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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Tom, I have come onto the weight loss post and mentioned that we only have about 10 people that are going to donate. I'll kick it up again here tonight and see if we can't drum up some more sponsors
  2. Hey I would take a free 1st gen, and resell it
  3. Hi Charlene
  4. Too Cold 4 me....Brrrrrr
  5. Funny Guys I'm not going to add anything that Don hasn't said, I have STRONG political views that I dont share here. I also very rarely share them in person, many folks wouldn't like how I would handle the current problems in this country. That being said, the moderators will delete any content, and ban anyone stirring the pot with politcal statements. All the Mods know who the troublemakers are in this area. We dont get into religion here very much, but politics seem to always creep in. If you want to fight with people about politics, go to their webites and bash eachother to death. Don is one of the fairest people I know, I on the other hand would have banned several members a long time ago. I'm just here to help him keep an eye on it See not that long winded Eddie
  6. That would be a DARK Silver there mister
  7. That would be a safe assumption, I have big shoulders....I can take anything this crew dishes out for me Easy there Father Time....or I'll give you a smooch to boot
  8. Hey all you 1st genners... I wanted to post up that I have only 6...let me repeat this 6 sets of driving light brackets left for sale. I will not be making these again and once they are gone...there gone. So if your on the fence about buying a set, dont sit too long as I will be putting them up on ebay tonight for auction.
  9. Thank you Bruce....we will try very hard to be there for the family.
  10. MMMMMMM....shiney
  11. Nice bike Ole....but then I am a little biased to the color
  12. Yeah....I do know
  13. Squidley

    eye of a needle

    Thats Nuts! No way I could ever believe that being done, just beyond my comprehention
  14. Be thankful that it was of a skinny body and my head instead the 285 lbs one that it's currently attached to
  15. I have had that since mid November, take two pills and call me in the morning
  16. Your still out of your mind Chief
  17. You know you better be careful as I might find one of those and put my FAT you know what in it and take pics to really make you gouge your eyes out
  18. I feel the pain...I haven't been on my bike but 1 time for 45 minutes since mid November
  19. Thats funny! BTW I like the new signature....we have to do something about that real soon
  20. Been there, was on a bridge too, 2 seconds faster and Lonna and I would have been dead. Always be aware of your surroundings
  21. They will work fine, put them on and ride
  22. They might not say anything...but I have some footage of a Suburban following you and passing you going the opposite directions on the way to a Yamaha BBQ Love the new name
  23. You can definitely tell it's PMS season here in the north
  24. Holy Hell! I never had legs so hairy and their ain't a snowballs chance in the place Russell guards that my legs will ever be than spindly. Nice banana hammock you got me in there, not that anyone will catch me in that even if I do get thin like that I never knew the other ladies were in such good shape
  25. Ken, I have had 3 of both gens, an '84 two '86's two '99's and now an '08. It all depends upon what you feel comfortable with and your money situation. The 2nd gen to me is the bike for 2 up touring as there is plenty of space to stretch your legs out on it, both for the driver and passenger. The 1st gen is more set up like a wing in the fat that your feet are positioned underneath you, the G2 feet forward. I tried to go back to a 1st gen last year after an accident totalled our '99. It was very hard for me to get used to the riding position again, and my wife was not happy with the rear seat after being on a G2 for so long. As far as the best years to buy for a 1st gen, '86 and up in my opinion as the 1200 cc engines had problems with 2nd gear at about the 45K mileage mark. The very late '80's up to '93 when they quit making them were probably the most updated and would be the best bet as far as that aspect. Ride one and see how it feels, you will get many folks chiming in on this one so just sit back and watch the fun
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