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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Trust me...he is If you decide to go West, all the way to the coast, (BTW the coast highway IS worth that distance) keep in mind that you would be pushing it a bit on a 30 day trip @ 300 miles a day. Lonna and I did a 10000 mile 28 day trip in '06 and granted we hit 3 rallys we had to push it hard a few days (750 + mile days) and never less than 500 miles on any of the traveling days. If you make it north to my neck of the woods I'll offer you the same as I do anyone on this site. A hot meal and a nice bed to sleep in, I'll even show you a few nice places here in Michigan
  2. No worries Bluez, if you get a date that you want to do it, we can shoot over to you and install them at your place
  3. The slide and diaphram are 1 piece and as mentioned by Mini the needle is the removable part. You should take the diaphrams and hold them up to a bright light and look through them for holes. Also I have seen where folks have installed them wrong and the edge was folded over and not working properly. The 1st gen is very picky on the air box and it doesn't take much for it to make it a bit out of whack. Here are a few pics just for grins
  4. I honestly dont know how much I have lost, not much unfortunately. I have been working on changing my eating habits and eating less. I also have been doing a lot of stretching and walking all 10 stories of the stairs at work twice, I can feel the difference. It sucks as I was really getting to feel good last week early and then my back acted up. I spent all last weekend and up till thursday this week taking it easy as not to aggrivate it. Yesterday it was back to the routine and it felt good (although the weight lifting is making me hurt pretty good) It sounds like many of you are on a good path and are getting into a solid routine. Just remember to keep things liveable, I know that mentally training myself to scale back on eating and desserts is a big challenge. I'm real proud of all you folks for sticking to it, no matter how much we loose, it's good for all of us as we'll hopefully be around a lot longer to drive eachother nuts
  5. Wayne, I have to say that if you do an east coast US/Canada trip then I would suggest that you see some of the Upper Pennisula of Michigan. The "Mighty Mac" is a sight to behold and ride across. Michigan (outside of the SE portion) is a very beautiful state. The NW lower Pennisula is very nice, the Tunnel of Tres is a place to see and pretty much everything on the west side of the state. Post up an route and you might be surprised who would come to ride a bit with you...give a call or PM and I'll see if I can get you a few points of interest
  6. If you order them here and send them to my house they will be waiting for you when you get here. Ask and SW Ontarian about my "Storage Facility"
  7. That rear diff dipstick is a rare as hens teeth
  8. If you want to buy someone a D9 send it to me, better yet I'll come and pick it up
  9. Ron, Thank you for taking the reigns and drumming the support for the cause, very good of you
  10. We have a mass diet going on right now http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=30853 http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=31174
  11. Come on!!!.....say it isn't so
  12. Russell, He's talking about the main engine oil sight glass
  13. Great news for you and your deal on the house. Welcome back and keep us updated on how your doing
  14. All good advice, Seafoam can cure a LOT of problems on the Venture. Something I aways do with and older Venture that is running bad is ride it like you hate it once you put the seafoam in. All the Jap bikes that I have owned seem to run best when you ride them like that once in a while. I will say to do a complete tune up on the bike, Plugs, Wires, Caps, have a good start point for all your maintenance records. Welcome to the club and if you have any question never hesitate to ask, there are no dumb questions here
  15. Nope...sight glass is all you got, be happy that the 1st gens have a center stand to check it on. The G2 doesn't have one and it makes for a fun time trying to do it by yourself
  16. Just got back from doing our about an hour ago, actually getting money back ....and yes that nice "Stimulus" was taxed too
  17. I dont have to try and do that....you do fine all by yourself
  18. I'm kinda surprised you being 5' 11" and not touch the ground flat. I'm within a half inch of you and I do, my inseam is 32". You might want to consider the Barons lowering kit for the rear if your concerned about it. That or have Rick Butler Mod your seat and shave some of the center out of it to lower you further.
  19. Bluez, I'll offer you what I do for every member, I have installed all those items on 3 different G2's and if you want to come over to Michigan once the weather gets better I'll help you install all of it.
  20. Sorry were too honest to do that....but thanks for your support
  21. Gene....I also dont think Lonna saw it yet, so the last cheescake of hers that you had is probably your last
  22. Be safe Clay and as always Thank You for all you do my friend
  23. Right back up top...had 1 member interested and I will be putting the rest up on ebay by weeks end
  24. I always try to buy items made in the USA, it's really just common sence. Problem is that it's VERY hard to find items made here anymore and thats just sad
  25. You really do want to get yourself killed! Folks, dont click if your faint of heart or easily offended...dead serious
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