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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. There you have hit on the quandry, if your into longer touring the larger bags on the 1300's are great. I had a problem with the saddlebags not staying closed on my '84 and I hated that. Of all the Ventures the 1st gen MkII bags are the best as far as space and being able to carry more goes
  2. I'd love to!.....but wait, I'm further than 150 miles from Fayetteville
  3. I'll have you know this is a family site and we'll have no 4 letter words or pics of THAT stuff openly displayed on here!
  4. I beg to differ my friend, in '06 when Lonna and I took our 28 day 10000 mile trip on my 2nd '99 we were in Wyoming. Matter of fact we stayed in Evanston right at the Utah border....but I am planning on coming to the Cody Roundup, you guys are doing a fine job with the planning
  5. If you like fried chicken...you'll love deep fried Turkey. This was my 2nd one and like you saw in the pics...there wasn't much left, ours was only 10 lbs. George and Kenny...dont be the pot calling the kettle black there guys
  6. The ones up top are FLB's bird....this is whats left of ours
  7. Jacques, I know that the stainless brake lines are a big improvement to the system. I also use EBC HH brake pads as I haven't found anything better. If you haven't gone through the master cylinders I would do that. Keep in mind as it has been said that the bike has a linked braking system. The rear petal engages the rear brake caliper and the left front caliper. If you dont have that part of the system working right your loosing LOTS of your braking power. Keep us updated on your progress and we'll help you out as much as we can. Just wish across the pond wasn't so far away, wouldn't mind coming to France and help you with it and see Paris too
  8. Mike, Many of us just make sure the tank is full and either Seafoam or Stabil is in the tank. I have never heard of anyone fogging the cylinders and I personally never have. I wouldn't put a cover over it either unless it was being stored outside and in the weather. A cover will build condensation and could start corrosion if it's in a garage.
  9. Sorry but my picks would just be of the bones...we did just what you did Forrestt and deep fried ours Yum Yum!
  10. Chris, Some folks use the Oddessy batteries and have very good luck with them. I have seen a couple that didn't work out so well, but thats few and far between. I usually stick with the stock replacement which is a Yuasa. I have had good luck with them, but I tend to swap out my battery about every 2 to 3 years. For me it's cheap insurance to not be in Wyoming and have a battery crap out on me.
  11. True to form Forrestt, there are certain things (or people) that are a given
  12. Jacques, Thanks for coming on, dont worry about the english, it's just fine. The problem with your bike is that you can't put the R1 or The R6 calipers on it. The forks on the 1300cc ('86 and up US models) are a different configuration and they are the ones that will accept the different calipers. The only way to upgrade to those calipers is by swapping out the fork tubes from the triple tree. Others will chime in and we'll get you on the right path
  13. Jonas, Just for you Happy Icecube Day!!!
  14. Well I happen to know that meeting up with other members is just what the doctor orders here. I know even if the skies are gray, hanging with the group always makes me happy. We'll just have to work everyone through the winter 1 gray sky at a time As always...all the best to all our members
  15. Lewis, I will say that I am sorry for having to pull some threads, I dont like to do it and neither do the other Moderators, please believe me that it is never taken lightly. It's all about damage control and removing fuel from the fire, sometimes toes get stepped on. The Red is under consideration, but like I have said we as a collective group (The Moderators) talk together before we take any action. Please bear with us as all we do is always to make this place better for all......I suppose we better get you your "Gift" before you snap
  16. It's 9am east coast time, GB is 5 hours later so it's 2 pm across the pond.
  17. Mike, Here are a couple of threads on the R1 R6 calipers http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=29391&highlight=calipers http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=27170&highlight=calipers
  18. No rush Buddy, I'm wondering how it would look on the '08
  19. Sleeping In!
  20. The ride home will be worth it....very ugly here, gray and cold, I think I'm going to get addicted to Prozac for all the gray skies that I will have to deal with for the next 4 months BTW Happy Thanksgiving
  21. Good News Kreg, Let her know that we are thinking of her and hope for a full and speedy recovery. Happy Thanksgiving to you folks
  22. I say we try to research them a bit, perhaps a manned submersible, to see them in their natural state. Don has said that the pond is pretty deep so this might be an option. I too have swam amongst the creatures, fortunately that have never harmed me during my leisure swims
  23. Mike, They are referring to going with the '86 and up fork systems. They changed over to 4 piston calipers and better rotors on the 1300 series Ventures. Many further upgrade that by going to R1 calipers for even better responce. The MK I as they are being called had a solid type rotor face and twin piston calipers. They aren't the best setup and there isn't anything else that is interchangeable with them as far as I know. It is looking like a complete system overhaul is what is needed to help this member out.
  24. Thank you Lou.....
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