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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. All depends upon the model & manufacturer
  2. I absolutely believe that Don, met one of our LEO members in Lusk Wyoming on vacation and then 2 weeks later in Worthington Mn. where he is a cop when we were headed to the 1st PIP. It is a freaky feeling but very cool
  3. Dan, Here is a good writeup that Wayne did on removal of the rear wheel. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=4660 Torques are rear axle nut - 110 ft. lbs. 4- pig bolts- 30 ft. lbs. Rear Caliper bolts- 32 ft. lbs. I always just snug the 4 bolts to start with, then tighten the rear axle bolt. I tighten the pinch bolt to hold the rear axle shaft to tighten it. Then after it is torqued loosen the pinch bolt and let the swing arm find it's center, and re torque the pinch bolt to 14 lbs. Then I go and torque the 4 pig nuts (that sounded bad) to 30 lbs in a cross pattern. Others may have other input on this but this is how I have done dozens of them and I have never had any problems with over 100000 miles on all of my Ventures or anyones that I have done. Hope this helps, if not shoot me a phone call and we'll get it rolling my friend
  4. He doesn't have to go for it...we can use mob mentality and just assit him in seeing the light
  5. Some folks are forward thinkers there Daniel
  6. Man she is so narrow minded
  7. This is just me Jay, but I would be concerned with having 2 shields to look through about distortion and fogging up. It's an interesting helmet, but I tend to look at things and try to keep them simple. LOTS of moving and pivoting parts, my real concern with that would be it's durability. For the price though I dont think if it did puke out that you would be loosing a lot of money say like with a Simpson or Arai.....0.98 less tha a buck
  8. Thanks for the card Jack
  9. I agree with you my friend Um are you trying to say something Mo
  10. NO!
  11. Be safe and have a Merry Christmas
  12. Looks very easy to navigate and I dont see anything that gave me problems. Chum Chow is a different name, but if you like it then I dont think that I would change anything....0.98 less than a buck
  13. That looks like Chewbacca from Star Wars...that would be my guess
  14. I'm going to extend this sale till Jan 1st, just in case folks missed it
  15. Looks like a lot of us have voted, twice as many votes for it now than for the 2nd place one
  16. Same to you my friend....I still have to stir the pot every once in a while
  17. If your not busy, would love to see you at the year end M&E on January 10th in Algonac http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=30266 Just a bit over 100 miles for you and I KNOW you'll have a good time
  18. Merry Christmas Tom
  19. Not to get this thread going, but I agree whole heartedly with you. If in fact this is the truth, and corporate has sent that message down the pipe. I would contact them and absolutely let them know how you feel and that you will be the worst word of mouth to them. I purposely say Merry Christmas to everyone that I come in contact with.
  20. Merry Christmas to you Craig, best wishes for you and the missus
  21. I stand deferred to a higher power, sorry Deb
  22. Gizmo
  23. Brian, Nice scoot, but you know better, we dont care what you ride. Merry Christmas to you and hope that you'll decide to associate with us come riding season. You sort of owe us an up close look at that H/D
  24. Merry Christmas to all you folks across the pond
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