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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Only if you put it in before it goes into the grease
  2. How could a sweet guy like you get on peoples bad side
  3. Jacques, Thanks for the offer in France, if we can get there, you'll be the 1st to know. I think what I would focus on with your brakes 1st is new pads and the Stainless Steel brake lines. I know that Rick H at Buckeye Performance carries the Stainless lines and I'm sure there wouldn't be a big deal to send them over the pond. If he doesn't do over seas shipping then send them to me and I'll get them to you. Make sure that all the lines are bled properly, the linked portions are a pain to bleed right as they are hooked into the anti dive system. It can be a big chore to get it all bled right. Keep us updated and we'll steer you through all this....Cheers
  4. Smart man you are That is good to hear, we'd have to track you down and drag you back kicking and screaming
  5. Cool Beans!!!
  6. John, The comfort of the Venture was the reason that I bought them, for both of us. I have ALWAYS wanted an ST1100, or in this case it would have been an ST1300. I still like to play in the twisties, and I wouldn't have needed all the bags on a bike going solo. The RSV is a great fit for Lonna and I, but for solo riding I would like somthing a bit lighter and more nimble.
  7. I think all of us that have had a bike accident feel the same way. I know that even though I was wanting to get back on a bike within 2 weeks of our crash, I was very apprehensive. I remember the 1st time I got the bike back up to 70 mph, it felt like I was going 100. I came home and my body hurt from being tensed up. It's something that if you continue to ride after an accident, you have to work through. It's good to see and hear that your demons aren't controlling you, good job my friend
  8. I know it my friend, probably not gonna happen this year, monies are very tight due to all the surgeries we are paying for. Rest assured if we come into some sheckles...we will come down to Houston again
  9. I dont know about Baseball....but I do know that YOU are Vintage
  10. Try again Pops
  11. Well....Daniel, It's good of you to be concerned with my inner need for speed, I really do appreciate it. Perhaps when the weather breaks enough for me to come down to you WE can go for a ride....just the 2 of us, and you'll see how "Slow" the G2 is.....Wanna play....Skinny
  12. Kreg, Thats not quite what I am looking for, but I sure do appreciate you posting up the pics buddy
  13. That 3 headed dog was one of the inspirational characters that I was talking about BTW....How you been??
  14. We do that to you too Dave
  15. Mike, You can run it with that in there, your gonna have to sooner or later. It will probably run like crap as I find my 1st big ride of the year I want to run that tank out of it and start with fresh. I too try to go for a ride on January 1st, as long as the roads are dry and have been free from salt for a while. If the day is above freezing and sunny....I'm going for a ride!
  16. Buddy, I can relate to what your going through, you probably remember when Lonna and I wiped our bike out in Baton Rouge on January 2 of this year. I can honestly say that I was ready to get on a bike within 2 weeks after the crash. Get back on the horse as soon as possible, I do believe that statement. Lonna was a little more apprehensive about getting back on, but she trusts me and my ability, so she too got back on with me. Thats the only reason I bought a new Venture. If she would have called it quits, I would have bought a different machine. I wont lie and say that crashing doesn't come into my mind, it does, more often than it did before. But I'll be damned if I let fear win, I don't back away from anything, and if I'm meant to die on a bike...then I will. I know there are others that have either triked their bikes or got rid of the scoot and purchased smaller convertables. They still ride with us and have lots of fun in their new ride, that might be an option for you. All the best in your recovery, and as always, were here if you need to chat
  17. He's been here long enough to know that he doesn't need a bike to be here. I'm fairly confident he wont be going anywhere, he can always show in a cage
  18. The Vogel Hillbilly Tour
  19. Looks like that worked Boss
  20. It is a bit narrow, I just noticed it on a post I just did 2 minutes ago...could you try again boss
  21. Nah....you have to look at the source of who's saying all of it, it's just Dan and we NEVER pay attention to him
  22. Looks VERY good, the little ones will trip out when they see it...nice job!
  23. I did one of those about 2 weeks ago, mine was 17 hours
  24. Lonna is still sleeping, and even though I might be able to make it there by 9am (If I go 300 miles an hour) she wouldn't be ready....go ahead and start without me
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