to get them to seat
  16. Hey All, I have been talking with Lewis and he has mentioned to me that the folks that donated for the St. Judes Tattoos are eligable for some gifts. Now the gifts vary upon how much was donated up to $34.99 is a St. Judes Lapel Pin, up to $74.99 is a T shirt, up to $149.99 is a Hat and $150.00 or more is a license holder for your car or bike. There is a problem here, this offer is only good for 1 week and we have to have an answer by Monday morning. This might be a nightmare, but we (Lewis and I) want you folks to have the choice to accept these. Now there is another option that Lewis came up with and I really like. His thoughts are that we break the donation amount down and get 165 pins or a combination of that and shirts and sell them on the site in the classifieds. We could either put them up for auction, or fix a price and sell them outright. The monies that we make off them could go right back into a St. Judes fund that we are working on. The choice is all of yours that donated, we will do what the masses want, although you could really make us work our butts off with a certain answer Let us know how you feel, I will put up a poll up top that we will use for the decision. I will make it so that those of you that donated anonymosly can also stay that way. Thank you all again for the donations that took us to almost $3300.00 for St. Judes
  17. I have to agree with you on that one Jonas, sorry Skinny. I used Metric measuring when I built armored assalt vehicles that were built using Austrian prints. The metic system is so easy for measuring it's stupid. But I will agree on the 350 sounding much better than a 5.7 litre
  18. Dave, Depending upon what hitch you end up buying, we can probably do that. I will make a suggestion here for one that is super easy to install and very affordable, it's made by one of our members Venturedad, here is his website http://www.venturedad.com/index.html I can literally have one of these installed in less than 15 minutes. I had one on my '99 before the accident. If you want, you can bring the bike over to my house before maintenance day and we'll put it on here.
  19. I recieved mine on Wednesday, there's some good info in there. I wanted to get a bit more info on their recommendations about trailer construction. There was a bit in there and if folks want to learn about hauling a trailer then this is a good book to start with
  20. Squidley

    Asheville video

    Gunny, I have found that folks with the digital recorders that run off a mini CD have that problem. I have a Sony that uses the small tapes and it works perfectly for mounting to the bike
  21. Actually she doesn't know anything about it...but you might want to butter her up just for goodness sake
  22. Boomer...you crack me up! and I'll bet it was him
  23. OK Folks, We haven't had a good practical type joke in a while....so I'll be the typical culprit and start this one. As many of you know this last weekend down in NC Bobbie (Sleeperhawks Mechanic) and I got our inking done for the St. Judes Donation drive we had. Lonna and I drove the wagon down to NC as the weather wasn't going to permit the bike. We stopped for fuel and I found a "Gift" for Lewis. I thought he might be showing up and I was going to give it to him there....we'll he couldn't make it ....but the "Gift" was still in NC. So now what I'll tell you all what, a bit of an enigma for Lewis. Lewis now has to catch up with his "Gift" as it is now starting a trek of sorts around the country. You see, this "Gift" will be continually changing hands at M&E and such. The person that travels the farthest, on 2 or 4 wheels will take the gift with them to their home. Only to take it to the next M&E they go to where it will then continue on, until Lewis is at one of the M&E's that it makes it to. I also want to add that this is strictly voluntary for folks to participate in. If you dont want the responsibility of having it, then please dont take it. This is all in fun and I dont want this to be a burden on anyone. I wont devulge what the "Gift" is, but I can guarantee you that he will love it. Now what I want to do is let everyone, including Lewis know who has the "Gift" David Duquette AKA Riderduke has it in his posession in Virginia. The next M&E Dave gets to is where the "Gift" will be. When the "Gift" changes hands, either the person that handed it off or the recipient will then post in this thread who has it and where it's located. So now all the pressure is on you Lewis, you have to hunt down your "Gift" and nobody is to tell you what it is. You'll just have to go get it to find out....happy hunting my friend
  24. It has a Yamaha engine in it
  25. As always Cindy we are thinking all the best for all of you. Thank you for continuing to let us know how it's going. Give our Girl a big hug from me....keep the faith Kiddo
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