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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Looks very nice, I'm sure you'll get lots of happy miles out of it
  2. Either that or you have a LOT of cassettes left over from the 70's and 80's
  3. Kick a man when he's down Thanks Randy
  4. I wish I could say that, bought mine 2 days before you and I only got 9300 miles on her before I had to put her up
  5. We'll just laugh at you and share the story at every M&E we go to
  6. I agree too with Don, but you will probably find that they are still good at 40K. I haven't heard or seen of too many Ventures that are out on the valve clearances.
  7. Ken, I have a question that I might be reading into. Does the bike feel too tall for you? if so the seat mod will help, but you may want to consider LOWERING the bike. The leveling links will actually make the bike higher. If you lower it and use the narrower front tire, I believe you will cure your feeling of top heaviness. The RSV is tall in the saddle and some of our inseamed challenged owners have a hard time with the bike in it's stock height.
  8. Very Nice, I too like the MM editions
  9. Ashamed of ourselves??? How about some of the stunts you women pull here Hmmmmm, and I'll be there at Maintenance Day. Just be sure that you have a good hold on those whips as all is fair in love and war
  10. Me too!
  11. Yes, she did like the card, I usually do get her one for Christmas
  12. As tacky as it sounds, just being able to be with my family. We had a great Christmas dinner at my Dads house. We all know how Lonna and my year started, so the simplest things seem to mean the most. I did get a nice card for Lonna as we agreed not to buy anything for eachother.
  13. I wouldn't pull one without electric brakes, the braking system on the Ventures is less than desireable. I know I will have arguement to this statement, but when your pulling something that weight half as much as the bike empty, then load it, I want all the brakes I can get
  14. We missed you too Deb.....with every shot so far
  15. Dont quote me on this, but I believe that a few of our Canadian members have Bunkhouse trailers. Ramblinman, if I'm not mistaken, has one, I know others will chime in soon
  16. Sad news indeed, Al was a big help to Rooster in the planning and execution of the '08 Rally in Kitchener. He will be missed, but now rides with now worries or pain RIP.
  17. You mentioned something about insane in that sentence.....
  18. Ah yes...to be young and somewhat brainless I was there at one point in my life
  19. Ron, Great to see you on here again, I know you have had a terrible year, but your still here to talk about it. When we get back down to Houston, we'll bring another cheesecake....you know the one that DON took with him after you left the DQ
  20. Your killing me Jeff....and I thought that we were friends
  21. I try to every year, this year might not work out....but if the roads are dry and no salt, I'll fire the gal up
  22. Cliff, All the best to you Bud, back surgery is no walk in the park. I do hope that it does help you out as you need, your in our thoughts and hoping for fast healing for you
  23. ...and cold, but by god all the snow has melted and it rained for 2 days. Then the wind blew the roads dry with 50 mph winds....and I finally got a fix and took the bike out tonight for about 45 minutes. I can see what a miserable S.O.....well you get the picture. It sure did feel good to get some wind in my face, even if it was 36 degrees. This PMS is really starting to break me down
  24. Glad to hear that Rhonda's mom is doing relatively ok. As Lonna mentioned, if you need us to take Mom back to the Soo just say the word, I'm off all week. Heal up my friend and all the best for the girls, the phones on
  25. Larry's adapter is top notch and I have had a few G2's on the delixe one with zero issues, thats what I would use
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