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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. I have to say that I am jonesing so bad for a bike ride that if in your spot I would do just that!
  2. Thank you for bringing it to our attention Chris, we appreciate you folks at Flatout and will continue to do business with you folks
  3. I have to say that is is great to see you squirm. It's going to be twice as funny if nothing is going on and you are just viewed as being paranoid
  4. Put it on the trailer and get it to dry pavement
  5. Be like Roadkill and weight yourself BUCK NAKED!
  6. Got you both down...now all I need is Vinnie's
  7. I will say this, it's not uncommon for a Venture battery to puke out. I have seen it several times, sudden death syndrome I call it. It's not an epidemic, nor should my statement be taken as it happens all the time. I have seen them be great 1 day and dead the next for no apparent reason. One thing I will say is that the Ventures, all of them, are very marginal with the charging/power systems on the bike. They are very finecky with power and will run like crap and give lots of headaches with dirty connections and whatnot. The Oddessy is a good battery, but I have had great luck with the factory Yuasa. I personally swap out my batteries in my Ventures about every 3 years. To me it's cheap insurance to not have an issue when I am 1000 miles from home.
  8. I personally wouldn't think so and if it were mine I wouldn't bother changing anything. Seeing it's coming off the battery directly and is plenty enough apms to handle additional load. Just be sure that the relay is atleast 30 amps as well.
  9. ...and when you do post on the site it's with such vigor Good to hear that you got out, I know that I sure as hell need to get a fix, or some good drugs to numb myself up until I can ride
  10. Thats a nice tractor there, one that was made to last. I wouldn't mind getting something like that
  11. Thats a pretty nice looking helmet George, I'm interested to hear if anyone has one
  12. 2 major culprits there that you took care of, many never think of the vaccume caps or lines. I'm sure this will make a huge difference in the feel of your bike for both of you
  13. Like cold water in a swimming pool
  14. ....and seeing we know you and Shari I know just what her posture is and how it flows from her lips
  15. Start complaining....I'm ready to mow the yard again
  16. Gotta give Bob SOMETHING to stir the pot with
  17. John, I was just talking with a fellow Texan about you today. I know that all the well wishing can be overwhelming and prolong the healing process. All you need to remember is that there are dozens of us here that the phones are always on and always ready to talk with you when you need to, even if it's about nothing. You dont need to say words my friend, we know what your going through....Thank You for coming on and letting us know that your still kicking....Lots of love brother.
  18. Personally anything in the southern rock Genre Blackfoot, 38 Special, Lynard Skynard, Molly Hatchet. Train Train, Highway Song, Flirting with disaster, Just about anything by Bob Seger, Steppenwolf, The Doors. Radar Love, Bohemian Rhapsody, Brain is in overload right now
  19. 1st off Keep up all your good work, you can all make your goals. I want to take just a couple of paragraphs here and chat a bit. Keep in mind that we are all different and loose weight differently. Dont get discouraged if you have dropped 10 lbs quick and now feel stuck. This isn't a race, if you loose the weight fast you will gain it back fast. I know this isn't the same for everyone, but I have started to notice that I eat way more than I need to. One of the 1st things that I believe anyone needs to do before they try to loose weight is to downsize their portions. Exersize is one of the keys to keep weight off, you can loose weight without exersize, but you will keep it off better if you regularly exersize. Now this may seem kinda funny to some of you, Big old fat Squidley talking about how to loose weight. Way back in another life....I wasn't so fat, matter of fact I was an inch and a half taller and weighed 178 lbs. I worked out everyday and ran a couple miles on the beach when I was stationed in Mayport Florida. As many of us do, we get comfortable and thus lazy and get out of shape, but we can change that if we want to. Right now I am working out at my powerplant as I dont have a gym membership and it's been below zero for quite a few days here. I have been walking our stairwell which happens to be 9 stories tall. Let me tell you something, those stairs are kicking the crap out of me! I mention this to give you folks simple ideas of things you can do to get your heart rate up. I also want to stress that Stretching will greatly help all of you trying to loose weight. I have been doing nothing but stretching for the last 5 or 6 weeks and I haven't had to go to the chiropractor in that time period. Here is a guide at what you should be doing as far as heartrates VS age http://www.healthatoz.com/healthatoz/Atoz/common/standard/transform.jsp?requestURI=/healthatoz/Atoz/hl/fit/card/aroexcer.jsp I want all of our volunteers to loose all the weight they want to, but I want you to loose it safely. Good luck to all of you and just for those of you that can't imagine a "Skinny Squidley".....here's a picture of me at 24 years old While I was in Uncle Sams Yacht club.
  20. I haven't owned or seen a 1st gen that didn't leak antifreeze in the cold climates. It's pretty much normal and the only thing besides changing out all the gaskets and O-rings...is keep the garage heated.
  21. Roy, Here is specifically the light many are talking about, it's the model QH-7CC http://www.optronicsinc.com/competition.htm They ahve the #'s for the replacement bulbs up top of the page
  22. Dont bank on that, look at the market value of it, if it's over $10K I'll bet they will try to fix it. I wont get into the insurance aspect of this thread, but I will say that in a hard crash you will have future problems with the bike if it is fixed. Electronics that take a hard jarring loose a lot of their life expectancy, if it's that close to being totalled, I would let them have it.
  23. Well as an authorized communicator from King Donald the III I do have the responsibility to keep you folks informed and sometimes entertained. It's a position that I take very seriously and would not want to let his Majesty down due to my laziness....how that Oh look...another post
  24. Thank you SS I appreciate all your generosity, and everyone that has and will donate....I hope we dont have to give you change either
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