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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. I forgot to ask....did Dragonriders "Gift" get passed on??
  2. EBC HH thats all I use
  3. That could be quite useful going through Detroit
  4. You will need 4 of them if you are going to use them to syncronise the Venture. There are some folks (V7Goose) that have made a sync tool like that. I personally like the carbtune, I have one myself and it works great. I would think by the time you made a gauge setup out of 4 of those gauges and it being somewhat unruly to negotiate with it would be easier to buy a carbtune
  5. Did you just break your tounge saying that Because it just broke my ears listening to it
  6. I dont know that the clamps don't look good, of course this is just my opinion. Many folks that just look at the G2 and the R/K mufflers for the 1st time wouldn't be able to tell that they aren't factory.
  7. No sweat...you'll see it mid week
  8. Great pics! looks like you had a hell of a party going on for a few nights Good to see all the familiar faces and some new ones BTW Muffin, I want some closer pics of that rack my friend
  9. You big Sissy! Hey Cindy dont you have some dishes to do or vaccuming that needs done in the house! See Dale thats all there is to it
  10. ChoppersCycle.com is where I buy mine at, I doubt the Harley dealer will have them. http://www.chopperscycle.com/page/VTS/PROD/42-264/24032
  11. Ok folks.... I have sold all the Driving light brackets, there is 1 set left that will go to the international rally to be given away. I want to thank all of you folks that have purchased these from me in the past
  12. I'm #1 Lewis I'll take one for $10, give me a day or 2 to get some sheckles in the paypal account and we'll make it happen....Thanks again Buddy
  13. I find that a good lawyer can get past that, and I dont know anyone that would sign anything stating that it was used when they paid a new price for it. It sucks because I LOVE to fabricate and would build more things if it weren't for the liability. I have had many members ask me to build items but I just can't risk loosing money I dont have due to a lawsuit
  14. We all are...atleast up north where we can't ride
  15. James, If you still need one "Tell what I'm gonna do" you make a donation to Dragon Rider for the St. Judes fund and I'll send it to you, I have a left one sitting right next to me....how's that sound? BTW it is in excellent shape Heres a pic
  16. Cool
  17. I dont even have to look at the attachment to know that they are blowing a tire on the rim with the flammable cleaner. I have seen it done before as I used to run a tire store, nothing I would be doing
  18. We have a winner! This is exactly why I dont make items like this for others, not worth making a few hundred dollars to have someones lawyer take it all away. Unfortunate that the world is this way, but it is
  19. Lonna and I watch a lot of shows like that on the travel channel and food network. I have started to keep a list of cool places to eat and when were in or around an area where one of the food establishments are, we are going to stop in....I think it's a cool idea
  20. $22 thats a great deal as they are a nice looking light, could you post up the ebay link if you get the chance?
  21. I dont know how handy you are, but if your good with fabricating and have the area and tools....make one. I am planning on making a single rear wheel trailer to use this year. That being said I have 20+ years in welding and fabricating and this kind of stuff doesn't intimidate me. Just a thought as I'm sure that I will be able to make a custom 1 of a kind trailer like this for way less than a grand.
  22. No worries Rick, just wanted to let folks know in case there are little ones around
  23. I have a couple of 1st gen coils if someone wanted to try this out
  24. The tires can many times be something that just all of a sudden you hear or feel. I know when I have had tires (especially the rear) start to cup it makes the bike handle poorly and I feel it in the front end. Let us know how it goes and we'll be here
  25. Nice looking lights George (nice brackets too) How much did they run you?
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