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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Looking forward to the pics, and very good to see the hermit coming out of his cave...yeah you Allan Good to hear you folks had a good time, we did also here in Kitchener at Marcarls M&E
  2. Yeah I had one just like it, mine wasn't in as good a shape as that one, but was pretty close. I'm sure that it will make someone a nice ride....I'm thinking no more than $3200 this time of year.
  3. For those of you that never had the opportunity to meet Darrell, you missed a very good man. He always had a smile and was quick to crack a joke. It saddens me deeply that Darrell has been called back home, albiet with our creator, still our loss is felt. Darrell, may the winds be at your back and the sunshine on your face...you will be missed my friend. On another side note, Darrell was the president of the MTA (motorcycle touring association) and the 1st Canadian to hold that spot. This truly is a huge loss for the riding community.
  4. Ohhhh Sherry, Now you should know better, how many times have you tried to lead me astray and it's never worked. You go ahead and get involved...we'll work on ours too
  5. There are a lot of things that folks dont know about me....... Besides it's easy to see that isn't me, I dont wear 3/4 helmets silly
  6. Secret admirers....how sweet
  7. OK.... I want to bump this back up top, one for keeping it in eyeview and 2 to start a bit of a plea. We have 9 people that have put up donations towards this, Thank you to all of you. I'd like to see some more donate to this, I know money is tight right now, it is for many of us. I want to give a little breakdown of what donation totals would be for the pounds that we are trying to loose. .01 per pound = $5.67 .02 per pound = $11.34 .03 per pound = $17.01 .04 per pound = $22.68 .05 per pound = $28.35 .06 per pound = $34.02 .07 per pound = $39.69 .08 per pound = $45.36 .09 per pound = $51.03 .10 per pound = $56.70 I'm not asking for a donation if your having money problems, but if you can steer clear for a 10 spot or a 20 please help us out with this. Thanks to all for the support and I hope we can make a great donation towards St. Judes with this
  8. My thoughts exactly...been 2 days and they still aren't gone
  9. So how close are you digging your hole next to Buddy
  10. Thanks Dave
  11. Must be some sort of story behind this one
  12. Hey Jack! Great to see you back my friend! It appears that life is falling back into place and as one door closes another one opens. Many of us here know the pain of dealing with divorce, so we know the path you have and are walking. Very good news on the new bike and the new gal, I do hope you will bring her around on the bike. Perhaps a trip to the "Parlour" is in order Good to have you back with us and I do hope we get hooked up with you soon
  13. Thank you to all that bid on the items, I even got outbid Thank you too Lewis for stepping up with this and grabbing the bull....way to go my friend
  14. Boy you said a mouthful there, kinda tough on you to not say something isn't it Yammer, use the trusty old blue wrench (torch) or some PB blaster, either works well
  15. Seems to me that this mystery person has you pegged pretty well
  16. Let me interject here again, this site is what it is because we really dont have a lot of rules here. It's pretty easy going and laid back, thats why it stays pretty civil here. If anyone is annoyed by things that might not be posted in exactly the right forum perhaps there is something a bit more bothering you than a misplaced thread. We will continue to move threads that are just in the wrong area, but please dont get up in arms about it. Some new members are a bit shy to start posting to begin with and if someone is knee deep in their rears about posting in a wrong area it might very well just shut them off. Lets try to help folks along with this and it will all smooth out, PMS season is in full force, and like many of you other northeners I AM cranky too!
  17. I got your back Buddy, Cindy and Mini seem to scare some of the boys....but it takes a lot more than that to scare me....Bring it on
  18. There is truth in that Jim I know that I will move posts if someone mistakenly puts it in the wrong area. Most of the time it is a new member not familiar with the forum. I will say though that Don adds things to the site that even I'm not aware of. I have to be diligent to search around the site from time to time and see what the Boss has added
  19. Now I am blind....Thanks!!
  20. Oh yeah! a certain Red and White sign....Yum!
  21. Dennis, If you go with one, go 10 ft long, I would suggest that you do the mesh bottom and add some treated 2X12's lengthwise. This will stiffen up the trailer a lot and keep road debris from coming up from underneath. The mesh will add additional support also, here is a pic of what I built out of a boat trailer to haul the RSV on when I absolutely have to.
  22. Come on folks...Gary isn't a dummy, he took her to one of the only people on the site that could scare her away. It was a test and for good or bad she decided to stay, maybe that should be scaring us
  23. Nice shots there Ruffy, I see the former KW trains with bumble bee was there too
  24. Hmmmmmmm
  25. I still like calling him 3 headed dog man
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