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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Wouldn't that be Cushiony
  2. Yeah you ain't a kiddin' there, you can't afford to loose anything
  3. I have installed several of these stats and have never drilled a hole in them. Never had any adverse effects on the cooling system.
  4. Shoot me a PM right now Mini and how much you want to loose, you can start right now
  5. The narrower front tire has a smaller contact patch, so your observation doesn't surprise me. Also at highway speeds in a good wind it will be a bit more loose due to the same thing. Commander is a good tire, and is my 2nd choice to run on the Ventures
  6. Cool Beans!! gotta laugh as the little one is covering his face for the camera
  7. Another one to spoil Ian...good for you my friend
  8. I believe that you are looking at this fantastically, your celebrating his life, and sharing a little fragment of it with us. Thank you for thinking of us like that to share it. We grieve not for the one that is gone, but instead for ourselves. Like the others, it's sad to hear of your loss, but you had lots of great years to look back upon. How fortunate you are to have such a treasure. Irish Tombstone Prayer Death is nothing at all, I have only slipped away into the next room. Whatever we were to each other, that we are still. Call me by my old familiar name, speak to me in the easy way, which you always used to. Laugh as we always laughed together. Play, Smile, Think of me, Pray for me. Let my name be the household word that it always was, let it be spoken without effort. Life means all that it ever meant, it is the same as it ever was, there is absolutely unbroken continuity. Why should I be out of your mind, because I am out of your sight? I am but waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just around the corner. All is well, nothing is past, nothing is lost. One brief moment and all will be as it was before... Only better, infinietly happier, and forever we will all be one together with Christ.
  9. I have seen that....some unreal burgers there
  10. Mini, Of course you can join in! Think of it like this, if you pledge to loose 5 lbs and 20 others pledge to loose that, thats 100 lbs that we can collect monies on. If someone donated .50 per lbs thats $50. Just so folks have a better understanding, folks will donate towards a TOTAL weight of all the members that want to participate. Lets say that all our weight we want to loose comes in at 1000 lbs. (keeps it simple for the math) folks will bid accordingly towards the total. Lets say a member pledges .05 per pound thats $50 should everyone meet their goal. If they bid .01 per pound would be $10....you get the idea. It may seem a bit hard to grasp right now, lets just keep this thread for those that want to volunteer. Once we have them, I'll start another thread that will be for the donation part after we have a total weight that will be donated against. If anyone has any questions PM me and we'll get it all squared away.....lets make '09 our best one
  11. Thats the guy, he still sells them and he's out of Canada. Very reasonably priced, I bought one for my '08 last year
  12. Keep reading Pete...I know there will entertainment here Best wishes on the healing, do what the doc says and heal it up right, we'll catch up with you eventually
  13. I have a Morgan Carbtune and like it. I know some folks have had issues with the rods sticking but many times it's because of lots of useage and dirt getting into it. Take them apart and clean them and no more issues. I know it's not the only one out there, but mine works just fine for me
  14. Yes I am Kevin, my goal is 35 lbs by MD I'm right at 285 now, so 250 is my goal for this. This is just the pre screen to see who wants to loose the weight. There is no minimum but like I mentioned be realistic, many of us are past that 40 year mark and some are WAY past it I am a fairly trusting soul, in the fact that I believe that the majority wont cheat on this. Send me your weight in a PM and we'll do the weigh in at MD. There will be another thread where the members can donate to the total weight that all of the volunteers decide to loose. Right now we'll just get folks involved that want to do the actual loss. I'll write down all of the weights that folks want to loose and we'll total all them out. We'll keep this thread rolling for a week or 10 day and then cut it off. Then we will start getting members to donate for it. As always thank you for all that have already jumped aboard...stay tuned
  15. You must wear glasses....I have never been viewed as cute and cuddley
  16. No....it wont fit, different connection points.
  17. Hey Folks, Well here we are at another New Year, I know many have made resolutions ( I hate that word) and will try to change a negative in their life. Darren (93 Venture) came up with what I think is an awsome idea to raise some money for St. Judes. His idea is for a weight loss for money to donate to St. Judes. I have thought over the holidays what might be the best way and this is what I and some others have brainstormed. We will get some volunteers to be a group that will attempt to loose the weight. They will come up with a weight that they think they can loose before Freebirds Maintenance Day on June 6th. Folks would then pledge so much per pound on the combined total weight that the members want to loose. There is a twist to this also as we want folks to be realistic in their attempt on loosing weight. If someone says they want to loose 40 lbs and they only loose 30 they have to pay lets say $1 per pound that they didn't loose. Keeps people somewhat honest and motivate to lose the weight they said they would. As mentioned if your going to participate in this, BE REALISTIC! dont say that you want to loose 60 lbs in 6 months. This will be a total of all the goals set by the individuals. There will be a second thread started once we have the volunteers where members can donate however much per pound. So what do you folks think....are you up for the challenge??
  18. Good to see you on again Clay, I know how it can be to wait some of that crap out. Keep yourself safe and we'll catch up with you at some point...thanks for what you do my friend
  19. Not to worry my friend, plenty of me to go around (yeah I know...wide open on that one)
  20. All good suggestions, but I would think that if your bike is THAT bad vibrating you would notice it. The seats on the '05 Midnights are pretty hard and could cause pressure points. The Carb sync is a great place to start if you have a carb tune set up. A quick question...does or has your wife had back problems in the past?
  21. Your '05 doesn't have pillow tops, that would be a good start as they are really comfortable. I would also talk with Rick Butler on this forum about reconditioning your stock seats. He installs memory foam and a tail bone relief and many have had this done with excellent results. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/1023/cat/7/date/1161840513
  22. Your gonna need the tallest shield....6'7" Holy Cow!
  23. You drive a hard bargan Vic....looking forward to seeing you at Maintenance Day
  24. Yes it can Peg, I dont think this is a man VS woman post, there are some things that others just wont understand. Just human nature, but it is interesting in reading the responces
  25. I'm playing hard to get, beside the best things in life are worth waiting for That is a real good way to get to my heart, but I stand on firm ground and it's gonna have to be REAL GOOD food!
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