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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Nice looking trailers there fellas, I am going to keep mine stealth, as I still have to build it. But I can assure you it will a one of a kind, just like everything else I do
  2. Thats not a bad price on that jacket, I have been wanting to get something like that for a while now. I might just have to see what you think of it and go from there.
  3. I liked that one, put wind in your face however you can
  4. They are WAY cuter than you
  5. Lonna is going to work on this today, I would think that since we are blocked in under Venturerider that they would be able to move the block. As soon as I get how it is all going to happen I'll let all of you know
  6. Cool Beans! Rest easy sister, soon enough he'll be back home
  7. Hey All, I just recieved a phone call from Tweetie Bird and there is a bit of a snag Don just found out that his work has him sceduled for some sort of corporate meeting on the weekend that is planned for Maintenance day. He just found this out today during his trip to Minnesota that he's on right now. I know it's a bit of a PITA but we will be having Maintenance day the following weekend, which is June 6th. Fortunately it's still 7 months away and I dont think there will be any serious issues besides perhaps Jonah on his travels here to the USA. We will be getting with the Oberlin inn and working on getting it all moved around there. Don will fill in some of the blanks when he comes back home, but Maintenance day will just move forward 1 week. Don is extremely apologetic with all this, but I dont see any real big issues beside a bit of phone calls to straited rooms out. He and I appreciate your understanding and if you have any questions feel free to send them to me. Don will only be on sporatically due to his workload this week....Thanks as always.
  8. Well folks it looks like everyone is in favor of auctioning off the gifts Lewis has had them sent to his place and probably in a few weeks we will start to put them up on the site for auction. Thank you all again for your support and lets get some good auctions rolling for St. Judes
  9. Very good observation Jeff, and Mini....Russell or Black Owl or Cerberus or whatever he is going as keeps a late night vigil But you folks are usually tame, 'cept for you and Peggy in chat
  10. I'll throw this out, make sure all your vacuume hoses are connected and in good shape. Check the rubber caps on the intake manifolds and the 2 hoses that go to the # 2 & 3 cylinders, turning the idle up too for now so you can check the carb sync.
  11. Holy Cow! I hope that one has it's shots....thats the meanest one I have ever seen!
  12. Jonas....your going to be a wreck by May
  13. I was kinda fond of Black Owl....but to eaches own Cerberus So are you trying to tell us that we can check out, but never leave?
  14. That is a nice looking bike, curious...what changed your mind after riding it?
  15. There is only the one on the bike and it's for fuel spillage. I took mine off all of my G2's as I really didn't care for the look, rest easy your baby has all that it is supposed to come with
  16. I have used Zanotti H/D in PA. they are pretty competative on prices and have never steered me wrong. Flatout motorsports is also a very good dealer to use, I haven't heard of anyone using Cruiserplus.com
  17. Good to see that it's you typing, I know all about going down because the rearend going south. Sometimes it seems like russian roulette riding with all the idiots out there, it could have been so much worse as I'm sure you have thought of that. Take the time to heal up right and we'll see you back in the wind.
  18. It sure is nice when you get to meet another Venturerider...all by accident
  19. I know you have heard it before, but you definitely dont need to be on a bike to be there. The rally dates are August 3rd thru the 6th Bill, If this works out I'd be willing to help with maintenance, I know others will chime in with volunteering
  20. Not at all, it wont hurt the shocks, I have one and that is how I plan to have my bike all winter
  21. That is going to be nice once it's all together, I always love to see something different on the bikes....good job
  22. This is the pump that many of us use, I have one in the trunk of my bike http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/detail.cfm?model_ID=0&Category_ID=14&manufacturer_ID=39&product_ID=5364&related=short
  23. I just knew Don was a zillionaire....here's the proof, He OWNS a town in Ohio! And to think he was trying to pass himself off otherwise
  24. Here is pic of mine with the covers off, I think it looks way better than those ugly covers
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